A day at the library + work contract is done + playing outside
Hello everybody! I hope you're all good. 😊 I'm fine! 😁
Me and Heidi woke up around 6:30 AM, almost like always. 😜 I have here porrigde with little home made mango + orange + banana smoothie. After that we played little and then we felt asleep beside daddy Tom. 💞 Me & Heidi slept really long actually! 1,5-2 hours something.
We all ate together and then Tom left to his work.
Me and Heidi went later on the day to the library. We leaved 5 books we borrowed last time & borrowed 5 new books. 😊
After the library we walked to the foodstore and then we went to our nearest playground. Heidi were swinging and riding the slide. 😘 My little angel.
When we got home we ate some dinner and after a while I brushed Heidi's teeth and put Heidi to sleep.
Now in the evening I signed under my work contract that I got online. So now the work is mine for real!! 😍😍 Congratz to meeee hihi!
Now I must brush my teeth and go to sleep.
Pictures from today:

We have big plants in out nearest library, do