Shopping new makeup!
In tuesday I bought new make-up from Lyko. 1 matte-foundation, 2 consealer & 1 nail-polish.
I already use this foundation and consealer, and I love them really much!
Wich foundation and consealer you think is best?
I just love this blue color! What do you think?
I just love this blue color! What do you think?

I am alive, hehe!
Hiiii fellas! Yes, I'm alive haha! 😂 I didn't blog for about 1 week because I felt not so alive to be honest. 😅 The pregnancy-tierdness took over my body completely! I was sleeping almost all the time in many days at row. At nights, and 1-2 times at the day too. Only women's who have been pregnant knows exactly what I am talking about! But now that little sleepy-head period is over, again. 😇 I have now been feeling "normal" for 2-3 days. Finally not a zombie haha! 😵
Today I woke up early, ate breakfast and I have accually been talking at the phone very, very much today. 😋 Then I went to Trio here in the city, (it is a shopping mall).
I was looking at clothes, baby-clothes as usual and at interior design stuffs too. 😊 OMG, it is so many good-looking clothes everywhere now! The I mean for women and children, and sooo much beautiful interior design too. Then I mean really much hihi! But... I can't buy clothes to myself now when I am so big, and the baby is still coming soon. So it just feel so worthless to buy clothes that I can wear 1-2 times, then no more hahaha. 😅 I would be an idiot if I bought clothes to myself at this stage of the pregnancy. I mean she is estimated NEXT WEEK!!! 😱😁💖 The time just flies by so fast!
Okay, what did I bought you may wonder? 🤑 I bought:
-A cute yellow body to my babygirl from Lindex.
-Blending & concealer brush from H&M, (my concealer brush has gone really bad lately, It's 5 years old thou🤣)
-A beautiful bracelet from H&M!
-Sunglasses from H&M.
(Look at the pictures down below😊)
After the shopping I went to the foodstore and bought some food, and then I got home, washed some clothes, & folded some towels. Yeah, after that I just ate food and have been taking it easy, blogging. 😊
Hope you all feel good this monday, ciao!
Pictures from today:

Pictures from yesterday, (only selfies) 🤣:

Week 39, (38 + 2)

Doctor-visit (is she on her way?) & baby-shopping.
I woke up very early, made some coffeé and took a long shower. 😊 After that Tom made some breakfast for me (avocado-sandwiches 😍) and then I did my makeup.
My Doctor visit was at 1 PM in Lahti City Hospital. The urine-test, my bloodpresure and everything with my baby was perfect! Our baby is now around 2700 gram big. 😍 The Doctor was also feeling at my cervcial os, and it is OPEN 1,5 cm! 😁 So the Doctor said that: "Yes something has been going on and something is happening in there. So when you think it's ready it's time to call the hospital. It can be near now.". She said that after they have been there "down", feeling, it can start some pains. I was smiling and the Doctor too, then we where like byee, *smiling at each other* haha. 😄
..And yes she had right! I got soo much pain in my whole belly and I couldn't barely walk! I walked in slow-motion to the nearest shopping mall. Sitting in a cafeteria, drinking a cold Cola. When I rested there for a while I went in to Life & buyed pregnancy vitamins because my was ending. Then I bought D-vitamin drops with probiotic-bacterias for my baby-girl.
After buying some vitamins I went in to H&M and bought some baby-clothes. I also bought a red diadem to myself in Glitter. I LOVE diadems nowadays haha! I don't know why but I am just a diadem freak now a days! 😂
Then I bought a ice-coffeé and a cream cheese bagel in Espresso House. I sat there for very long, sending snapchats and talked in the phone. Like a real pregnant, coffeé-drinking becoming mama. 🤣
When I was done in the mall I came home, was just chilling! Later at the evening me and Tom went out and bought food. (He bought kebab and me; a Pizza).
Even more later we went to the food-store, just buying snacks. 🤣 Then we just took it easy and I was online-shopping for out baby. I just bought cover/protection to the baby-bed and a changing mat. 😉 Then we went to bed. 💖
Pictures from this day:

Did you know that I have been working in Life, in Stockholm? 😊

No I'm not this pale, it's just a snapchart filter! (But I wish I were, it's so beautiful!)

These pants are MUCH more pink IRL! I think our lamp is too bright for the camera to handle haha!
These baby-clothes is a matching-set!
Pregnancy-clothes shopping, mum on visit & pizza.
Sunday, 21.6.2020
Hello there my readers! 🤗
Today I woke up sometimes before Tom left for work. I did not woke up with a good humour accually. 😅 I was/am just feeling so hopeless in my own big body. I'm feeling huge, disabled, in pain, no fiting clothes, warm, tiered and yeah.. I am just sick of this last stage of pregnancy, you know? 💩 "Only" 26 days left until the E.D.D. 😒
My mum and her friend came by around 12 PM. We ate the cake I made this weekend, drank coffee, talked & watched TV.
When they left I listened to music & went to the shower. 😃 When I was putting some body-lotion on my fiancée came home. <3 He washed the dishes & then we went to a pizzeria. It takes just 15 min to walk there. We were waiting for the pizza & on the way home I got soo much contractions! It was hurting really much. :/ I can't even walk like a short walk like that. -.-'' Sooo annoying! 😂
At home again we ate our pizzas and then we ate cake for dessert. 😊 Watching youtube on the tv. 😜
After that I shopped 2 pregnancy dresses and 1 pair of slippers in one bigger size, (bcause my feets are little swollen). I ordered them from Zalando. 😊
What do you think? I love the colors! Cinnamon brown & light denim blue.
Colors that are very trendy this summer, 2020. 😉

I want these clothes and slippers nooooow❣😍
school-day, face-mask & hair dyeing. HOW TO KNOW TO CHOOSE HAIR-COLOR.
Hiiiiii everybody! New week, new opportunities! 😉
I woke up 7:30 AM, and my school-lesson started at 8:00 AM via the computer. 😊 I had lesson just til 9:30 I think? We got a school-work that we had to do, and it had to be done latest at 1 PM same day, because then we had a second lesson for the day. So I was studying and having school from 8 AM until 1:30 PM, with 1 hour pause in between. So it was not a long school-day! It has never been long school-days now in this corona-time.
After the distance school I fell asleep only 1 hour at the sofa, and Paavo was sleeping beside me. 😻 So sweet!
After my resting I put a honey face-mask on my face and began to coloring my hair. 😊 The honey face-mask was really good, it was a mask that you must pull off your face after it had dryed. 😄 The mask was advanced for taking off dead skin so the face feels much "newer" and fresher.
The hair-color made me disappointed accually! When you buy hair-color you should not go after the color at the package, and nor after the name of the color. You should go after the numbers. This was number 6.0. Number 6 means that it should be light brown or dark blonde. (numer 1 is the blackest, number 10 is the lightest.) and the 0 in 6.0 means that the color is neutral. Like this:
The first number at the hair-color package means:
1 = Black
2 = Blackbrown
3 = Dark brown
4 = Brown
5 = Light brown
6 = Dark blonde
7 = Between blonde / middle-blonde
8 = Blonde
9 = Light blonde
10 = Extra light blonde
2 = Blackbrown
3 = Dark brown
4 = Brown
5 = Light brown
6 = Dark blonde
7 = Between blonde / middle-blonde
8 = Blonde
9 = Light blonde
10 = Extra light blonde
The second number at the hair-color package means:
What shade the hair-color have, example if the shade is warm, cold or neutral.
0 = Nature
1 = Ash
2 = Matt
3 = Gold
4 = Red gold
5 = Purple
6 = Violete
7 = Modern brown
8 = Pearl blue
9 = Cendré / Ash-blonde
1 = Ash
2 = Matt
3 = Gold
4 = Red gold
5 = Purple
6 = Violete
7 = Modern brown
8 = Pearl blue
9 = Cendré / Ash-blonde
So my hair-color should be 6.0, was more like 4.0... This was a new gel-formula that Schwarzkopf has started with so I wanted to try it out! But I feel like, nope, not again. It went out OK, but not good as it should be! The color wasn't right with the number of the result, nor even after the picture. Nothing! 🙄
After the face-mask and colouring I took a loong shower. After that I just took it easy and went to bed with Tom. 💖
Pictures from this day:

Paavo and my tummy 😍😻
A long day!
Wednesday, 27.5.2020
I woked up in the moring and it was soo warm. Direcly now when I wake up I open up the balcony and sit there out in the shadow for a while haha! Because the sun is always on our bedroom-side in the mornings, so the room is so warm then. 😪 SUMMER IS HERE! 💛
I couldn't eat breakfast direcly because sometimes when it's so warm, it's hard to eat! Or it's like that for me, are you like that also? Leave a comment! 😋 So I washed some clothes and fixed little here at home. 😊
Finally my hunger came haha, so I made warm cinnamon-pears in the oven and ate it with an oatmeal and fresh raspberries. Really fresh & healthy! Pictures you can see down below. 👇
After my meal I vaccum-cleaned the whole apartment & then I talked in the phone a vey long time with one of my bestfriends.🤗 Oh yeah, I hang up the clean laundry too and folded some clothes. 😜
Then I met my fiancée after his work and we went to the food-store and bought food plus a make-up blending brush to me. I really needed a new blending brush, it was cheap from the grocery-store but it feels very good! Very cute colors too, hihi. 😍👇
When we came home we made some food that we just could do fast, because we were so hungry and it was kinda late. Meatballs & pasta with salad.
Yeah, then he cleaned the cat litter-box and cleaned the whole bathroom after a 10 hours, long and hard work-day. YOU ARE THE BEST HONEY! 😻
Finally we took it easy and went to bed. 😊
THE FREE BABYBAG FROM LIBERO; that I wrote about in my last post I'm going to do a own post about right after this, so be ready! 😃
Photos from this day:

Food is art. 💚

Only cinnamon and sliced pears, in to the 200+ C warm oven.💚

Tummy-yummy. 💚

LOOK AT MY MAN, he sent this picture from work to me.
This man is going to be my baby's daddy.
Like CAN YOU SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL HE IS???????????????😍😭
Our daughter is going to be sooo beautiful. Our finnish little girl. 💓 <333
💛 Summer is here 💛
Hey, you all! 😁
When I woked up this morning I had so much energy, I sleept very well this night. 😍 Fantastic.
I ate breakfast, (very small pancakes with a chocolate and hazelnut-cream) & coffée. I ALWAYS make my pancakes from scratch by myself, but now I bought these randomly from the store. I have never bought it before because I like to make pancake by myself, but it was still good! 😊
After the breakfast I took a shower and shaved my whole body. It was REALLY hard because of my big belly haha! 😂 After the looong shower I smoothed my whole body with body yogurt from The body shop like always. I love The body shops body yogurt! It's lovely for my skin. 👌 Then I did my make-up and took many selfies hahah..💄🤳😅
I folded some clothes, watered all the plants and fixed little out on the balcony. It has been sooo sunny & warm many days in row now. 😍 Summer is finally here!
When I was done with all that I went outside here in the city to meet up my fianceé after his work. We went to the food-store, and when we came home we ate tuna pasta-salad that we made yesterday. Ofc I ate it with my favorite dressing: Cesar dressing haha! 🤣
After the dinner we have just hanged out and watched tv. Soon it's time for bed! 😊 Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that i got a free baby bag full with babythings from Libero today! I gonna show you tomorrow. 😇
Hope you all sleep well tonight!
All the pictures from today, be ready for MANY selfies 🤣:

Hahah my face is so ugly and funnt here, don't care about it. 😅

Pregnancy week 33

Shopping from Cubus & H&M
Here is what I bought from H&M and from Cubus last week. What do you think? 😉

Sorry for the moving chaos in the background. 😅

These red sweatpants are from Cubus. I love to buy my sweatpants and sweaters from Cubus!

What I also love to buy from Cubus is underwear! They got the best panties in the world, trust me! They are so comfortable, sexy and a really good quality. And the absolute best thing too is that when you were jeans, leggings or a dress they NOT give
you that ugly lines on your butt like a grandma’! I really recommend these pantries from Cubus!

5x cute socks from Cubus also.

I also bought these mama jeans from H&M. I really like H&M’s mama clothes!

And people say that mama clothes are ugly? I actually do not agree with them! These mama jeans are super good looking! 🙏🏻 Thank u H&M!
Hello fellas!
I started the day with eating breakfast, like always. 😊 Then I took a shower and listened to music. After that I fixed myself and talked to my mother at the phone. She said that she and her friend were on they way to a shopping center (where is many second-hand shops.) So I said okay nice I gonna come there too! 🙂
So I ook a walk to that shopping center and we were looking in many second-hands shops there. (Here in Finland we love second-hand shopping). 🤗 So I bought knitting needles (size 3.5 mm) and a bigger top I can have later in my pregnancy. 🙂 I normally have size XS in tops but now when my belly is getting bigger for everyday I gotta prepare. 😜 So it was a size M top.
After that we went to the post office and I picked up my package, you who had read my blog before knows that i ordered babystuffs from IKEA. I was really suprised how big the baby bathtub is, and how good qualtity it is! So the baby bathtub from IKEA I'm going to rank 5/5 !👌
When we where done there we walked home to me, and just talked about everything, ate food and watched music videos. 😊 A really good friday! So almost direcly when they left I cooked dinner and my fiancée came home after work. So we ate dinner and to dessert we ate Runeberg cake. We have a day here in Finland which is called The Runeberg day, and then we have the tradition to enjoy a Runeberg cake on that day or around that day. 😊 He was a big poet and author in Finland. I love the Runeberg cake! I have never made the cake myself, but someday I will!
Oh yeah, almost forgot! Yesterday I got an meeting with my old work with the new boss there who I never met. So in wednesday I gonna hopefully made a new contract via my school there again. FINALLY!!
Hope you all had a good friday! Bye. 🖐🤗
Photos from today:

Runeberg cakes are made of almonds and arrack or rum. It usually has raspberry jam and around it you can see icing. 😍

Now I must buy garn so I can begin! ^^

I am not used to bye clothes in M size, it feels wierd haha!! But I am sure that this going to be cute with a big belly under it. 😇
Monday & tuesday
My monday was a school day, and it started 8:15 in the morning. 🙂 It was really fun to meet half of the class again! 😍 It was a really good day and we got our schedule for the half year ahead. 😊
My monday was a school day, and it started 8:15 in the morning. 🙂 It was really fun to meet half of the class again! 😍 It was a really good day and we got our schedule for the half year ahead. 😊
When the school day was done I went to H&M HOME and bought some stuffs for the home. You will see want beautiful things I got, --> in my next post. 😍
I picked up my mama pants from H&M too that I ordered last week. They sit PERFECT!! I really recommend them for every pregnant woman out there. I ordered size S, just that I have normally, and they fit perfecly! There is also plenty of space for the stomach to grow too beacauce they are really, really strechy! Pictures you see down below.
After that I meet up my fiancée and we went to the big supermarket for buying som food. We met my mum there too.
When we where home we just eated and I watched Sabrina on Netflix, that I love! Somebody else who is watching it? 😎
I woke up in the morning and talked with my teacher at the phone and she was like: "you don't have job today, you are free today!". So I went sleeping again HIHI!
Today my fiancée also had a free day from work, so we decided to take down all the christmas decoration in the home. We were very later with it haha! Or do you have the christmas things up yet? 😜 It feels like a whole new home now without the christmas tree, I mean, so much space now! 🤗
I had actually just cleaned at home today, done the laundry and just chilled. How did your week started?

Pregnant week 16 <3
Gold/black earrings from Glitter
I personally like gothic and classical looks, and when the two styles goes in too one it's even more a style that I love to wear.
These earrings I bought from Glitter for only 3 euros (it was 70% sale). Black and gold cross earings. I think they are going to match good with a nude or black outfit. 😊

Mama pants from H&M
Like I wrote in my last post. I ordered pants too myself from H&M, ofc my first MAMA pants ever! You probably saw my baby tummy yummy in that post to? Haha! So I felt that, okay, now it's time for some mama pants, because my jeans doesn't fit anymore! 😂 Can't wait to get them!

Beställt en klänning!
Så himla glad över klänningen jag beställde nyss. Riktigt sexig som passar både till vardags & fest. Sorry btw för att jag inte skrev igår! Var typ överallt igår och kom hem vid 17 och då var det bara att duscha, laga mat osv. Jag och Toms mamma var i allllaaa affärer i hela stan kändes det som plus banken osv osv osv. Om jag skulle skriva ner dagen igår skulle det nog bli en halv bok så. Men det var inget speciellt vad vi gjorde. Massor av äranden bara.
Idag vaknade jag vid 10 eller halv 11. Var ganska trött efter dessa två dagar då jag gjort så sjukt mycket. I alla fall idag så dammsög jag, pratade med Henrik i tele, fixade lite på rummet, beställde den där klänningen som sagt, lagat middag, käkat frulle också såklar, sippat på kaffe & hängt vid datan typ.
Här är klänningen jag beställde idag för 30 euro. Vad tycker ni? Värt eller inte? Jag tycker det var fett värt det i alla fall. ;)

Det fanns helsvart också men jag tyckte faktiskt ovanligt nog att det var mycket snyggare med det ljusa under! :)
Idag har jag varit buusig. Jätte busig faktiskt! Jag har då beställt smink för 53 euro (495 kr). Men det var otroligt mycket för priset & bra kvalitéts smink så det var faktiskt sååå värt det. Undra om min karl blir arg på mig och ba "Sanni! Smink för över 50 euro wtf!?". Hiihi men struntsamma det är ändå från min egna ficka så. Minns en gång när jag köpte en foundation för nästan 500 spänn förut från Bodystore, provade en gång och det var den sämsta jag provat. Gissa om man hade ångest då. Ah men i alla fall jag är sååå glad för att jag har viljat ha dessa grejer i kanske 3 år om inte typ flera år?
Det jag i alla fall har beställt är:

Bh Cosmetics, Contour & Blush
För att framhäva konturerna mer i ansiktet. Högpigmenterat puder som ger möjligheter till rouge, skuggning och concealer applicering.

Blush Professional, 88 Colour Eyeshadow Palette
88 stycken ögonskuggor som är matta med skimmer.

Coastal Scents Brush Set
5 olika borstar (börjar från vänster sida)
Foundation (Gethår)
Eye Shadow (Hästhår)
Blender (Hästhår)
Concealer (Syntetiskthår)
Angled Liner (Syntetiskthår)
Eye Shadow (Hästhår)
Blender (Hästhår)
Concealer (Syntetiskthår)
Angled Liner (Syntetiskthår)
Rosa pantern
Hej alla söta läsare! idag har jag faktiskt inte gjort något speciellt, men det är ju så när man varken har jobb eller skola. Men det kommer snart så! Det har varit 20 grader ute, trots att det bara har varit mooln plus blåst som vanligt. -.- Har pratat med Malin i tele och hennes bebis är beräknat till januari! :) Så roligt! Typ alla mina tjejkompisar får barn i samma tidpunkt haha! Jätte kul ju. :) Bara jag som är kvar känns det som. ^^ Som sagt så har jag inte gjort något speciellt idag. Bara sminkat mig (det blev en rosaskimrande sminkning). :) Rosaögonskugga är fint för speciellt grönögda girls då den rosa färgen gör ögonfärgen mer grön! Vad tycker ni? :) börjar bli brun också!

Ser ni att det verkligen gör mina gröna ögon ännu grönare? Blev så nöjd!

Idag har jag dammsugit, duschat, suttit i solen och ätit gröna vindruvor, ätit isglass i solen, diskat, pratat med Johanna i telefon och lagat middag med älskling. Det blev tagatelli m sojafärssås. ;) Just nu lyssnar jag på rock n roll och väntar på att se resultatet på min karls look! (Han håller på att snagga av sig allt sitt hår och jag har inte sett han snaggad på ett halv år.) :D Här är lite bilder från idag..

Vegansk färssås. ;)

Vegansk färssås. ;)
Gud vad bakfull jag är idag! Drack "lite" för mycket igår. Den borde dock försvinna snart för att jag gjorde vegansk wok med nudlar och åt först en portion sen en portion igen. Druckit massor av vatten och tranbärsjuice. Igår var vi bara hemma, var fint väder men blåste ganska mycket dock :/ 

Vegansk wokgryta som innehåller röd paprika, grön paprika, gul paprika, zucchini, champinjoner & kokosmjölk.
Här kommer det lite bilder från igår:

Outfit och selfies från igår. ;)

Min middag igår, örtbombad zucchini och championer plus couscous.

Min middag igår, örtbombad zucchini och championer plus couscous.
Bild från idag:

Nighty nighty!
Hello fellas! Sitter och skriver en inköpslista och ska snart borsta tänderna och lägga mig med min hane. :) Idag har jag bara varit hemma och målat blomkrukor, lagat middag och bara varit framför datan. Här kommer lite bilder från ikväll. Godnatt! 
Sojakorv med stuvade makaroner. En enkel middag helt enkelt
Inköpslista, skrev couscous helt fel haha!

Sojakorv med stuvade makaroner. En enkel middag helt enkelt

Hallå people! :)
Jag känner mig verkligen jätte rastlös och uttråkad, då är det verkligen den bästa tiden på dygnet att blogga! Ikväll så har jag bla pluggat geografi & kollat på Guccis, Dolce & gabbanas & Chanels hemsidor, vad de har för handväskor. (Den dagen jag har överdrivet mycket pengar så ska jag fan köpa mig en sån handväska!!). Guccis väskor var som "whatever -.-", men det fanns däremot en väska på Chanel som jag halvt dog för och massor på Dolce & gabbana! Åhh vad suktad man blir. Men det känns ändå såhär.. en väska för flera tusen. Det är ju sjuuuuuukt egentligen! Men ska man ha nått bra m kvalité så är det väl lika bra och sätta pengar på det? Juste jag skaffade mig videofyme nyss också. Jag kanske börjar slänga upp några videon på bloggen då och då? (; Njaah eller det får vi se haha, pallar man det liksom?
Från Dolce & gabbana:

Vilken är den absolut snyggaste? Jag kan fan inte välja själv. :p