Celebrating midsummer with baking a cake!
Midsummer, 20.6.2020 <3
Iloista juhannusta! Glad midsommar! Like we say in finnish and swedish.ย ๐
Today I woke up kinda late, around 11 PM something. I was awake from 5 AM tp 7 AM because it's SOO WARM alll the time! But it's summer now,ย and I have wanted summer for very long.ย ๐ Do I have the right to complain then? Haha! Yeaah, a little bit. HIHI ๐
Yesterday I baked my first strawberry and heavy cream-cake with one floor of banana filling, and the second layer with vanillacream-filling.ย ๐ The cake was in the fridge over the night (without he heavycream and decorations on it) so the cake got more juicy & more tasteful! So today I whipped the heavy cream and decorated the cake with a white rose and strawberries.ย ๐
You MUST see the pictures! What do you think? It is soo tasty! My fianceรฉ was like:
"damn this is really, really good!". I'm like: "yeah I know!ย ๐" HEHE.ย ๐
"damn this is really, really good!". I'm like: "yeah I know!ย ๐" HEHE.ย ๐
After that we made a very easy midsummer dinner togheter and ate in the kitchen with roses on the table.ย ๐ Later we ate the cake for dessert, of course haha!ย ๐
Then we just took it easy here at home! Enjoying life.๐
How was your midsummer? (If you celebrate midsummer) .
Pictures of the cake, from start to the final result:


Cutting the cake in 3 pieces was absolutly the hardest!

The final result!ย ๐

I AM SO PROUD!ย ๐ If you want the recipe, please comment down below!
A long day!
Wednesday, 27.5.2020
I woked up in the moring and it was soo warm. Direcly now when I wake up I open up the balcony and sit there out in the shadow for a while haha! Because the sun is always on our bedroom-side in the mornings, so the room is so warm then. ๐ช SUMMER IS HERE! ๐
I couldn't eat breakfast direcly because sometimes when it's so warm, it's hard to eat! Or it's like that for me, are you like that also? Leave a comment! ๐ So I washed some clothes and fixed little here at home. ๐
Finally my hunger came haha, so I made warm cinnamon-pears in the oven and ate it with an oatmeal and fresh raspberries. Really fresh & healthy! Pictures you can see down below. ๐
After my meal I vaccum-cleaned the whole apartment & then I talked in the phone a vey long time with one of my bestfriends.๐ค Oh yeah, I hang up the clean laundry too and folded some clothes. ๐
Then I met my fiancรฉe after his work and we went to the food-store and bought food plus a make-up blending brush to me. I really needed a new blending brush, it was cheap from the grocery-store but it feels very good! Very cute colors too, hihi. ๐๐
When we came home we made some food that we just could do fast, because we were so hungry and it was kinda late. Meatballs & pasta with salad.
Yeah, then he cleaned the cat litter-box and cleaned the whole bathroom after a 10 hours, long and hard work-day. YOU ARE THE BEST HONEY! ๐ป
Finally we took it easy and went to bed. ๐
THE FREE BABYBAG FROM LIBERO; that I wrote about in my last post I'm going to do a own post about right after this, so be ready! ๐
Photos from this day:

Food is art. ๐

Only cinnamon and sliced pears, in to the 200+ C warm oven.๐

Tummy-yummy. ๐

LOOK AT MY MAN, he sent this picture from work to me.
This man is going to be my baby's daddy.
Like CAN YOU SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL HE IS???????????????๐๐ญ
Our daughter is going to be sooo beautiful. Our finnish little girl. ๐ <333
Hello fellas!ย
I started the day with eating breakfast, like always.ย ๐ Then I took a shower and listened to music. After that I fixed myself and talked to my mother at the phone. She said that she and her friend were on they way to a shopping center (where is many second-hand shops.) So I said okay nice I gonna come there too!ย ๐
So I ook a walk to that shopping center and we were looking in many second-hands shops there. (Here in Finland we love second-hand shopping).ย ๐ค So I bought knitting needles (size 3.5 mm) and a bigger top I can have later in my pregnancy.ย ๐ I normally have size XS in tops but now when my belly is getting bigger for everyday I gotta prepare.ย ๐ So it was a size M top.ย
After that we went to the post office and I picked up my package, you who had read my blog before knows that i ordered babystuffs from IKEA. I was really suprised how big the baby bathtub is, and how good qualtity it is! So the baby bathtub from IKEA I'm going to rank 5/5 !๐
When we where done there we walked home to me, and just talked about everything, ate food and watched music videos.ย ๐ A really good friday!ย So almost direcly when they left I cooked dinner and my fiancรฉe came home after work. So we ate dinner and to dessert we ate Runeberg cake. We have a day here in Finland which is called Theย Runeberg day, and then we have the tradition to enjoy a Runeberg cake on that day or around that day.ย ๐ He was a big poet and author in Finland. I love the Runeberg cake! I have never made the cake myself, but someday I will!ย
Oh yeah, almost forgot! Yesterday I got an meeting with my old work with the new boss there who I never met. So in wednesday I gonna hopefully made a new contract via my school there again. FINALLY!!
Hope you all had a good friday! Bye.ย ๐๐ค
Photos from today:

ย Runeberg cakes are made of almonds and arrack or rum. It usually has raspberry jam and around it you can see icing.ย ๐

Now I must buy garn so I can begin! ^^ย

I am not used to bye clothes in M size, it feels wierd haha!! But I am sure that this going to be cute with a big belly under it.ย ๐
Shopping, work and buffet.
I didn't blog about my friday yesterday because; yeah read my last post you gonna see what happened) ๐คฃ. So I gonna write about friday today! :)
My friday was good!ย ๐ I woke up sometimes around 7:50. My breakfast was strayberry yoghurt with kakao & strawberry granola. It's so indescribable good!ย ๐
My job started at 9:00, half of the day I cleaned stay-over rooms and rest of the half day I sorted out some things in the stock. So it was a very nice workday, I must say! Everything went very nicely.ย ๐
After my job I went shopping in the city. (my job is in the centre of the city).ย I bought a pair of earrings. I gonna do a post about the earrings direcly after this post.ย ย ๐ย When I was done shopping I went too Konnitchiwa to eat Japanese buffet, second time this week.๐ Like I wrote in a post 2 days ago, Konnitchiwa is my absolutely favorite restaurant so you readers is going to see about that alot. Hehe! ^^ It is easy for me to just go and eat direcly after my work because my job is really physically demanding plus that I am pregnant. So yeah, you understand! :)
Lastly, I catched the bus on my way home and almost direcly when I got home I falled asleep on the sofa 2 hours. It was soo needful and nice haha!ย Then we ate dinner, me and my fiancรฉe and chilled.ย
How was your friday? Hope you all gonna have a nice weekend!ย
Photos from this friday:

Japanese icecream cake and fruits.ย

I collected all the broked electronics in the hotel.

Me and my tummy yummy with the job clothes on. ;p

Sushi & miso soup. <3