Shopping new makeup!
In tuesday I bought new make-up from Lyko. 1 matte-foundation, 2 consealer & 1 nail-polish.
I already use this foundation and consealer, and I love them really much!
Wich foundation and consealer you think is best?
I just love this blue color! What do you think?
Tuesday 8.6.2021
This day me and Heidi had a lots of fun. 😊
I took many photos of Heidi in her room when she had the dress that my mother gave. The headband she ofc drew off her head. xD I got some good pictures of her. 😍
We walked to the shopping-mall (Trio) and went to H&M to collect a package that I ordered to Heidi. (Do you remember the swim-suit that I ordered). After that we took a walk to the foodstore and then to our nearest playground. 😊
Heidi were swinging and riding the slide too. Then we were exploring the bushes and trees there, plus some flowers too. 😊
Then we walked home and I vaccum-cleaned the whole apartment! 🤗Rest of the day we were at home, having a regular family day. 😊
Oh yeah, I was doing some online shopping too! My foundation is soon endning, so I ordered foundation, concealer & one nail polish. You will see it in my next post! 😊
Photos from this day:
Happy friday everybody! 🤗
I am not going to blog about yesterday (thursday) because it was only a super chill day at home with Heidi. <3 We were just at home, taking it easy. 😘
but like i wrote...
Tom went up with Heidi this morning. I was doing my make-up & fixing my hair. Then I ate breakfast and drank little coffee. Then I went to my work.😊
My work started 09:00 AM. It was a hard day but really fun! I was done at my work 3:30 PM (15:15). So I only had 6,5 hours job today.
After my work I came home to Heidi & Tom, and Paavo ofc. 😘
Rest of the day we have been out in the balcony some time, eating, I have wash the dishes and so on.
Now me & Tom is watching the news on the tv.😊
What have you done today?
Pictures from today and yesterday:
Our new baby monitor with camera. 😍
Working day!
Hello friends! Hope everything is fine with you all! 😘 Here everything is good, but I'm tierd like always this time. The clock is 10:48 PM! Time to brush my teeth and go n' sleep with my little family. 💜 Heidi felt asleep exactly at 7 PM. she was so tierd!
My job-day began at 9 AM at the hotel. ❣ Everything went really fine, but in the beginning of the day I was little slow. It takes time to come in in the working mode after a long time not being working. But after 1 hour the rest of the day went good. 😊 Haha! It was fun to work. 😁 I had only 5 hours work today. So that's not much. It went super fast!
Next time I'm going to work will be next week. Now Tom is going to work alot and I'm going to be home with Heidi. 💖
When I was at work Tom & Heidi went to a 4H farmyard. It had opening for the year today and I have been waiting for it so long! But I had to work. Me & Heidi will go there this week, maybe tomorrow? 🤗 So Tom & Heidi have been seeing Alpackas, dogs, cats, chickens, goats, sheeps, lamas, bunnies & so on. Heidi saw the animals and she: OF COURSE CRIED! 😂😅Like I told you in a post before, Heidi is sooo sensitive. She cryies for everything. To children, to babies, to animals, adults, yeah to everybody, everywhere. 🤣 Haha our sensitive little Heidi baby. 💞But when some dogs had ran to her there she laughed. Haha! So little fun she had at the end. 😉
When my work was done I called Tom and he said that he & Heidi was walking from the farmyard homewards. So I walked towards them, & then we went to the foodstore; buying some food.
After that we went home. We have just played here at home, I have been making some food and blogged very much. Watching hockey too ofc! FINLAND - NORWAY! Hihi. Finland won ofc! 5 goals to Finland! Yeeeyy. 😉
Yeah it was all for today. Now I must go to sleep.
Pictures from today:
At work. ;)
BIG meatballs a´ la Sanni
Do you wanna recipe of my BIG meatballs? If you do, please comment down below!
Cozy saturday + don't forget my Q/A!
Hiii fellas!
Do not forget my Q/A on sunday night!
I am going to answer all of your questions that you have been asking me these days. You can ask me questions here at my blog by commenting, or at my instagram stories. 😊
You wanna ask me something without showing who you are? That's okay too! And you can do it easily by commenting here at my blog. Just don't write your name! 😉
I haven't got much questions yet.😢 So it would be fun with some more haha. 😜
You can ask all from my pregnancy to my life, from beauty to feelings. What ever you want!😊
Saturday 15.5.2021
Today was a really cozy feeling because of the weather.😊 It was raining, then the sun lighted up, then it rained agian & the sun came up. Like that all the time. I like rainy days, especially when its's spring or summer-time. It may be my favorite weather actually. What's your favorite weather?
Me, Tom and Hedi went for a walk to Heidis becoming daycare. She is beginning the day-care next month! I have mixed feelings about it. She is going to be just 11 months old, but at the same time if I gonna work or go in school (let's se if I get a job on monday, because I have a job-interview) she must go there. Tom is working different days and different times every week, but he is always beginning late (10:00-12:00), so then she don't need to be in the day-care direcly from the morning. Plus that Tom is doing much work in the weekend, and I think that I am not going have to work in the weekends. So Tom is the free from often on some weekdays, so then she can be home too! So in the end, she is not going to be in the day-care 5 days /week. Surley more like 2-4 days /week.
Our little Heidi. <3 She is so sensitive and shy! But she is also stubborn so at the end I feel good about it all, about this care-day. I mean, I must work or go to school. I have too! I'm not rich so I can sit home. Heidi is also going to get many friends! So I am happy for her. Happy for us. 💞
Yeah, like I wrote; I'm going to an job-interview on monday morning. At the hotel were I worked before via my school. About my school. The education-time ended for that vocational training, because I went for my maternity leave so all my classmates are now done. So it ended for me too. At the beginning when I got that information about this I thought oh f*ck! But now I feel great about it. 😄 I have a job-interview on monday at that hotel where I already have worked, and I am almost sure that I'm going to get it. ;) I hope with all my heart! The job is hotel floor supervisor, and I loved to to it! It's hard, but fun. Working in a hotel is something that suits me very well. 😊 I am hoping that I get the job!
Haha now I told you all about my school and job situation at the same time. 🤣
Rest of the day:
We took a walk to Heidi's daycare because I wanted to show Tom (me and Heidi have been there outside looking already). It's a playground outside the day-care so I wanted Heidi to play outside but she was sleeping. She was so tierd.
Then we went to the foodstore and after that to Hesburger & bought some burgers. 😋
Yeah I think it was all about this day.
Pictures from this day (Only selfies😅😂):
Here comes funny pictures too. xD
I am alive, hehe!
Hiiii fellas! Yes, I'm alive haha! 😂 I didn't blog for about 1 week because I felt not so alive to be honest. 😅 The pregnancy-tierdness took over my body completely! I was sleeping almost all the time in many days at row. At nights, and 1-2 times at the day too. Only women's who have been pregnant knows exactly what I am talking about! But now that little sleepy-head period is over, again. 😇 I have now been feeling "normal" for 2-3 days. Finally not a zombie haha! 😵
Today I woke up early, ate breakfast and I have accually been talking at the phone very, very much today. 😋 Then I went to Trio here in the city, (it is a shopping mall).
I was looking at clothes, baby-clothes as usual and at interior design stuffs too. 😊 OMG, it is so many good-looking clothes everywhere now! The I mean for women and children, and sooo much beautiful interior design too. Then I mean really much hihi! But... I can't buy clothes to myself now when I am so big, and the baby is still coming soon. So it just feel so worthless to buy clothes that I can wear 1-2 times, then no more hahaha. 😅 I would be an idiot if I bought clothes to myself at this stage of the pregnancy. I mean she is estimated NEXT WEEK!!! 😱😁💖 The time just flies by so fast!
Okay, what did I bought you may wonder? 🤑 I bought:
-A cute yellow body to my babygirl from Lindex.
-Blending & concealer brush from H&M, (my concealer brush has gone really bad lately, It's 5 years old thou🤣)
-A beautiful bracelet from H&M!
-Sunglasses from H&M.
(Look at the pictures down below😊)
After the shopping I went to the foodstore and bought some food, and then I got home, washed some clothes, & folded some towels. Yeah, after that I just ate food and have been taking it easy, blogging. 😊
Hope you all feel good this monday, ciao!
Pictures from today:
Pictures from yesterday, (only selfies) 🤣:
Doctor-visit (is she on her way?) & baby-shopping.
I woke up very early, made some coffeé and took a long shower. 😊 After that Tom made some breakfast for me (avocado-sandwiches 😍) and then I did my makeup.
My Doctor visit was at 1 PM in Lahti City Hospital. The urine-test, my bloodpresure and everything with my baby was perfect! Our baby is now around 2700 gram big. 😍 The Doctor was also feeling at my cervcial os, and it is OPEN 1,5 cm! 😁 So the Doctor said that: "Yes something has been going on and something is happening in there. So when you think it's ready it's time to call the hospital. It can be near now.". She said that after they have been there "down", feeling, it can start some pains. I was smiling and the Doctor too, then we where like byee, *smiling at each other* haha. 😄
..And yes she had right! I got soo much pain in my whole belly and I couldn't barely walk! I walked in slow-motion to the nearest shopping mall. Sitting in a cafeteria, drinking a cold Cola. When I rested there for a while I went in to Life & buyed pregnancy vitamins because my was ending. Then I bought D-vitamin drops with probiotic-bacterias for my baby-girl.
After buying some vitamins I went in to H&M and bought some baby-clothes. I also bought a red diadem to myself in Glitter. I LOVE diadems nowadays haha! I don't know why but I am just a diadem freak now a days! 😂
Then I bought a ice-coffeé and a cream cheese bagel in Espresso House. I sat there for very long, sending snapchats and talked in the phone. Like a real pregnant, coffeé-drinking becoming mama. 🤣
When I was done in the mall I came home, was just chilling! Later at the evening me and Tom went out and bought food. (He bought kebab and me; a Pizza).
Even more later we went to the food-store, just buying snacks. 🤣 Then we just took it easy and I was online-shopping for out baby. I just bought cover/protection to the baby-bed and a changing mat. 😉 Then we went to bed. 💖
Pictures from this day:
Did you know that I have been working in Life, in Stockholm? 😊

Bright red is very in now! 😍
No I'm not this pale, it's just a snapchart filter! (But I wish I were, it's so beautiful!)
These pants are MUCH more pink IRL! I think our lamp is too bright for the camera to handle haha!
These baby-clothes is a matching-set!
Very warm day!
I woke up today at 6:30 AM, and I got up 3 times this night because of the heat and the reason that I needed to pee three times. 😅 I was still alert in the morning! Until I got a bad headache. 😓 I was resting on the sofa, trying to get some sleep but I couldn't beacause I got an phone-call. 😒 Lucky enought, my headache disapeared for a while. Then it came back again.
My mum & her friend picked me up with the car and we went to a second-hand store with only child and baby things. (I have blogged about that place before). My mum bought me a baby memory book. Just what I wanted too! I did not find anything find this time but I love the memory book that my mum bought us. (See pictures😊)
After that; they drove me home and I still had headache... It was/is sooo warm so I was just taking it easy on the sofa until my fianceé came home.
We went to the food store, buying some food and sushi. We ate sushi as a late lunch. 😍 He hated sushi but this year I made him LOVE it hahaha. 😉 Finally beacause I'm a sushi freak HIHI. 😇
Almost direcly after the sushi I went to a mall here near us that's called Syke. I was getting my package (the pregnancy-dresses from Zalando that I ordered and the fluffy slippers).
I am SO DISAPPOINTED on the dresses! They looked like some bad quality clothes from Wish or someting! 😤 Big NO NO NO , I got so sad, disappointed and mad.. Because I have almost no clothes that fits me right now or then the clothes is not something to wear now when it's summer. (I know, the baby is going to be born soon, but stil!). So I am going to send back the UGLY dresses but keep my fluffy slippers, because the slippers are AWESOME & soooo cute! 😍 They are 1 size bigger than my normal shoe-size because my feets, as said, are very swollen. My toes are like small chorizoes. 🤣😅
When I came home babe started to wash the dishes and I folded some clothes, then I organized in the hall (not done with that) & he was cooking a nice steak to us for dinner. We ate the chicken pasta-salad left from yesterday with a steak. So fresh and good! 💚
After that we have just been socalizating and enjoyed our 3 blowing fans here in the heat haha! 😂 It has been 30C in the shadow today, and it will be 30C tomorrow too when I'm going to the Doctor tomorrow. I think I am going to sleep better this night, 'cause I am really tierd! Goodnight everybody. 😴
Look at my swollen toes!! 🤣😅😂
Pregnancy-clothes shopping, mum on visit & pizza.
Sunday, 21.6.2020
Hello there my readers! 🤗
Today I woke up sometimes before Tom left for work. I did not woke up with a good humour accually. 😅 I was/am just feeling so hopeless in my own big body. I'm feeling huge, disabled, in pain, no fiting clothes, warm, tiered and yeah.. I am just sick of this last stage of pregnancy, you know? 💩 "Only" 26 days left until the E.D.D. 😒
My mum and her friend came by around 12 PM. We ate the cake I made this weekend, drank coffee, talked & watched TV.
When they left I listened to music & went to the shower. 😃 When I was putting some body-lotion on my fiancée came home. <3 He washed the dishes & then we went to a pizzeria. It takes just 15 min to walk there. We were waiting for the pizza & on the way home I got soo much contractions! It was hurting really much. :/ I can't even walk like a short walk like that. -.-'' Sooo annoying! 😂
At home again we ate our pizzas and then we ate cake for dessert. 😊 Watching youtube on the tv. 😜
After that I shopped 2 pregnancy dresses and 1 pair of slippers in one bigger size, (bcause my feets are little swollen). I ordered them from Zalando. 😊
What do you think? I love the colors! Cinnamon brown & light denim blue.
Colors that are very trendy this summer, 2020. 😉
I want these clothes and slippers nooooow❣😍
Midwife-meeting, barbecue in the countryside & 6 years togheter with Tom. <3
I started the day with eating breakfast with Tom. 💖 He was free from work this day.😊
I had a meeting 12:30 PM in Lahti City hospital with my midwife. 😊 My urine sample & blood presure was good. She listened to my baby's heartbeats and movements, and everything sounded really good! 😊 Then she was pushing her hand/fingers in under my stomach to feel how my baby's head was sitting haha! She said that the baby's head was really deep with her head in to my pelvic bone. She wants to come out hahah. 😉 Mummy's little girl. 💗
My weight is now 67,3 kg!! 😱 It's so much haha! Before the pregnancy my weight was 55 kg. So over 12 kg extra is really much for my 158 body. 😜 I feel like a fatso, but that's okay! Everything will disapeard after the delivery. 😉 Direcly when I can work out I will buy a card to the fitness-center. 💪 But first my body must rest 4-6 months after the delivery. 😇
After the meeting I went home, and me and Tom was planting basil plants in the balcony. (I gonna describe how we did under the photos.) 👇
Later on the day Tom's father came and picked us up. (Paavo too) 😻. Then we went to Toms parents out in the countryside. Paavo loves to run free there, hihi he is so cute. Tom was grilling susages and we were almost all the time outside in the sun. It was soooooo warm! 😎
When we came home at the evening we just took it easy.
This day, 12/6-2020 we have been togheter totally 6 years.
I LOVE YOU TOM LAURÉN, most of all & everything!
You will be the best dad, that this world have never seen before!
This pictures was from 2015!!
This picture was also from 2015! From our first apartment in Finland. We had NOTHING when we moved from Sweden to Finland. You can see in the background that we had a mattress on the floor. Not even a real bed. 😳 We have build our life togheter from zero to hero. Think babe, how much we have done, and how much more we can do. 💝 I LOVE YOU TOM!! Thank you for everything. 💞
Pictures from this day:
Cut of sticks from a basil plant. Put the sticks in a glas of water for some days so the sticks gets long roots. (Like in the picture). Now plant the basil plants with fine roots in mold. 💚
Like this:
From ONE plant, to 5 plants! 😄
Tuesday & wednesday
Hello there my lovely readers! 🤗
These days I was just at home, fixing at home, cleaning, just went to the food-store, making food & only relaxing! Nothing special accually. 😌 Oh yeah Tom made a foot-bath for me PLUS that he polished my feets! (Because I can't do it on my own anymore due of my pregnancy). Thank you honey, you are the best!
It has got so clear for me now that I am at the end of the pregnancy now. My body is hurting here and there, often heartburn or feeling that I must throw-up, the baby is like a ninja in there, and her head is down; ready for the world haha! My feets are swollen and my hands too. I can not walk so long, it's just hard to walk to the store... I am tierd all the time.. And honestly I am getting tierd of being pregnant now too. So tierd of the pain, illness and my big, swullen body. 😕 I just wanna time to run by so I can deliver our little babygirl! 💞 On friday pregnancy-week 36 is starting, It is so near now!! I am little nervous to be honest, (ofc!). But soon she is in my arms. 😍
On tuesday Tom built her feeding-chair that my mum bought. 😍 It's sooo cute! Thanks mum! Like I wrote in a post before, I know that she is going to begin with tasting food when she is 4 months old. So she is not going to use it before that, but it's good to have the chair ready because the time will go fast (I think 😉). Isn't It cuuuute? 😍
Chicken, potatoes & salad.
First school-day since this corona-pandemic started and my last for this year!
I woke up 6:45 AM, washed my face, did my make-up and drank coffee. Then I took the bus to the school. The school started 8:15 AM and it was so fun to meet everybody again! 😊
This was accually the first real school-day since the whole corona-pandemic started! ...And my last for this year because my maternity leave starts the 11/6 day, (on thursday). My work-practise at the hotel has still not opened yet because of the corona either. So yeah, this was my last school-day for this year. 😄 I just have one homework left to do and then my maternity leave starts! Hihi omg it's so near now!! Soon we have our baby here!! 😍💖💞💕
My school ended sometimes around 2 PM and then I walked with my classmate to the city, and then I went home. 😜 At home I just took it easy after my scool-day. 🤗 Nothing special accually!
I hope your week started good too! 👐
Photos from this day:
school-day, face-mask & hair dyeing. HOW TO KNOW TO CHOOSE HAIR-COLOR.
Hiiiiii everybody! New week, new opportunities! 😉
I woke up 7:30 AM, and my school-lesson started at 8:00 AM via the computer. 😊 I had lesson just til 9:30 I think? We got a school-work that we had to do, and it had to be done latest at 1 PM same day, because then we had a second lesson for the day. So I was studying and having school from 8 AM until 1:30 PM, with 1 hour pause in between. So it was not a long school-day! It has never been long school-days now in this corona-time.
After the distance school I fell asleep only 1 hour at the sofa, and Paavo was sleeping beside me. 😻 So sweet!
After my resting I put a honey face-mask on my face and began to coloring my hair. 😊 The honey face-mask was really good, it was a mask that you must pull off your face after it had dryed. 😄 The mask was advanced for taking off dead skin so the face feels much "newer" and fresher.
The hair-color made me disappointed accually! When you buy hair-color you should not go after the color at the package, and nor after the name of the color. You should go after the numbers. This was number 6.0. Number 6 means that it should be light brown or dark blonde. (numer 1 is the blackest, number 10 is the lightest.) and the 0 in 6.0 means that the color is neutral. Like this:
The first number at the hair-color package means:
1 = Black
2 = Blackbrown
3 = Dark brown
4 = Brown
5 = Light brown
6 = Dark blonde
7 = Between blonde / middle-blonde
8 = Blonde
9 = Light blonde
10 = Extra light blonde
The second number at the hair-color package means:
What shade the hair-color have, example if the shade is warm, cold or neutral.
0 = Nature
1 = Ash
2 = Matt
3 = Gold
4 = Red gold
5 = Purple
6 = Violete
7 = Modern brown
8 = Pearl blue
9 = Cendré / Ash-blonde
So my hair-color should be 6.0, was more like 4.0... This was a new gel-formula that Schwarzkopf has started with so I wanted to try it out! But I feel like, nope, not again. It went out OK, but not good as it should be! The color wasn't right with the number of the result, nor even after the picture. Nothing! 🙄
After the face-mask and colouring I took a loong shower. After that I just took it easy and went to bed with Tom. 💖
Pictures from this day:
Taking out hair-extensions & decolorizing the hair.
Friday 29.05.2020
This day was accually not very intresting. 🤣🤣
Direcly when I woke up I ate cinnamon-cereals for breakfast, then I started... With taking off all my hair-extensions & listening to music. 👂 Everything took the whole day! 😜 I think I started 1:00 PM and I was done very late in the evening.
When aaaall the extensions where out from my head I decolorized my hair. Because I had chocolate-brown hair, and chocolate-brown is very red-brown, then I mean really warm brown. So I gonna went from chocolate brown color to natural light-brown color. Neutral light-brown means that the color is'nt warm-toned, or neither cold-toned. It's just a neutral color. 😊 After I decolorized my hair I took a shower ofc! 😜
Eventually I went to bed. Yep that was my looong hair-related day. 😂
Hope you all had a nice friday!
o here I spent my whole day at my lovely make-up table. 😊 I love my make-up table. 💖 Here I spent much of my time. Someytimes when I study, doing my make-up (ofc), fixing my hair or nails, gaming with my PC, and so on. 🤗 Females! Do you have your own make-up table? Why or why not? If not, do you want it? Comment down below! 😊
Pregnancy-group, ice-cream & a walk in the sun.
THURSDAY, 28.5.2020
I woke up at 8:15 in the morning because my pregnancy-group that I'm in, started 9:00 AM.😊 It's a pregnancy-group that just started in distance via the computer, (because of corona), so it was the first meeting. It was really nice and kind people in the group. 😊 More I can't say because everything that says in the group, stays in the group. So I can't tell yoy nothing. 😕 But rules are rules! 😎 Luckily, next time we gonna have the group IRL because Finland is going to ease up all the stict corona rules. Finally! 😌 I am so tierd of this corona-sh*t. 😩 So it feels really good accually that Finland is going to function much more like normal soon! What do you think? Do you think it's good that countries is beginning to loosen up the corona strictness or not? Leave a comment down below! 👇
After the pregnancy-group I ate breakfast and drank coffeé with Tom, until he left for work. 😚
Then I went out to a store that have a little everything except food. I just bought shower-cream to Tom & dishwashing gloves. They have sooo much flowers and other plants so I walked around there and just watched everything beautiful. 😍 They havel like a little jungle outside the store. 😊 When I was done at the store I went for a walk and then I went home. It was sunny but very windy.
At home I washed the dishes and made some food. Chicken, creamy noodles and asparagus.
I got my hair-extensions home that I ordered 1-2 weeks ago, color #6, 60 cm (light-brown). So niiice! :D So this week I gonna fix my hair! 😉
Later on the evening I went to the grocery-store and bought hair-color. When I got home I ate ice-cream and went to bed. 😊
Pictures from this day:
Ice-cream with mint-flavor. 😍
A long day!
Wednesday, 27.5.2020
I woked up in the moring and it was soo warm. Direcly now when I wake up I open up the balcony and sit there out in the shadow for a while haha! Because the sun is always on our bedroom-side in the mornings, so the room is so warm then. 😪 SUMMER IS HERE! 💛
I couldn't eat breakfast direcly because sometimes when it's so warm, it's hard to eat! Or it's like that for me, are you like that also? Leave a comment! 😋 So I washed some clothes and fixed little here at home. 😊
Finally my hunger came haha, so I made warm cinnamon-pears in the oven and ate it with an oatmeal and fresh raspberries. Really fresh & healthy! Pictures you can see down below. 👇
After my meal I vaccum-cleaned the whole apartment & then I talked in the phone a vey long time with one of my bestfriends.🤗 Oh yeah, I hang up the clean laundry too and folded some clothes. 😜
Then I met my fiancée after his work and we went to the food-store and bought food plus a make-up blending brush to me. I really needed a new blending brush, it was cheap from the grocery-store but it feels very good! Very cute colors too, hihi. 😍👇
When we came home we made some food that we just could do fast, because we were so hungry and it was kinda late. Meatballs & pasta with salad.
Yeah, then he cleaned the cat litter-box and cleaned the whole bathroom after a 10 hours, long and hard work-day. YOU ARE THE BEST HONEY! 😻
Finally we took it easy and went to bed. 😊
THE FREE BABYBAG FROM LIBERO; that I wrote about in my last post I'm going to do a own post about right after this, so be ready! 😃
Photos from this day:
Food is art. 💚
Only cinnamon and sliced pears, in to the 200+ C warm oven.💚
Tummy-yummy. 💚
LOOK AT MY MAN, he sent this picture from work to me.
This man is going to be my baby's daddy.
Like CAN YOU SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL HE IS???????????????😍😭
Our daughter is going to be sooo beautiful. Our finnish little girl. 💓 <333
💛 Summer is here 💛
Hey, you all! 😁
When I woked up this morning I had so much energy, I sleept very well this night. 😍 Fantastic.
I ate breakfast, (very small pancakes with a chocolate and hazelnut-cream) & coffée. I ALWAYS make my pancakes from scratch by myself, but now I bought these randomly from the store. I have never bought it before because I like to make pancake by myself, but it was still good! 😊
After the breakfast I took a shower and shaved my whole body. It was REALLY hard because of my big belly haha! 😂 After the looong shower I smoothed my whole body with body yogurt from The body shop like always. I love The body shops body yogurt! It's lovely for my skin. 👌 Then I did my make-up and took many selfies hahah..💄🤳😅
I folded some clothes, watered all the plants and fixed little out on the balcony. It has been sooo sunny & warm many days in row now. 😍 Summer is finally here!
When I was done with all that I went outside here in the city to meet up my fianceé after his work. We went to the food-store, and when we came home we ate tuna pasta-salad that we made yesterday. Ofc I ate it with my favorite dressing: Cesar dressing haha! 🤣
After the dinner we have just hanged out and watched tv. Soon it's time for bed! 😊 Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that i got a free baby bag full with babythings from Libero today! I gonna show you tomorrow. 😇
Hope you all sleep well tonight!
All the pictures from today, be ready for MANY selfies 🤣:
Hahah my face is so ugly and funnt here, don't care about it. 😅
I was accually just chilling almost the whole day! I was really bored so I did my make-up for over 2 hours, hihi it was really fun. Love doing my make-up all in when I got the time for it, and just listen to good music at the same time. 💄
At 6 PM Tom's mom picked me up from home, but first she picked up Tom from his work. Then we went to the food-store and after that home to his parents. 😊 We just hanged out there and Tom was helping with their new freezer.
We came home kinda late so we went to our nearest pizzeria and bought 2 pizzas. Tom bought a salami pan-pizza and I ordered a regular pizza with grounded meat, onion and mushrooms.
I took many, many, many photos this day so be ready! 😜
(Especiually MANY selfies)😅🤣:
Okay be ready for 10000 snapchat-selfies now HAHAH 😂
A day full of studiyng
I woke up kinda late today, at 11 AM. I sleept really good this night too! I didn't woke up a single time! Woow, this is a record that I haven't woke up in the night 2 days in row as pregnant. 😂 Haha, it's awesome tho. 😜
I ate breakfast-cereals with cinnamon flavor and drank coffeé for breakfast. After that my phone was ringing and I got two home deliveries today too! It was the mattress and the play-mat that I ordered last week from Jollyroom. Honestly I thought that I already got them yesterday but it was just the cot and the chest of drawers. 🤣
After the delivery I studied many hours, until the clock was 5-6 PM something. 🤓 When I was done with my school task I washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. When the kitched was done I went to the food-store and bought food and hygiene things. 😊
Exacly when I got home from the store my fianceé came home right efter me from his work. 😄 We cooked food together and then we ate and watched Vikings on Netflix. I think we have 8 episodes left of Vikings or something. Accually the end is quite boring... I love the serie, but now at the end.. I don't know... but it's kinda lame. 😒 Well, well, let's see how it ends! 😋 Have you watched Vikings? What do you think about it? 😊
Now I just sit in the sofa with my babe and we are going to bed soon.
Hope you all had a good day! Byeee. /S
A selfie from 4 days ago. 🤳
Physically bad monday, mentally good.
What a terrible night.. and half of the day too! 😩 Then I mean psysically, not mentally. This is because of my pregnancy. I had so strong nausea half of the night and half of this day too.. I was so near to trow up many times this night but luckily enough it didn't happend. 🤢
I'm in pregnancy week 32 now! The time has passed so fast, and I am accually getting little nervous for the childbirth! 😜 From today it's only 60 days left until our daughter's estimated date of birth. 😍 Just 2 months left!! Hihi oh my gosh, finally. 😊
Today I should have a distance lession (like every monday) at 8:00 AM, but I wrote to my teacher that I felt so badly that I couldn't take part of the lession today. My nausea was just too much, and my heartburn too. Plus that I was so freaking tierd from the bad night. Well, well! What to do? Life is like this when you're pregnant. 😝 This was my first missing distance lession from this whole corona-time so it's okay. My teacher understands me of course! 😊
When my bad nausea disappeard I washed the dishes, and after that I went out here at the city to meet my mom. 💗 We went to the grocery store and bought salads, smoothies & my mom bought some food. Then we went to a little park outside the Lahti historical museum and ate our salads.I ate an mozzarella and pasta salad while my mom ate a tuna-salad & we both drank a banana and coconut smoothie. 😋 It was coolly outside, only 9+C so after 1 and 1/2 hours we went home. 😊
After that at home I have just been eating dinner, washed clothes and now I must fold and hang some laundry. 🤣 Not really a funny monday, but it was very nice to see my lovely mom.💖
How did your week started? Comment freely!
These two selfies are from 2 days ago. :)