Paavo is now senior & Heidi 10 moths old!
I woked up 5:30 in the morning like every day the latest days. Okay, I am defintely NOT waking up by myself! It's of course Heidi who is waking me up at 5:30 AM. 😝 Our wild little child. 🙈💓
Our mornings is almost always the same. Change diaper, I am playing with Heidi or then she is playing alone (often with or cat staring at her 😂) and at the same time I am doings some dishes and cleaning the kitchen a little bit.
Her first breakfast is always breastmilk, then 7:00-8:00 AM Heidi is getting her real breakfast (baby porridge.) After her breakfast I'm breastfeeding Heidi again. She is mummy's little milk baby, what can I say? 😇
Tom was at work so me and Heidi went to the foodstore. We bought some cat-food & cat-candy to PAAVO BECAUSE IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY!! 😭😍 Then we bought diapers and some food. 😊
After the foodstore we went for a walk in 30-40 min. At the same time I talked in the phone with one of my best friends<3 & Heidi FINALLY sleept little. Heidi never wanna sleep at daytime, so when she does I am delighted. 😌
I made a cake for Paavo. Haha in the bottom it's special tuna for cat's and the top layer were smokey beef meat. As topping I took a meat-stick (beef-flavor) and some dry catfood as decorating. 😜
Paavo is now 7 years!!!! Now he is our senior!! Old little Paavo. 😻😭💖 It is so hard to understand that we have had him in 6 years soon. He was only 1 year when we bought him, and now he is 7 years already! CONGRATZ OUR LITTLE SENIOR, -TIGER PAAVO.💛💛💛 We love you Paavo and you are our real family-member.
Oh yeah, I forgot! Paavo got his birthday gift earlier this week. A new climbing tree! He got so happy, and he deserves it. 😘 His old climbing-tree we gave away for free, and it came to a home with 10 cats! It feels wonderfull!😻
This day is more special than this. 😍Our little Heidi is too celebraiting; her 10 months day! ❣💗
Soon she is 1 year old! Our little angel.<3d Just look at her, this little princess we made good. Really good. 😚
Very much pictures from this day, so be ready! 😉 All this pictures is just from this day.
