Summary of the week.
Sunday, funday!
HelIo guys!! 😊 I am not going to write a detailed description about my days from tuesday until today like I otherwise always do. So I'm going to give you a small summary of my week with many photos instead, one day at time! 😊 Okay let's go, hihi!
This was a very wonderful day with my mum and her friend! First we went to the store & bought some picnick-food, then we drove to a place called Tiilijärvi in Hololla. The sun was shining & the weather was so good. 😎 We had picknick beside a lake called Vähä Tiilijärvi. It was really nice! 😊My mum gave me a baby dining-chair too! It's so beautiful, a pink one! Yeah, I know that our baby can't sit in it before she is 4 months or something, but good to be ready! Thank you mum!! 💕
When I came home I fixed my hair (setting hair-extensions). 😉
Pictures from tuesday:

I was accually just setting in hair-extensions. 😉 It was a very calm day, nothing special! No photos.
This day was so rainy!! I started to build the changing table in the baby-room but I didn't finished it. Hmm I don't remeber what I did this day so well haha! But I think that I was just cleaning and washing the clothes.
Pictures from thursday:

I were at the ultrasound this day. 😍 They said that everything was good! 😊Our baby is little smaller than normal but it's just genetical they said! I mean; I am 158 cm long 🙄, not even myself is a "normal size" human haha! So I am not suprised that our little girl is smaller than normal. Everything is still perfect they said, so I am not worried over her size. 😌😊💖
When I came home I continued with the building of the chaning-table, and finished it!
No photos.
No photos.
Yesterday (saturday):
I was building the crib in the baby's room, washing some baby clothes and other baby things. 😊 Haha I sleept 2 times on the day too! I have sleept on the day everyday recently. Haha I feel like a old grandma or something! But now when I am in pregnancy-week 35 my baby is taking much energy. So I need to sleep much now. 😴That's a big reason why I have'nt blogged since monday because I have been sleeping and resting very much lately! Ohh I just want my baby to come soon! It's not so fun to feel like a meatball grandma anymore hahah! 😅 No photos
Today (sunday):
I have just fixed in the baby-room, for the 3rd day in a row haha! 😁 Me and babe went to the food-store and then we made some food and ate some snacks. I sleept on the day too like ALL these days in this week, like; I'm not kidding haha!! 😂 I feel like a fat cat that just eats and sleeps everyday hahah. 😹
Here comes some photos of our baby's room. It is very much left to do, but here is pictures of what it looks right now. So the room is in a big progress! 😉

We gonna buy a changing mat soon. 😉

Other photos from today:

Breakfast I made today. ;)

Finnish ice-cream is the best ice-cream in the world. 🤤