Coffee at old time café + The market-place day
The morning started as usual, like you readers know. 😉 With breakfast, breastfeeding, diaper changing, little cleaning + dish-washing and some playing of course! 😊
Ohh, I have been soooooooooo tierd these last days. 😴😩
Tom left for work & my mum came by. She had bought a dress-set to Heidi with a head-band & a sunhat. It was from the secondhand boutique. I did not take pictues on it yet, but it's light blue, yellow & green. Super cute! 😊 Thank you mum!!! 💜
First wednesday every year in June we have something called Toripäivä. In english; The market-place day. Then it's much stands in the middle of the city, at the market-place. People that are selling fruits & greens, honey, eggs, cheese, clothes, bread and so on. It can be little bit of everything.
So me, Heidi & mum were looking there, and Heidi got a free balloon. 😍 So cute!
After that we went to the market hall of Lahti. We was at an old-time café, drinking coffee & Heidi drank some milk from her mug. It was soo cozy and really lovely café. I will go there again! 😍
Then my mum went home & me and Heidi too. 😊 Rest of the day we were just at home. Playing, eating and then we spend some time at our balcony. 😘
How was your wednesday?
Pictures from this day (many pictures):

Let's talk about eurovision & hockey!
Hellooo fellas! How are you? I'm fine! 😊
I'm not going to write about this day in detail, because my little family have just been home today. 😊
I took all the easter interior design away here at home today! I KNOOW, SO LATE. 😅🤣😂 Haha!! Somebody else who had or have their easter things still up? Or is it just me who thinks all the easter-things is so cute; so I wait with taking them down? 🙄🤗 Oh well, now their gone. 😉
Kazakstan won over Finland today at ice-hockey! I must say: WOW! Kazakstan! You are amazing! And what a goalkeeper! Ofc really boring that Finland didn't won, but I have to say that Kazakstan earns to win this time! 😉 Do you wanna comment something about the hockey world championship? Please do & comment down below!
Let's talk about eurovision! Did right country win? I think that Italy's song were good, but Finland were better. 😉 I'm proud of Finland! 6th place is pretty good! What do you think of the eurovision final?
I don't have more to write about today actually.
Tomorrow will be a LOOOOOOONG day! Stay tuned.
/Sanni K.

Tea. <3

1st day at work & Leo's playland with Heidi
Woow what a long day! We all woke up around 7, (my little family, hihi). 😘
I did my make-up and hair, and then I gave Heidi some porrigde. I drank some coffee and took some things with me and headed over to my work. Tom were with Heidi at that time. 😘
At the work they just gave me some important information, keys, working clothes and a walk-throught. 😊 So everything took only around 2 hours.
When I were done at my work I walked home. At home after spending some family-time and playing; I gave Heidi some lunch and then I ate lunch myself too. 😊
A little baby boy tryed toplay with Heidi, but she just began to cry. 😆 So she just cryed and cryed and cryed. Haha omg Heidi is SOOO sensitive. Okay she were really tierd!! But she is still pretty sensitive. Our little Heidi baby. 😘 Her horoscope suits her personality very well. 😜 (Cancer)
I think we were there 1 hour or 1,5 h. Direcly when we came out she felt asleep!
We took the bus home and then we have just being home, playing, eating and watching some tv.
Now me & Tom is going to eat a late dinner. Happy weekend guys! Bye 😘
Pictures from today:

Pregnancy-group, baby-shopping & nausea.
Thursday, 11/6-2020
Oh-my-god-, what a night! 😤 I woke up 4 AM in the night of my idiot to neighbour, that he was FIGHTING with his friend outside on the street? I know that he takes drugs, I mean come on it's so obvious, I can see that. And all his friends too that I have seen. -.- Then his friend was trying to destroy something too? They where screaming and fighting and ohhhh! 😡 I was so near to call the police but I didn't have energy or time for that because my alarm was going to ring at 7 AM. Yeah so I was awake from 4 AM to 7 -.-, then I sleept almost a hours until 8. The I had so much stress!
The pregnancy group meeting should start at 9 AM, so I was like okay I will not go, I am too tierd and angry for this! BUT then I felt like no! My idiot-neighbour is not going to destroy my day! So I did my make-up fast & drank a half cup of coffee. I walked to the meeting (15-20 min), it was soo warm because of the sunny weather. 😵 Then I went to wrong place, and I got 10 min late to the pregnancy-group meeting because of that. I was so sweaty, stressed out, it was so warm, I was tierd and I just wanted to cry. I told them about my night and my morning, and I was like "sorry I just feel like I am going to cry. 😖😫". Haha they were like: "take it easy this is a pregnancy-group so if you wanna cry that is so okay if you do!". Haha but I did'nt cry, but I was really near hahah! 😂 I can not tell you readers what we did there or what we talked about, because that's a rule in the group, it's private. The only thing I can say is that I really needed that and I am looking forward to the next meeting. 😊
After the meeting I went to a secondhand-store that's only selling baby- and children things. 😃 Clothes, toys, furnishing & things like that. It was the first time I was there and ohh it was so fun! 😍 I found the best and cutest mobile ever!!!! I am very,vey happy that I found it!! I have searched for a special one a really long time, and finally I found the one! 😍 When I saw it in the store I was thinking that "It is like new and it's really cute!". Then when I got home I realised that it was moving, it had 3 songs and it has a night lamp too! YOU CAN NOT UNDERSTAND MY HAPPINESS! 😭😍😍 Only for 8 euros! Hihi then I bought cute pants in size 56 too. 😚
When I got hope I was so tierd (like you can understand after 4 hours of sleep. 😴 So I sleept on the sofa for 1-2 hours. After that I was feeling really bad. Nausea, heartburn, my heart was going really fast, I was feeling wierd, dizzy and so on. I ate little and drank water & then it disapeard. But feeling like this sometimes is normal while being pregnant, especially when you haven't sleept good, and it's very warm and when you have walked alot. So yeah rest of the day I was feeling like SHIT accually, and the baby was very wild in my belly. So rest of the day I was just feeling ill on the sofa haha! 🤣
Hope you had a nice thursday guys! 🤗 Byeeee!
Pictures from this day:

I LOVE Disney-clothes and toys! 😍
Tuesday & wednesday
Hello there my lovely readers! 🤗
These days I was just at home, fixing at home, cleaning, just went to the food-store, making food & only relaxing! Nothing special accually. 😌 Oh yeah Tom made a foot-bath for me PLUS that he polished my feets! (Because I can't do it on my own anymore due of my pregnancy). Thank you honey, you are the best!
It has got so clear for me now that I am at the end of the pregnancy now. My body is hurting here and there, often heartburn or feeling that I must throw-up, the baby is like a ninja in there, and her head is down; ready for the world haha! My feets are swollen and my hands too. I can not walk so long, it's just hard to walk to the store... I am tierd all the time.. And honestly I am getting tierd of being pregnant now too. So tierd of the pain, illness and my big, swullen body. 😕 I just wanna time to run by so I can deliver our little babygirl! 💞 On friday pregnancy-week 36 is starting, It is so near now!! I am little nervous to be honest, (ofc!). But soon she is in my arms. 😍
On tuesday Tom built her feeding-chair that my mum bought. 😍 It's sooo cute! Thanks mum! Like I wrote in a post before, I know that she is going to begin with tasting food when she is 4 months old. So she is not going to use it before that, but it's good to have the chair ready because the time will go fast (I think 😉). Isn't It cuuuute? 😍

Chicken, potatoes & salad.

Summary of the week.
Sunday, funday!
HelIo guys!! 😊 I am not going to write a detailed description about my days from tuesday until today like I otherwise always do. So I'm going to give you a small summary of my week with many photos instead, one day at time! 😊 Okay let's go, hihi!
This was a very wonderful day with my mum and her friend! First we went to the store & bought some picnick-food, then we drove to a place called Tiilijärvi in Hololla. The sun was shining & the weather was so good. 😎 We had picknick beside a lake called Vähä Tiilijärvi. It was really nice! 😊My mum gave me a baby dining-chair too! It's so beautiful, a pink one! Yeah, I know that our baby can't sit in it before she is 4 months or something, but good to be ready! Thank you mum!! 💕
When I came home I fixed my hair (setting hair-extensions). 😉
Pictures from tuesday:

I was accually just setting in hair-extensions. 😉 It was a very calm day, nothing special! No photos.
This day was so rainy!! I started to build the changing table in the baby-room but I didn't finished it. Hmm I don't remeber what I did this day so well haha! But I think that I was just cleaning and washing the clothes.
Pictures from thursday:

I were at the ultrasound this day. 😍 They said that everything was good! 😊Our baby is little smaller than normal but it's just genetical they said! I mean; I am 158 cm long 🙄, not even myself is a "normal size" human haha! So I am not suprised that our little girl is smaller than normal. Everything is still perfect they said, so I am not worried over her size. 😌😊💖
When I came home I continued with the building of the chaning-table, and finished it!
No photos.
No photos.
Yesterday (saturday):
I was building the crib in the baby's room, washing some baby clothes and other baby things. 😊 Haha I sleept 2 times on the day too! I have sleept on the day everyday recently. Haha I feel like a old grandma or something! But now when I am in pregnancy-week 35 my baby is taking much energy. So I need to sleep much now. 😴That's a big reason why I have'nt blogged since monday because I have been sleeping and resting very much lately! Ohh I just want my baby to come soon! It's not so fun to feel like a meatball grandma anymore hahah! 😅 No photos
Today (sunday):
I have just fixed in the baby-room, for the 3rd day in a row haha! 😁 Me and babe went to the food-store and then we made some food and ate some snacks. I sleept on the day too like ALL these days in this week, like; I'm not kidding haha!! 😂 I feel like a fat cat that just eats and sleeps everyday hahah. 😹
Here comes some photos of our baby's room. It is very much left to do, but here is pictures of what it looks right now. So the room is in a big progress! 😉

We gonna buy a changing mat soon. 😉

Other photos from today:

Breakfast I made today. ;)

Finnish ice-cream is the best ice-cream in the world. 🤤
Sunny day!
Hellouu! Woow, what a good weather it was today! 💛 Really sunny and warm. 😎
I ate sausages for breakfast today. 😅😂 Because I was so hungry when I woked up hahah! They were already done in the refrigerat, redy to be eaten by a pregnant woman so.. 😝 Yeah, enought about the sausages haha! 🤣
I was talking with my friends at the phone pretty much today at the same tíme I were in the balcony, enjoying the sun. 😊 I was enjoying the sun pretty long time! Until it became too warm. 😋 (It was 16+C in the shadow today.)
When it got too hot I went inside, preparing a school task on my computer that I am going to study/complete tomorrow. So it's going to be more easy to start with it tomorrow.😉
After that I blogged & then I talked at the phone even more. 😜 Then I washed the dishes and my fianceé came home and we made dinner. 💖 Chicken, rice, curry-sauce + salad. 🤤
Then we just chilled and played little GTA 5. Our cat began to meowing, meowing and meowing. 🙀 Because he wanted out for a walk so me and Tom went out with Paavo. 😸 We are often out with our cat, and it was the 3:rd time just this week. 😊
After that me and Paavo have been taking it easy on the sofa and Tom is playing GTA 5 on his PC. Now I am going to eat sandwiches as nightsnack and going to bed. Hihi. 😇
Pictures from today:

He is terrorizing my flowers. 😤

Sugar-pees coming up. 💚

After he was done with the terror. 😅
Hi guys!! 😊
If you remember how I felt yesterday, yeah.. It was/is the same thing today too! (Nausea, pain in my ribs, heartburn and contractions too) -.-'' 😤 Okay, my night was very good this time! Then I mean really good! 😃 I didn't woke up middle of the night, laying awake 1-3 hours like almost every night. This night I sleept like a baby hihih. 😜 It was soo nice!
So today I woke up 9 AM, ate breakfast and studied.
Around 11-12 o' clock I got a BIG delivery home of baby things. A cot, a mattress for the cot, sheets, a play-mat and a chest of drawers with an changing table on the top of it.
Here is pictures of the new things:

(This is just an inspiration picture, not from my home!)
I bought everything from Jollyroom
I really think that the chest of drawers with a changing table on it is really practical and good looking too! 😊 What do you think? Nice with 2 in 1 furniture for a babyroom or not?
I really think that the chest of drawers with a changing table on it is really practical and good looking too! 😊 What do you think? Nice with 2 in 1 furniture for a babyroom or not?
After I got the delivery I studied some more, until my ribs started to hurt so much that I no longer could'nt study. 😒 So yeah this day has been full of studying, pain but with good food and snacks too. 😍

I LOVE the new crispy Snickers! Have you tried?

My belly is much bigger in the reality than in the picture! 😂 Pregnancy week 32. 💕

Good night fellas! Hope you sleep well! 🤗