Tuesday 8.6.2021
This day me and Heidi had a lots of fun. 😊
I took many photos of Heidi in her room when she had the dress that my mother gave. The headband she ofc drew off her head. xD I got some good pictures of her. 😍
This day me and Heidi had a lots of fun. 😊
I took many photos of Heidi in her room when she had the dress that my mother gave. The headband she ofc drew off her head. xD I got some good pictures of her. 😍
We walked to the shopping-mall (Trio) and went to H&M to collect a package that I ordered to Heidi. (Do you remember the swim-suit that I ordered). After that we took a walk to the foodstore and then to our nearest playground. 😊
Heidi were swinging and riding the slide too. Then we were exploring the bushes and trees there, plus some flowers too. 😊
Then we walked home and I vaccum-cleaned the whole apartment! 🤗Rest of the day we were at home, having a regular family day. 😊
Oh yeah, I was doing some online shopping too! My foundation is soon endning, so I ordered foundation, concealer & one nail polish. You will see it in my next post! 😊
Photos from this day:

Visiting Heidi's playschool for the 1st time!
Hiiiii guys! How are you? 😉 I'm fine! 😊
Hiiiii guys! How are you? 😉 I'm fine! 😊
Heidi woke up at 4:50 AM. 😩😩I was REALLY tierd and I was like "nooo not now Heidi"! But nope, Heidi wanted to go up. 😅 So we went up, we were watching tv and playing in the sofa. I was so tierd, I almost couldn't open my eyes. 😴
At 7:00 AM we ate breakfast as usual. After the breakfast Heidi felt asleep in my arms so I lay her down in her cot. Then I took a shower. 😊
After the shower I fixed myself and me & Heidi went to her new playschool for the 1st time! Heidi was crying & crying because of the all the new people, and all the children. It's a whole new place, and so many people so ofc it gets much
for her. :/ Our little baby.. 💗
She cryied alot but everything went well. I was signing some papers & an nanny had Heidi at that time. She was just screaming all the time, haha omg.. Poor Heidi..💔 But me and Tom must work! We can not affort that I am just staying home with Heidi
right now. That's just life. Still, Heidi doesn't need to be in the playschool 5 days in week. No, no, no. More like 2-3 days /week because Tom is almost always free at some of the weekdays, because he is doing much work at the weekends instead. Plus
that Tom will leave Heidi late everytime (I begin work early in the morning), so he gonna leave her sometimes around 8-11 AM o' clock because he always begin work different times. Then I am going to pick Heidi up every time after work. 😊
It's surely going to be hard for her and us too the two first weeks. After that it's going to be fine I guess! And Heidi is going to get a lot of friends! 😊
At the end, everything is going to be just fine, that I know! 😍
After the visit at her playschool we went for a walk. It was very warm outside! So we went to our courtyard, and Heidi was trying to eat all the grass and plants that she saw, and I was stoping her 1000 times. 😂🤣 Yeah that was it haha!
Then we went home. 😊 At home we were playing, eating and so on. 😇

Pictures from this day:
A sunny day with my friend & Heidi
Hellooo what's up everybody? It's so warm here! Now it's summer for real!💛
Hellooo what's up everybody? It's so warm here! Now it's summer for real!💛
Heidi woke at 5:30 AM, like almost everyday lately.😫 *Puuuhh*
I'm so tierd all the time now a days. I hope with all my heart that she wakes up at 7 AM or someting soon, because I need some sleep. 😴
Today me & Heidi went to the foodstore, buying some diapers & pasta, then we went to the post and picked up 2 packages. It was the bath- armbands to Heidi & the 3 bodies that I ordered. If you wanna read about what I ordered you can click at the "Babyshopping!" bottom, wich you can find in the category-list. 😊
After the foodstore and the post we walked to a playground. I was swinging Heidi in the swing
& Heidi was then crawling around in the playground. 😍 It was sooo warm! Really, really, hot. So I gave her little milk and smoothie in the shadow.
Then we walked to a bench in the shadows, waiting for my friend. It was a little boy playing with a basketball there and Heidi LOVED to watch him play. 😁
When my friend came we took a walk to the market-place. She bought a coffee & then Heidi felt asleep in the stroller. We were talking and sitting in the shadows, looking at people. Looking at the life in the city, in a hot summer day. 💛
Later me and Heidi went home. We ate at home & played. 😊 I was fixing the laundry and then Tom came home. After a while I put Heidi to bed. Then me and Tom watched FIN - GER playing ice-hockey! OFC FINLAND WON! <3 Finland is going to the final!! 😍

Sunday + monday
Hello guys! How are you? 🤗
I'm not gonna blog about my sunday, because; really. It happend nothing special at all that day! Just a boring, normal day. 😜
I'm not going to write a detailed text about my monday.
Me, my mum & Heidi were at the shopping mall (Trio). I bought a birthday present to my mum because her birthday is at the 1st June. She is going to be 48 y/o! 😍
I bought a take away coffee mug to her. My mum have talked about it for a long time that she wanted one, but never founded one. So we found one and I bought it to her like a birthday present. 😊
Then me & Heidi went to the foodstore & bought some food.
After the foodstore me & Heidi was in our inner courtyard. She was exploring the grass, flowers and some leafs. After a while we went home.
Did your week started good? Please comment down below. 😊
Pictures from monday:

Super long playing day outside with Heidi & mum
Hiii guys! I hope everything is good with you. 😊 Everything is fine with me/us. 😘
Hiii guys! I hope everything is good with you. 😊 Everything is fine with me/us. 😘
Tom was working at this saturday So my mum came by, and we went out for a walk. First we went to a store (Rusta) and my mum bought a blanket and something more I don't remember now. 😅🤔
After the shopping we walked to a playground. We were playing with Heidi there for a while, then we walked home to me again. 😊
We all 3 ate together and afterwards we all three felt asleep. 😂 My mum slept in our sofa and me & Heidi in the bed for like 1-1,5 hours. 😂
When we all woke up, Heidi ate little & my mum drank coffee, I just drank water. Then went out again. 😄
We walked to another playground this time, and there it was quite many people. Heidi were swinging, crawling around, I helpt here riding the slide, then she was playing in a little car. When Heidi was sitting in the car it came 3 children more and played with her. 2 of the children was on the roof and a little boy was next to Heidi & laughting. It was so cute. 😍 Heidi was like "What's going on? 🤔" 😂
When we had been playing for a while we walked to a greek-store & my mum bought a sause and then she bought olive-oil to us. 😍 Thank you mum! <3
After the greek-store we went to a new second-hand boutique that opened for a while ago. So we wanted to look for clothes to Heidi but we did not find something in her size.
So after the second-hand boutique we walked to the food-store. Then my mum went home & me n' Heidi too. 😊
In the evening me and Heidi just took it easy, we eat and then I was putting Heidi to sleep. Then I just chilled. 😜 What a long weekend! With a great weather. <3 Soon the real is summer here.
Pictures from this day:

Paavo is eating my roses. 😤

This was at the first playground of the day. Her socks is sitting little wierd. xD I did not take pictures from the other playground.

Paavo is having a snack. -.-
Visiting the 4H farmyard + lunch with mum & Heidi
The morning begun like usual with breakfast, diaper changing, playing & breastfeeding Heidi. 😊 And yes, ofc with some little cleaning too. 😉My mum came by at the time when me and Heidi were showering. After the shower I did my make-up and prepared everything for out little trip! 😍
Me, Heidi and my mum went to a hamburger restaurant (Hesburger) in Sokos, and ate some burgers & milkshake. Heidi drank little milk in her baby-mug and ate corn-puffs.
After Hesburger we walked to our nearest 4h farmyard for watching some animals.😊 I love animals so much, and these kind of places. 💖 Heidi felt asleep EXACTLY outside when we came there. We were only 2 minutes away and then she felt asleep. So she didn't see animals at all. 😵🤣🤣 Hahah little boring but yeah, what to do? She is so little still and she does need her day-sleep. 😋
My mum was like: "ohhh why did she felt asleep now?" Hahah. 😂 Me & mum got some mum and daughter time, so it was really fun & nice! 😍
We walked back towards the city. Mum walked home & me and Heidi walked home too. 😊
At home we ate food and played, then we walked to the foodstore and back home again. 😌
At the evening I washed up some dishes & made greece-food.😊
How was your friday?
Pictures from this day (MANY pictures):

It's a chinchilla there. 😋

Shopping with my mum in Trio, 2021 = the year of rain?
Heeey guys! What's up? 😊
I didn't blogged yesterday. Nothing to blog about really. Me & Heidi was at the foodstore yesterday and it rained very, very much the whole day! Is 2021 the year of rain? Feels like it! 🤔 It's kinda charming thou'.
And yeah, my mum moved back to Lahti FINALLY. 😍 She have lived in Saarijärvi for some months to help her mum (my grandma 😊). So my mum was here yesterday and had a coffee.💝
About Saarijärvi, did you know that Pamela Anderson's relatives came from Saarijärvi? It's kinda cool! 😁
When Heidi woke up this morning I was SO tierd that I couldn't almost see. I had so much pain in my neck and shoulders that I barely could move. I told Tom that I must sleep, I can't go up, I had so much pain. So he went up with Heidi around 6 AM. I was awake 1-2 hours in the bed then I felt asleep again.
Then Tom lay Heidi beside me and she drank some milk & felt asleep too. 😍 Our little baby. 💖
Tom went to his work and me and Heidi was at home, cleaning Heidi's room. 😊 My mum came by and drank some coffee then she went home.
Me & Heidi went to a shopping mall (Trio). We picked up 2 packages from H&M that I have ordered. Just 5 pairs of socks to Heidi & 2 shorts to Tom. 😊
After that me & Heidi met my mother again at the market-place (Lahden tori). We went back to the shopping mall to a new open store there! (Tokmanni). The store has been in the shopping mall all the time but it was so small, so they moved it to a much bigger local. Wow it was much bigger than I thought! 😜
My mum bought a mat to her new apartment and some other stuffs too + some food. I just bought diapers to Heidi and bubble water. 🤗
After our little shopping tour we walked to my mums new apartment. She moved in yesterday and it was so cozy already! Finally my mum is back in Lahti <3. Heidi were playing and having fun. She didn't wanna leave haha. 💕
When we came back home me & Heidi just eated very much as always haha! Heidi was playing of course & I had time to vacuum cleaning. 😁
Now I am watching at hockey (FIN-ITA) with my babe. 😉 Finland is winning ofc!
See you, byebye.
Pictures from yesterday (wednesday):

Pictures from today:

At my mom's place. 😋

Heidi baby playing <3

View from my mum. Look at the lake! 😍 The name of the lake is Vesijärvi. Now me AND my mum is living in the middle of Lahti City. <3

Lastly; a hockey meme! 😝
Working day!
Hello friends! Hope everything is fine with you all! 😘 Here everything is good, but I'm tierd like always this time. The clock is 10:48 PM! Time to brush my teeth and go n' sleep with my little family. 💜 Heidi felt asleep exactly at 7 PM. she was so tierd!
My job-day began at 9 AM at the hotel. ❣ Everything went really fine, but in the beginning of the day I was little slow. It takes time to come in in the working mode after a long time not being working. But after 1 hour the rest of the day went good. 😊 Haha! It was fun to work. 😁 I had only 5 hours work today. So that's not much. It went super fast!
Next time I'm going to work will be next week. Now Tom is going to work alot and I'm going to be home with Heidi. 💖
When I was at work Tom & Heidi went to a 4H farmyard. It had opening for the year today and I have been waiting for it so long! But I had to work. Me & Heidi will go there this week, maybe tomorrow? 🤗 So Tom & Heidi have been seeing Alpackas, dogs, cats, chickens, goats, sheeps, lamas, bunnies & so on. Heidi saw the animals and she: OF COURSE CRIED! 😂😅Like I told you in a post before, Heidi is sooo sensitive. She cryies for everything. To children, to babies, to animals, adults, yeah to everybody, everywhere. 🤣 Haha our sensitive little Heidi baby. 💞But when some dogs had ran to her there she laughed. Haha! So little fun she had at the end. 😉
When my work was done I called Tom and he said that he & Heidi was walking from the farmyard homewards. So I walked towards them, & then we went to the foodstore; buying some food.
After that we went home. We have just played here at home, I have been making some food and blogged very much. Watching hockey too ofc! FINLAND - NORWAY! Hihi. Finland won ofc! 5 goals to Finland! Yeeeyy. 😉
Yeah it was all for today. Now I must go to sleep.
Pictures from today:

At work. ;)

BIG meatballs a´ la Sanni

Do you wanna recipe of my BIG meatballs? If you do, please comment down below!
A day at the library + work contract is done + playing outside
Hello everybody! I hope you're all good. 😊 I'm fine! 😁
Me and Heidi woke up around 6:30 AM, almost like always. 😜 I have here porrigde with little home made mango + orange + banana smoothie. After that we played little and then we felt asleep beside daddy Tom. 💞 Me & Heidi slept really long actually! 1,5-2 hours something.
We all ate together and then Tom left to his work.
Me and Heidi went later on the day to the library. We leaved 5 books we borrowed last time & borrowed 5 new books. 😊
After the library we walked to the foodstore and then we went to our nearest playground. Heidi were swinging and riding the slide. 😘 My little angel.
When we got home we ate some dinner and after a while I brushed Heidi's teeth and put Heidi to sleep.
Now in the evening I signed under my work contract that I got online. So now the work is mine for real!! 😍😍 Congratz to meeee hihi!
Now I must brush my teeth and go to sleep.
Pictures from today:

We have big plants in out nearest library, do
Paavo is now senior & Heidi 10 moths old!
I woked up 5:30 in the morning like every day the latest days. Okay, I am defintely NOT waking up by myself! It's of course Heidi who is waking me up at 5:30 AM. 😝 Our wild little child. 🙈💓
Our mornings is almost always the same. Change diaper, I am playing with Heidi or then she is playing alone (often with or cat staring at her 😂) and at the same time I am doings some dishes and cleaning the kitchen a little bit.
Her first breakfast is always breastmilk, then 7:00-8:00 AM Heidi is getting her real breakfast (baby porridge.) After her breakfast I'm breastfeeding Heidi again. She is mummy's little milk baby, what can I say? 😇
Tom was at work so me and Heidi went to the foodstore. We bought some cat-food & cat-candy to PAAVO BECAUSE IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY!! 😭😍 Then we bought diapers and some food. 😊
After the foodstore we went for a walk in 30-40 min. At the same time I talked in the phone with one of my best friends<3 & Heidi FINALLY sleept little. Heidi never wanna sleep at daytime, so when she does I am delighted. 😌
I made a cake for Paavo. Haha in the bottom it's special tuna for cat's and the top layer were smokey beef meat. As topping I took a meat-stick (beef-flavor) and some dry catfood as decorating. 😜
Paavo is now 7 years!!!! Now he is our senior!! Old little Paavo. 😻😭💖 It is so hard to understand that we have had him in 6 years soon. He was only 1 year when we bought him, and now he is 7 years already! CONGRATZ OUR LITTLE SENIOR, -TIGER PAAVO.💛💛💛 We love you Paavo and you are our real family-member.
Oh yeah, I forgot! Paavo got his birthday gift earlier this week. A new climbing tree! He got so happy, and he deserves it. 😘 His old climbing-tree we gave away for free, and it came to a home with 10 cats! It feels wonderfull!😻
This day is more special than this. 😍Our little Heidi is too celebraiting; her 10 months day! ❣💗
Soon she is 1 year old! Our little angel.<3d Just look at her, this little princess we made good. Really good. 😚
Very much pictures from this day, so be ready! 😉 All this pictures is just from this day.

Midwife-meeting, barbecue in the countryside & 6 years togheter with Tom. <3
I started the day with eating breakfast with Tom. 💖 He was free from work this day.😊
I had a meeting 12:30 PM in Lahti City hospital with my midwife. 😊 My urine sample & blood presure was good. She listened to my baby's heartbeats and movements, and everything sounded really good! 😊 Then she was pushing her hand/fingers in under my stomach to feel how my baby's head was sitting haha! She said that the baby's head was really deep with her head in to my pelvic bone. She wants to come out hahah. 😉 Mummy's little girl. 💗
My weight is now 67,3 kg!! 😱 It's so much haha! Before the pregnancy my weight was 55 kg. So over 12 kg extra is really much for my 158 body. 😜 I feel like a fatso, but that's okay! Everything will disapeard after the delivery. 😉 Direcly when I can work out I will buy a card to the fitness-center. 💪 But first my body must rest 4-6 months after the delivery. 😇
After the meeting I went home, and me and Tom was planting basil plants in the balcony. (I gonna describe how we did under the photos.) 👇
Later on the day Tom's father came and picked us up. (Paavo too) 😻. Then we went to Toms parents out in the countryside. Paavo loves to run free there, hihi he is so cute. Tom was grilling susages and we were almost all the time outside in the sun. It was soooooo warm! 😎
When we came home at the evening we just took it easy.
This day, 12/6-2020 we have been togheter totally 6 years.
I LOVE YOU TOM LAURÉN, most of all & everything!
You will be the best dad, that this world have never seen before!

This pictures was from 2015!!

This picture was also from 2015! From our first apartment in Finland. We had NOTHING when we moved from Sweden to Finland. You can see in the background that we had a mattress on the floor. Not even a real bed. 😳 We have build our life togheter from zero to hero. Think babe, how much we have done, and how much more we can do. 💝 I LOVE YOU TOM!! Thank you for everything. 💞
Pictures from this day:

Cut of sticks from a basil plant. Put the sticks in a glas of water for some days so the sticks gets long roots. (Like in the picture). Now plant the basil plants with fine roots in mold. 💚
Like this:

From ONE plant, to 5 plants! 😄
Summary of the week.
Sunday, funday!
HelIo guys!! 😊 I am not going to write a detailed description about my days from tuesday until today like I otherwise always do. So I'm going to give you a small summary of my week with many photos instead, one day at time! 😊 Okay let's go, hihi!
This was a very wonderful day with my mum and her friend! First we went to the store & bought some picnick-food, then we drove to a place called Tiilijärvi in Hololla. The sun was shining & the weather was so good. 😎 We had picknick beside a lake called Vähä Tiilijärvi. It was really nice! 😊My mum gave me a baby dining-chair too! It's so beautiful, a pink one! Yeah, I know that our baby can't sit in it before she is 4 months or something, but good to be ready! Thank you mum!! 💕
When I came home I fixed my hair (setting hair-extensions). 😉
Pictures from tuesday:

I was accually just setting in hair-extensions. 😉 It was a very calm day, nothing special! No photos.
This day was so rainy!! I started to build the changing table in the baby-room but I didn't finished it. Hmm I don't remeber what I did this day so well haha! But I think that I was just cleaning and washing the clothes.
Pictures from thursday:

I were at the ultrasound this day. 😍 They said that everything was good! 😊Our baby is little smaller than normal but it's just genetical they said! I mean; I am 158 cm long 🙄, not even myself is a "normal size" human haha! So I am not suprised that our little girl is smaller than normal. Everything is still perfect they said, so I am not worried over her size. 😌😊💖
When I came home I continued with the building of the chaning-table, and finished it!
No photos.
No photos.
Yesterday (saturday):
I was building the crib in the baby's room, washing some baby clothes and other baby things. 😊 Haha I sleept 2 times on the day too! I have sleept on the day everyday recently. Haha I feel like a old grandma or something! But now when I am in pregnancy-week 35 my baby is taking much energy. So I need to sleep much now. 😴That's a big reason why I have'nt blogged since monday because I have been sleeping and resting very much lately! Ohh I just want my baby to come soon! It's not so fun to feel like a meatball grandma anymore hahah! 😅 No photos
Today (sunday):
I have just fixed in the baby-room, for the 3rd day in a row haha! 😁 Me and babe went to the food-store and then we made some food and ate some snacks. I sleept on the day too like ALL these days in this week, like; I'm not kidding haha!! 😂 I feel like a fat cat that just eats and sleeps everyday hahah. 😹
Here comes some photos of our baby's room. It is very much left to do, but here is pictures of what it looks right now. So the room is in a big progress! 😉

We gonna buy a changing mat soon. 😉

Other photos from today:

Breakfast I made today. ;)

Finnish ice-cream is the best ice-cream in the world. 🤤
school-day, face-mask & hair dyeing. HOW TO KNOW TO CHOOSE HAIR-COLOR.
Hiiiiii everybody! New week, new opportunities! 😉
I woke up 7:30 AM, and my school-lesson started at 8:00 AM via the computer. 😊 I had lesson just til 9:30 I think? We got a school-work that we had to do, and it had to be done latest at 1 PM same day, because then we had a second lesson for the day. So I was studying and having school from 8 AM until 1:30 PM, with 1 hour pause in between. So it was not a long school-day! It has never been long school-days now in this corona-time.
After the distance school I fell asleep only 1 hour at the sofa, and Paavo was sleeping beside me. 😻 So sweet!
After my resting I put a honey face-mask on my face and began to coloring my hair. 😊 The honey face-mask was really good, it was a mask that you must pull off your face after it had dryed. 😄 The mask was advanced for taking off dead skin so the face feels much "newer" and fresher.
The hair-color made me disappointed accually! When you buy hair-color you should not go after the color at the package, and nor after the name of the color. You should go after the numbers. This was number 6.0. Number 6 means that it should be light brown or dark blonde. (numer 1 is the blackest, number 10 is the lightest.) and the 0 in 6.0 means that the color is neutral. Like this:
The first number at the hair-color package means:
1 = Black
2 = Blackbrown
3 = Dark brown
4 = Brown
5 = Light brown
6 = Dark blonde
7 = Between blonde / middle-blonde
8 = Blonde
9 = Light blonde
10 = Extra light blonde
2 = Blackbrown
3 = Dark brown
4 = Brown
5 = Light brown
6 = Dark blonde
7 = Between blonde / middle-blonde
8 = Blonde
9 = Light blonde
10 = Extra light blonde
The second number at the hair-color package means:
What shade the hair-color have, example if the shade is warm, cold or neutral.
0 = Nature
1 = Ash
2 = Matt
3 = Gold
4 = Red gold
5 = Purple
6 = Violete
7 = Modern brown
8 = Pearl blue
9 = Cendré / Ash-blonde
1 = Ash
2 = Matt
3 = Gold
4 = Red gold
5 = Purple
6 = Violete
7 = Modern brown
8 = Pearl blue
9 = Cendré / Ash-blonde
So my hair-color should be 6.0, was more like 4.0... This was a new gel-formula that Schwarzkopf has started with so I wanted to try it out! But I feel like, nope, not again. It went out OK, but not good as it should be! The color wasn't right with the number of the result, nor even after the picture. Nothing! 🙄
After the face-mask and colouring I took a loong shower. After that I just took it easy and went to bed with Tom. 💖
Pictures from this day:

Paavo and my tummy 😍😻
My weekend
Our cat and my fianceé went to his parents out in the countryside. Paavo loves to be free in the country-side, so he can run free in the forest and in the fields. 😻
I stayed home and then I went to the food-store and bought strawberries, sushi and my favorite bubble-water with apricot and jasmine-flower flavor.😊 I took the bus to my mum, I ate my sushi there and we ate strawberries and just talked. I think I was there 2 hours or something?
Then I took the bus in to Lahti City, and sat there in the city, in the sun for a while, sending some snaps with a friend. 😜
Finally, I came home. 😍 We had an inherent that moved out this day too. Our inherent was renting a room at our home from the start when we moved in here for 3 months ago until this day. So now we can fix our baby's room!! 😍It's gonna be sooo cute! Our little baby. <3 Can you understand that I gonna deliver our baby NEXT month!! 😱😁 Omg, the time has gone by sooo fast! Soon she is here! 😍💕
In the evening me and my fianceé went to a pizzeria here in the city and he ordered a kebab with fries, & I ordered a pizza. 🤤 Then we went to bed. <3
Pictures from this day (only photos of Paavo that Tom sent) 😂:

I began to study almost direcly for some hours when I woke up, and sent a school-work to my teacher. 😊 When I was done I fell asleep for 2 hours I think. 😴 Just because I sleept soo bad that night! I think I only sleept for 4 or 5 hours. Rest of the day I was just taking it easy. I was just feeling tierd. Then me and Tom made some food. Oh yeah, I planted more sugar-pees in the balcony accually haha!

I began to study almost direcly for some hours when I woke up, and sent a school-work to my teacher. 😊 When I was done I fell asleep for 2 hours I think. 😴 Just because I sleept soo bad that night! I think I only sleept for 4 or 5 hours. Rest of the day I was just taking it easy. I was just feeling tierd. Then me and Tom made some food. Oh yeah, I planted more sugar-pees in the balcony accually haha!
My auntie that I just have meet 1 time in my life called me at the evening and said that she was near Lahti. So she came home to us to say hello, it was so nice to see here again!! 😍
Just one pic from this day, at Paavo again. 😇 He was sooo tierd from the day before, after he ran free out in the country-side:

Pregnancy-group, ice-cream & a walk in the sun.
THURSDAY, 28.5.2020
I woke up at 8:15 in the morning because my pregnancy-group that I'm in, started 9:00 AM.😊 It's a pregnancy-group that just started in distance via the computer, (because of corona), so it was the first meeting. It was really nice and kind people in the group. 😊 More I can't say because everything that says in the group, stays in the group. So I can't tell yoy nothing. 😕 But rules are rules! 😎 Luckily, next time we gonna have the group IRL because Finland is going to ease up all the stict corona rules. Finally! 😌 I am so tierd of this corona-sh*t. 😩 So it feels really good accually that Finland is going to function much more like normal soon! What do you think? Do you think it's good that countries is beginning to loosen up the corona strictness or not? Leave a comment down below! 👇
I woke up at 8:15 in the morning because my pregnancy-group that I'm in, started 9:00 AM.😊 It's a pregnancy-group that just started in distance via the computer, (because of corona), so it was the first meeting. It was really nice and kind people in the group. 😊 More I can't say because everything that says in the group, stays in the group. So I can't tell yoy nothing. 😕 But rules are rules! 😎 Luckily, next time we gonna have the group IRL because Finland is going to ease up all the stict corona rules. Finally! 😌 I am so tierd of this corona-sh*t. 😩 So it feels really good accually that Finland is going to function much more like normal soon! What do you think? Do you think it's good that countries is beginning to loosen up the corona strictness or not? Leave a comment down below! 👇
After the pregnancy-group I ate breakfast and drank coffeé with Tom, until he left for work. 😚
Then I went out to a store that have a little everything except food. I just bought shower-cream to Tom & dishwashing gloves. They have sooo much flowers and other plants so I walked around there and just watched everything beautiful. 😍 They havel like a little jungle outside the store. 😊 When I was done at the store I went for a walk and then I went home. It was sunny but very windy.
At home I washed the dishes and made some food. Chicken, creamy noodles and asparagus.
I got my hair-extensions home that I ordered 1-2 weeks ago, color #6, 60 cm (light-brown). So niiice! :D So this week I gonna fix my hair! 😉
Later on the evening I went to the grocery-store and bought hair-color. When I got home I ate ice-cream and went to bed. 😊
Pictures from this day:

Ice-cream with mint-flavor. 😍

💛 Summer is here 💛
Hey, you all! 😁
When I woked up this morning I had so much energy, I sleept very well this night. 😍 Fantastic.
I ate breakfast, (very small pancakes with a chocolate and hazelnut-cream) & coffée. I ALWAYS make my pancakes from scratch by myself, but now I bought these randomly from the store. I have never bought it before because I like to make pancake by myself, but it was still good! 😊
After the breakfast I took a shower and shaved my whole body. It was REALLY hard because of my big belly haha! 😂 After the looong shower I smoothed my whole body with body yogurt from The body shop like always. I love The body shops body yogurt! It's lovely for my skin. 👌 Then I did my make-up and took many selfies hahah..💄🤳😅
I folded some clothes, watered all the plants and fixed little out on the balcony. It has been sooo sunny & warm many days in row now. 😍 Summer is finally here!
When I was done with all that I went outside here in the city to meet up my fianceé after his work. We went to the food-store, and when we came home we ate tuna pasta-salad that we made yesterday. Ofc I ate it with my favorite dressing: Cesar dressing haha! 🤣
After the dinner we have just hanged out and watched tv. Soon it's time for bed! 😊 Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that i got a free baby bag full with babythings from Libero today! I gonna show you tomorrow. 😇
Hope you all sleep well tonight!
All the pictures from today, be ready for MANY selfies 🤣:

Hahah my face is so ugly and funnt here, don't care about it. 😅

Pregnancy week 33

School, planting, studying and cleaning.
Monday 25.5.2020
Heelloou everybody! 🤠
My monday has been going like non-stop! This day started so early and soon it's midnight. I have been doing really much today! 😵
I woked up 7:15 AM, I made coffeé, ate breakfast and was getting ready for my distance-lession. My lession started 8 AM and ended somewhere at 9:45 AM. Our teatcher have us a school-task that we had to do and be done with latest at 1 PM. Because then we had distance-lession again and talked about the task we made and so on. I think the second lession only was 45 minutes long or something. So yeah, I had many hours of school and studying today.
After my school and studying hours, I washed clothes, washed the dishes and cleaed the kitchen too. 😊 Then I hanged the laundry and ate 4 sandwiches. 😜
When I was done with all the cleaning and washing I started to planting salad in the balcony. I also filled all our flowers, plants and trees with more soil, they needed it so bad! 😉 It has been a reallt sunny and nice weather almost the whole day today! It was sunny the whole time when I was fixing with the plants on the balcony. I was out there in the sun, "working" around 2 hours. Exactly when I was done the sun precisly went down behind the building. Perfect timing. 😎
When I was done with all the plants Tom came home from the work and store. We made tuna pasta salad, sooo good! My favourite salad-dressing is cesar-dressing, it accually good for everything! Fish, chicked, pork, beef, veggies, everything! Which dressing is your favorite?
Now the clock is soon 12 AM, (00:00), I don't know if I'm tierd or not? 😂 I have completed very much today! If I can say it, yeah I will say it; I sometimes think that I am a real superwoman. 😇


Sunny day!
Hellouu! Woow, what a good weather it was today! 💛 Really sunny and warm. 😎
I ate sausages for breakfast today. 😅😂 Because I was so hungry when I woked up hahah! They were already done in the refrigerat, redy to be eaten by a pregnant woman so.. 😝 Yeah, enought about the sausages haha! 🤣
I was talking with my friends at the phone pretty much today at the same tíme I were in the balcony, enjoying the sun. 😊 I was enjoying the sun pretty long time! Until it became too warm. 😋 (It was 16+C in the shadow today.)
When it got too hot I went inside, preparing a school task on my computer that I am going to study/complete tomorrow. So it's going to be more easy to start with it tomorrow.😉
After that I blogged & then I talked at the phone even more. 😜 Then I washed the dishes and my fianceé came home and we made dinner. 💖 Chicken, rice, curry-sauce + salad. 🤤
Then we just chilled and played little GTA 5. Our cat began to meowing, meowing and meowing. 🙀 Because he wanted out for a walk so me and Tom went out with Paavo. 😸 We are often out with our cat, and it was the 3:rd time just this week. 😊
After that me and Paavo have been taking it easy on the sofa and Tom is playing GTA 5 on his PC. Now I am going to eat sandwiches as nightsnack and going to bed. Hihi. 😇
Pictures from today:

He is terrorizing my flowers. 😤

Sugar-pees coming up. 💚

After he was done with the terror. 😅
I was accually just chilling almost the whole day! I was really bored so I did my make-up for over 2 hours, hihi it was really fun. Love doing my make-up all in when I got the time for it, and just listen to good music at the same time. 💄
At 6 PM Tom's mom picked me up from home, but first she picked up Tom from his work. Then we went to the food-store and after that home to his parents. 😊 We just hanged out there and Tom was helping with their new freezer.
We came home kinda late so we went to our nearest pizzeria and bought 2 pizzas. Tom bought a salami pan-pizza and I ordered a regular pizza with grounded meat, onion and mushrooms.
I took many, many, many photos this day so be ready! 😜
(Especiually MANY selfies)😅🤣:

Okay be ready for 10000 snapchat-selfies now HAHAH 😂

Physically bad monday, mentally good.
What a terrible night.. and half of the day too! 😩 Then I mean psysically, not mentally. This is because of my pregnancy. I had so strong nausea half of the night and half of this day too.. I was so near to trow up many times this night but luckily enough it didn't happend. 🤢
I'm in pregnancy week 32 now! The time has passed so fast, and I am accually getting little nervous for the childbirth! 😜 From today it's only 60 days left until our daughter's estimated date of birth. 😍 Just 2 months left!! Hihi oh my gosh, finally. 😊
Today I should have a distance lession (like every monday) at 8:00 AM, but I wrote to my teacher that I felt so badly that I couldn't take part of the lession today. My nausea was just too much, and my heartburn too. Plus that I was so freaking tierd from the bad night. Well, well! What to do? Life is like this when you're pregnant. 😝 This was my first missing distance lession from this whole corona-time so it's okay. My teacher understands me of course! 😊
When my bad nausea disappeard I washed the dishes, and after that I went out here at the city to meet my mom. 💗 We went to the grocery store and bought salads, smoothies & my mom bought some food. Then we went to a little park outside the Lahti historical museum and ate our salads.I ate an mozzarella and pasta salad while my mom ate a tuna-salad & we both drank a banana and coconut smoothie. 😋 It was coolly outside, only 9+C so after 1 and 1/2 hours we went home. 😊
After that at home I have just been eating dinner, washed clothes and now I must fold and hang some laundry. 🤣 Not really a funny monday, but it was very nice to see my lovely mom.💖
How did your week started? Comment freely!

These two selfies are from 2 days ago. :)