Visiting the 4H farmyard + lunch with mum & Heidi
The morning begun like usual with breakfast, diaper changing, playing & breastfeeding Heidi. 😊 And yes, ofc with some little cleaning too. 😉My mum came by at the time when me and Heidi were showering. After the shower I did my make-up and prepared everything for out little trip! 😍
Me, Heidi and my mum went to a hamburger restaurant (Hesburger) in Sokos, and ate some burgers & milkshake. Heidi drank little milk in her baby-mug and ate corn-puffs.
After Hesburger we walked to our nearest 4h farmyard for watching some animals.😊 I love animals so much, and these kind of places. 💖 Heidi felt asleep EXACTLY outside when we came there. We were only 2 minutes away and then she felt asleep. So she didn't see animals at all. 😵🤣🤣 Hahah little boring but yeah, what to do? She is so little still and she does need her day-sleep. 😋
My mum was like: "ohhh why did she felt asleep now?" Hahah. 😂 Me & mum got some mum and daughter time, so it was really fun & nice! 😍
We walked back towards the city. Mum walked home & me and Heidi walked home too. 😊
At home we ate food and played, then we walked to the foodstore and back home again. 😌
At the evening I washed up some dishes & made greece-food.😊
How was your friday?
Pictures from this day (MANY pictures):

It's a chinchilla there. 😋
