Tuesday 8.6.2021
This day me and Heidi had a lots of fun. 😊
I took many photos of Heidi in her room when she had the dress that my mother gave. The headband she ofc drew off her head. xD I got some good pictures of her. 😍
This day me and Heidi had a lots of fun. 😊
I took many photos of Heidi in her room when she had the dress that my mother gave. The headband she ofc drew off her head. xD I got some good pictures of her. 😍
We walked to the shopping-mall (Trio) and went to H&M to collect a package that I ordered to Heidi. (Do you remember the swim-suit that I ordered). After that we took a walk to the foodstore and then to our nearest playground. 😊
Heidi were swinging and riding the slide too. Then we were exploring the bushes and trees there, plus some flowers too. 😊
Then we walked home and I vaccum-cleaned the whole apartment! 🤗Rest of the day we were at home, having a regular family day. 😊
Oh yeah, I was doing some online shopping too! My foundation is soon endning, so I ordered foundation, concealer & one nail polish. You will see it in my next post! 😊
Photos from this day:
