school-day, face-mask & hair dyeing. HOW TO KNOW TO CHOOSE HAIR-COLOR.

Hiiiiii everybody! New week, new opportunities! 😉
I woke up 7:30 AM, and my school-lesson started at 8:00 AM via the computer. 😊 I had lesson just til 9:30 I think? We got a school-work that we had to do, and it had to be done latest at 1 PM same day, because then we had a second lesson for the day. So I was studying and having school from 8 AM until 1:30 PM, with 1 hour pause in between. So it was not a long school-day! It has never been long school-days now in this corona-time.
After the distance school I fell asleep only 1 hour at the sofa, and Paavo was sleeping beside me. 😻 So sweet!
After my resting I put a honey face-mask on my face and began to coloring my hair. 😊 The honey face-mask was really good, it was a mask that you must pull off your face after it had dryed. 😄 The mask was advanced for taking off dead skin so the face feels much "newer" and fresher. 
The hair-color made me disappointed accually! When you buy hair-color you should not go after the color at the package, and nor after the name of the color. You should go after the numbers. This was number 6.0. Number 6 means that it should be light brown or dark blonde. (numer 1 is the blackest, number 10 is the lightest.) and the 0 in 6.0 means that the color is neutral. Like this:
The first number at the hair-color package means:
1 = Black
2 = Blackbrown
3 = Dark brown
4 = Brown
5 = Light brown
6 = Dark blonde
7 = Between blonde / middle-blonde
8 = Blonde

9 = Light blonde

10 = Extra light blonde

The second number at the hair-color package means:
What shade the hair-color have, example if the shade is warm, cold or neutral. 
0 = Nature
1 = Ash
2 = Matt
3 = Gold
4 = Red gold
5 = Purple
6 = Violete
7 = Modern brown
8 = Pearl blue
9 = Cendré / Ash-blonde
So my hair-color should be 6.0, was more like 4.0... This was a new gel-formula that Schwarzkopf has started with so I wanted to try it out! But I feel like, nope, not again. It went out OK, but not good as it should be! The color wasn't right with the number of the result, nor even after the picture. Nothing! 🙄
After the face-mask and colouring I took a loong shower. After that I just took it easy and went to bed with Tom. 💖
Pictures from this day:
Paavo and my tummy 😍😻


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