Midwife-meeting, barbecue in the countryside & 6 years togheter with Tom. <3
I started the day with eating breakfast with Tom. 💖 He was free from work this day.😊
I had a meeting 12:30 PM in Lahti City hospital with my midwife. 😊 My urine sample & blood presure was good. She listened to my baby's heartbeats and movements, and everything sounded really good! 😊 Then she was pushing her hand/fingers in under my stomach to feel how my baby's head was sitting haha! She said that the baby's head was really deep with her head in to my pelvic bone. She wants to come out hahah. 😉 Mummy's little girl. 💗
My weight is now 67,3 kg!! 😱 It's so much haha! Before the pregnancy my weight was 55 kg. So over 12 kg extra is really much for my 158 body. 😜 I feel like a fatso, but that's okay! Everything will disapeard after the delivery. 😉 Direcly when I can work out I will buy a card to the fitness-center. 💪 But first my body must rest 4-6 months after the delivery. 😇
After the meeting I went home, and me and Tom was planting basil plants in the balcony. (I gonna describe how we did under the photos.) 👇
Later on the day Tom's father came and picked us up. (Paavo too) 😻. Then we went to Toms parents out in the countryside. Paavo loves to run free there, hihi he is so cute. Tom was grilling susages and we were almost all the time outside in the sun. It was soooooo warm! 😎
When we came home at the evening we just took it easy.
This day, 12/6-2020 we have been togheter totally 6 years.
I LOVE YOU TOM LAURÉN, most of all & everything!
You will be the best dad, that this world have never seen before!

This pictures was from 2015!!

This picture was also from 2015! From our first apartment in Finland. We had NOTHING when we moved from Sweden to Finland. You can see in the background that we had a mattress on the floor. Not even a real bed. 😳 We have build our life togheter from zero to hero. Think babe, how much we have done, and how much more we can do. 💝 I LOVE YOU TOM!! Thank you for everything. 💞
Pictures from this day:

Cut of sticks from a basil plant. Put the sticks in a glas of water for some days so the sticks gets long roots. (Like in the picture). Now plant the basil plants with fine roots in mold. 💚
Like this:

From ONE plant, to 5 plants! 😄