Pregnancy-group, ice-cream & a walk in the sun.

THURSDAY, 28.5.2020
I woke up at 8:15 in the morning because my pregnancy-group that I'm in, started 9:00 AM.😊 It's a pregnancy-group that just started in distance via the computer, (because of corona), so it was the first meeting. It was really nice and kind people in the group. 😊 More I can't say because everything that says in the group, stays in the group. So I can't tell yoy nothing. 😕 But rules are rules! 😎 Luckily, next time we gonna have the group IRL because Finland is going to ease up all the stict corona rules. Finally! 😌 I am so tierd of this corona-sh*t. 😩 So it feels really good accually that Finland is going to function much more like normal soon!  What do you think? Do you think it's good that countries is beginning to loosen up the corona strictness or not? Leave a comment down below!  👇
After the pregnancy-group I ate breakfast and drank coffeé with Tom, until he left for work. 😚
Then I went out to a store that have a little everything except food. I just bought shower-cream to Tom & dishwashing gloves. They have sooo much flowers and other plants so I walked around there and just watched everything beautiful. 😍 They havel like a little jungle outside the store. 😊 When I was done at the store I went for a walk and then I went home. It was sunny but very windy.
At home I washed the dishes and made some food. Chicken, creamy noodles and asparagus.
I got my hair-extensions home that I ordered 1-2 weeks ago, color #6, 60 cm (light-brown). So niiice! :D So this week I gonna fix my hair! 😉
Later on the evening I went to the grocery-store and bought hair-color. When I got home I ate ice-cream and went to bed. 😊
Pictures from this day:
 Ice-cream with mint-flavor. 😍


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