Physically bad monday, mentally good.

What a terrible night.. and half of the day too! 😩 Then I mean psysically, not mentally. This is because of my pregnancy. I had so strong nausea half of the night and half of this day too.. I was so near to trow up many times this night but luckily enough it didn't happend. 🤢 
I'm in pregnancy week 32 now! The time has passed so fast, and I am accually getting little nervous for the childbirth! 😜 From today it's only 60 days left until our daughter's estimated date of birth. 😍 Just 2 months left!! Hihi oh my gosh, finally. 😊
Today I should have a distance lession (like every monday) at 8:00 AM, but I wrote to my teacher that I felt so badly that I couldn't take part of the lession today. My nausea was just too much, and my heartburn too. Plus that I was so freaking tierd from the bad night. Well, well! What to do? Life is like this when you're pregnant. 😝 This was my first missing distance lession from this whole corona-time so it's okay. My teacher understands me of course! 😊
When my bad nausea disappeard I washed the dishes, and after that I went out here at the city to meet my mom. 💗 We went to the grocery store and bought salads, smoothies & my mom bought some food. Then we went to a little park outside the Lahti historical museum and ate our salads.I ate an mozzarella and pasta salad while my mom ate a tuna-salad & we both drank a banana and coconut smoothie. 😋 It was coolly outside, only 9+C so after 1 and 1/2 hours we went home. 😊
After that at home I have just been eating dinner, washed clothes and now I must fold and hang some laundry. 🤣 Not really a funny monday, but it was very nice to see my lovely mom.💖
How did your week started? Comment freely! 
 These two selfies are from 2 days ago. :)


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