Super long playing day outside with Heidi & mum
Hiii guys! I hope everything is good with you. 😊 Everything is fine with me/us. 😘
Hiii guys! I hope everything is good with you. 😊 Everything is fine with me/us. 😘
Tom was working at this saturday So my mum came by, and we went out for a walk. First we went to a store (Rusta) and my mum bought a blanket and something more I don't remember now. 😅🤔
After the shopping we walked to a playground. We were playing with Heidi there for a while, then we walked home to me again. 😊
We all 3 ate together and afterwards we all three felt asleep. 😂 My mum slept in our sofa and me & Heidi in the bed for like 1-1,5 hours. 😂
When we all woke up, Heidi ate little & my mum drank coffee, I just drank water. Then went out again. 😄
We walked to another playground this time, and there it was quite many people. Heidi were swinging, crawling around, I helpt here riding the slide, then she was playing in a little car. When Heidi was sitting in the car it came 3 children more and played with her. 2 of the children was on the roof and a little boy was next to Heidi & laughting. It was so cute. 😍 Heidi was like "What's going on? 🤔" 😂
When we had been playing for a while we walked to a greek-store & my mum bought a sause and then she bought olive-oil to us. 😍 Thank you mum! <3
After the greek-store we went to a new second-hand boutique that opened for a while ago. So we wanted to look for clothes to Heidi but we did not find something in her size.
So after the second-hand boutique we walked to the food-store. Then my mum went home & me n' Heidi too. 😊
In the evening me and Heidi just took it easy, we eat and then I was putting Heidi to sleep. Then I just chilled. 😜 What a long weekend! With a great weather. <3 Soon the real is summer here.
Pictures from this day:

Paavo is eating my roses. 😤

This was at the first playground of the day. Her socks is sitting little wierd. xD I did not take pictures from the other playground.

Paavo is having a snack. -.-