Shopping from H&M HOME
What do you think? 😍 I am in love with the new pillowcases!

I bought these candles and 2 pillowcases

The cotton-candle in the middle I bought from H&M Home last year.
Now when the candle has ended, It's so pretty to just put a tea candle in in! I love the marble design!

The front

The backside


Monday & tuesday
My monday was a school day, and it started 8:15 in the morning. 🙂 It was really fun to meet half of the class again! 😍 It was a really good day and we got our schedule for the half year ahead. 😊
My monday was a school day, and it started 8:15 in the morning. 🙂 It was really fun to meet half of the class again! 😍 It was a really good day and we got our schedule for the half year ahead. 😊
When the school day was done I went to H&M HOME and bought some stuffs for the home. You will see want beautiful things I got, --> in my next post. 😍
I picked up my mama pants from H&M too that I ordered last week. They sit PERFECT!! I really recommend them for every pregnant woman out there. I ordered size S, just that I have normally, and they fit perfecly! There is also plenty of space for the stomach to grow too beacauce they are really, really strechy! Pictures you see down below.
After that I meet up my fiancée and we went to the big supermarket for buying som food. We met my mum there too.
When we where home we just eated and I watched Sabrina on Netflix, that I love! Somebody else who is watching it? 😎
I woke up in the morning and talked with my teacher at the phone and she was like: "you don't have job today, you are free today!". So I went sleeping again HIHI!
Today my fiancée also had a free day from work, so we decided to take down all the christmas decoration in the home. We were very later with it haha! Or do you have the christmas things up yet? 😜 It feels like a whole new home now without the christmas tree, I mean, so much space now! 🤗
I had actually just cleaned at home today, done the laundry and just chilled. How did your week started?

Pregnant week 16 <3
Baby-shopping from Twistshake
I do not know how long this sale is going on, but here is the link of all the kits.
I bought "The best start-kit" and you can choose colors of everything in the kit, and some things are for some age-groups. 😍

These really pretty bags are refillable squeeze bags that you can fill with juice, purée, smooties, milkshake in a hot summer weekend or why just not water? They are reusable, and easy to fill! With 2 ziplocks underneat so they don't leak. 😊

Here is just some of the kits!
I am longing so much for our baby!! 😍
Baby-shopping from IKEA
Last week I shopped some security things for the home and little things to the baby, from IKEA.

6,99 euro

4,99 euro

2,99 euro

3,99 euro

2,99 euro

1,49 euro

0,99 euro
Japanese and finnish inspired salad
Sanni's Japanese and Finnish inspired salad
1 salad head
1 cucumber
2-3 whole pickles
2-3 tomatoes
2 different colors of peppers
Salad cheese
300 g chicken or soya bites
3 crushed garlic cloves
1 tbl spoon soy sauce
1 tbl spoon rice vinegar
1 tbl spoon light sesame seeds
juice of 1 half lime
raw ginger after taste or mixed spice ginger
black pepper
2 tbl spoons olive oil or sesam oil
Start with the marinade: blend all the ingredients from the brown list in a bowl or in a little plastic bag
cook the pasta.
Slice the vegetables and put everyting in a big salad bowl.
Mix in the pasta when the pasta is cold.
Cook the chicken or the soy bites in the pan until its done.
Mix it in the salad while it's cold.
Itadakimasu! 🙏
Toivottavasti maistuu! 🙏

In this sallad the cucumber and the radishes are missing!

Tovottavasti maistuu!
Smooth broccoli soup
Sanni's Smooth broccoli soup
Ingrediendts (8 portions):
2 onions
6 potatoes
800 g fresh broccoli (Use the stalks of the broccoli to)
4 boullions (I use 2 meat & 2 veggie-flavour )
1 dl heavy whipping cream
Garlic powder
Crayfish tails or nothing at all. ;) (I just eat the soup with bread.)
For the vegan: replace the 2 meat boullions with veggie-boullions & replace the heavy whipped cream with vegan cream.
For lactose intolerant: relace the heavy whipped cream with lactose-free cream

Cut all the vegetables and put it in the pot with the boullions

Do not fill the pot with water above the vegetables, just a piace under the veggies, just like you can see in the pitcure.

When the vegetables are done, pour everything in a really big bowl, (I use a big salad-bowl). All the water to!
Now you mix everything in a mixer. Probably everything doesn't fit in the mixer at once, so mix all that you can then pour the smooth soup in the pot again. Mix the rest unmixed soup to a smooth soup and again, pour it in the pot.
Now when all of the smooth soup is in the pot you have the stove on middle-warm temperature.
Pour now in the heavy whipped cream in the soup and all the spices after your taste.

Now you can finally enjoy the tasty, smooth broccoli soup! ;) Bon appetit!
Sick this whole week 😭
Hello my readers! I have been sick this whole week. Then I mean all these days, besides in Wednesday when I were in school and at the work. Then I felt well, but directly the day after I got sick again.. These days have been terrible..
I don’t even wanna write about this horror week, bodily. So I skip. But today I feel better, but absolutely not well yet. Me and my fiancée are gonna go and sauna soon. It’s gonna be this week’s most finest moment haha.
The doctor sad that If I still feel terrible at Monday I must go back too the Doctor. So I hope not because I have an important school day on Monday!
I gonna put the broccoli- soup recipe like I promised you either tomorrow or today. 😊🥦 Plus one more recipe made by me, like an sorry because you have waited, hihi! ;) Which is a Japanese and Finnish inspired salad. 🥗
Now I must pack some towels, shampoo etc too the sauna. See yah! 👋🏻 OH yeah now I remember 1 thing, I web-shopped too our coming baby yesterday. Not much, just little! It’a gonna be a post about that to this weekend. See you!! ☺️👋🏻

It’s our cats name-day today. Hahah this photo is from today, I woke him up and took this photo. 😂❤️Paavo. 🐈
Wednesday 22/1-2020
Hello!!!! Is it meee you looking fooor? 🎶
Haha just kidding! 🤣 Good evening! Me and my fiancée woke up at the same time, 7:30 in the morning. We ate breakfast together and watched the news on the tv. ☺️ Then we both went from our home at the same time, he too his job, and me
too mine. ^^
I had job from 9:00 until I had a meeting in my school at 13:30 with one of my teachers. It was a really good planning meeting and I drank a very good cup of tea there and talked with one of my classmates before the meeting. 😁
When the meeting was over I went back too my job and work until 15:30.
After that I went too the food store in the city and then straight home.
At home I just had an relaxing time and then my man came home. 😊
🥦I made the BEST smooth broccoli soup for the 2nd time in my life. I promise you it’s the best broccoli soup ever! I gonna put MY broccoli soup recipe here at the blog TOMORROW, so have your eyes opend!! It’s gonna be a own
recipe post about the soup with good details, photos & tips. 🥦 😉
Yes that was all about my Wednesday for this time, friends! "See ya" tomorrow! Goodnight. 😴

The week started with fever 🤒
Hello fellas!! Like you see up here. ☝🏻 I had fever in Monday and little fever yesterday to, that’s why I havn’t blog anything. Yeah I remember now that I wrote in a post here at the blog this weekend that I felt little sick. So yep, it came, it won but It has left haha! FINALLY well! 🎉😁 I was just at home this Monday & Tuesday, so I really do not have something to tell you about these 2 days to be honest HEHE! I just wanted to tel you guys the reasond why I havn’t blogged.
Here is some random pictures from Monday and Tuesday:

Calzone 🍕
Laundry, sleeping & eating. ZzZ
This sunday = sleeping, folding laundry, washing clothes, cooking food and sleeping.😴😴 I have sleept VERY much today, I donno if it's just the pregnancy or if I am little sick to? Because I have felt little sick this whole weekend, but it's a big chance that the pregnancy is just pranking with me? Or accually I am little sick and very pregnant at the same time. Haha I don't know but something it is! 🤧😅
Today (19/1-2020) I have been pregnant for 100 days! "Only" 180 days left haha! No but for real, this time has just passed by really quickly! I mean, 100 days already!? Whaat! ;p It's so amazing, but it hasn't been easy psysically for me. But it is so worth it! 🤗

This photo is from day 99 (14 weeks + 1 day)

Saturday = cinema
I woke up sometimes at 11-12, I was blogging here in my blog and ate some breakfast. 😇 Then I took a lovely shower and booked cinema tickets too me & my fiancée. When the tickets where booked I did my make-up and outfit. 😊
After that we were on our way too the city and we bought naturesnacks, candy, drinks and bbq natchos. Omg the cheese dip was warm and sooo good! BEST cheese dip I ever tasted in my life, like for real.😍
We saw DR Doolittle and yeah, It was pretty good and funny. I think that the animals was little to much animated than in the old DR doolittle movies, so if I gonna rank just the animals I will say 2,5 of 5. The whole movie: I give the rank 3 of 5.
After the cinema we went too the food store and then home, I cooked some food & just chilled. I were so tierd, that's why I am blogging about my saturday now instead then yesterday evening.
Saturday photos: 😘

My new earrings was on. ;)

Babes XL hockey shirt. I love my country. <3
Gold/black earrings from Glitter
I personally like gothic and classical looks, and when the two styles goes in too one it's even more a style that I love to wear.
These earrings I bought from Glitter for only 3 euros (it was 70% sale). Black and gold cross earings. I think they are going to match good with a nude or black outfit. 😊

Shopping, work and buffet.
I didn't blog about my friday yesterday because; yeah read my last post you gonna see what happened) 🤣. So I gonna write about friday today! :)
My friday was good! 😊 I woke up sometimes around 7:50. My breakfast was strayberry yoghurt with kakao & strawberry granola. It's so indescribable good! 😋
My job started at 9:00, half of the day I cleaned stay-over rooms and rest of the half day I sorted out some things in the stock. So it was a very nice workday, I must say! Everything went very nicely. 😌
After my job I went shopping in the city. (my job is in the centre of the city). I bought a pair of earrings. I gonna do a post about the earrings direcly after this post. 😃 When I was done shopping I went too Konnitchiwa to eat Japanese buffet, second time this week.😇 Like I wrote in a post 2 days ago, Konnitchiwa is my absolutely favorite restaurant so you readers is going to see about that alot. Hehe! ^^ It is easy for me to just go and eat direcly after my work because my job is really physically demanding plus that I am pregnant. So yeah, you understand! :)
Lastly, I catched the bus on my way home and almost direcly when I got home I falled asleep on the sofa 2 hours. It was soo needful and nice haha! Then we ate dinner, me and my fiancée and chilled.
How was your friday? Hope you all gonna have a nice weekend!
Photos from this friday:

Japanese icecream cake and fruits.

I collected all the broked electronics in the hotel.

Me and my tummy yummy with the job clothes on. ;p

Sushi & miso soup. <3
Blogging app = 😭
I gonna cry now. NO more app, only computer!! Bye. This was the second and the last time I use this app!!! I am so sorry but I am going to blog about this day tomorrow. Because I am so sad, angry and frustrated now so I gonna cry for real . Bye...
Work & sushi
Hello fellas! 😊 I’m blogging from my cellphone for the first time, so I hope this post will be good! 😉
I woked up 07:30 this morning. I was little tired but a breakfast always helps. My breakfast was just 2 rye breads with butter & cheese. I fixed my self and catched the bus to the job. Today was the best job day so far in this hotel.
I got whole new job tasks, so first time my body aren’t in a lot of pain after a work day. Thank god! 😜 I started the job 9:00 and the day ended 15:40. 😊
After work I went to a Japanese restaurant; Konnitchiwa (my favorite restaurant here in Lahti). Ofc I just ate sushi buffet like always there. 🥰
When I were done in the town I went to the post-office to send away my fiancées DNA-Test from MyHeritage. It’s gonna be sooo exciting to see his result after sometimes after 2-8 weeks. I have made a DNA test to for 1 & 1/5 year ago and it
just took 3 weeks until I got my results. 😁 Omg it’s so exiting to know EXACTLY what our baby’s dna is gonna be then when we both know ours. ^^
And after that I took the bus again, but home. I am soooo tierd now, it feels like I’m gonna fall asleep quickly. What a long day. Tomorrow is Friday! What will you do this weekend? 😋
Photos from today:

Mama pants from H&M
Like I wrote in my last post. I ordered pants too myself from H&M, ofc my first MAMA pants ever! You probably saw my baby tummy yummy in that post to? Haha! So I felt that, okay, now it's time for some mama pants, because my jeans doesn't fit anymore! 😂 Can't wait to get them!

Can you understand that half of January already has passed? It feels like it just was new years evening! 😛
I had a fine day today. Me and my boss decided that I am gonna get new job-tasks, because those tasks I had in my work, until now has been to much for my pregnant body. So this feel much better! I'm excited for work tomorrow! Now it doesn't feel like "omg i gonna die at work tomorrow"- feeling. LOL! 😄
Today I was in food store, buying some food. After that I visited my mum, I drank a cup chai tea, my mum ate pizza and we were just talking. 😊 Later we went to her laundry and she was doing some laundry. When we where done she came to me and we ate meatballs and mac n' cheese that my lovely fiancée made for dinner. 😘
This evening I bought new pants online, from H&M.
Next post is going to about my shopping so have your eyes open! ;D

Helsinki airport have opened a pet relif area = toilet for pets. So good and amaxing :D


Our cat Paavo on my mum. :D

My tummy yummy, week 13 + 5 days pregnant <3
Sosar sacred forest peat mask
Facemask rewiev
Sosar, sacred forest peat mask
is a purifying bioactive face mask.

This face mask stabilises the oil production of the skin.
It's deep cleanising and effective in removing toxins.
Hademade in Estonia with bioactive ingredients.
My personal thoughts about this product:
I have mixed skin so I just applied the product on my oily skin area. Now many hours after I had the face mask I must say that the oil in my skin is really reduced! 😊 My skin is also very smooth!
I recommend this face mask for everybody who has oily skin, or if you have mixed skin, use the product only in your oily area. 😊
Have you tested this face mask? What do you think about it?

Not a beautiful picture of me haha! But who cares. ;)
Tuesday 4/1-2020
What a night, what a morning and what a day... 🤢
My night was awful, like a nightmare! I had headache from hell. I don't know when I falled asleep this night, but it was very late. But still..
I got up today in the morning, really alert and i went to the kitchen to make some breakfeast. All of sudden I almost trowed up in the kitchen, so i ran fast too the toilet and throwed up. After that I had a really bad headache and I felt really unwell. So I wrote to my boss that: "Sorry but i just trowed up and I have headache and I don't feel good". So I stayed home. 😞
F*ck! I really, really wanted to go too the job today because I had so much energy in the morning. After I trowed up, all that energy was going from 100 to 0. 😕 So I sleept some some more and woke up sometimes at 12 in the day.
My babe did some "breakfast" for me because he was off from the job today. 😍 Yeah accually I haven't done a shit today. Really nothing, because all day I had nause. I can becrave this day with one day: sofa!
I took a shower today and had a facemask, next post is going to be a rewiev about the facemask! ;)
Look at the food me and my fianceé made today! Omg! What do you think? 😉

This monday was a bad monday :/
Oh gosh.. I don't know where to begin. At first I was a little bit late to my job-practise (that I have via my education). This is the last week in this hotel if you wonder. 😃 Yeah but like i wrote, I was late, and then we just had sooo much to do in thje job today. I do not mean "much to do", or "alot to do", now I mean; very, very, very much to do. This job is sooo bodily heavy, especially when I'm pregnant.
So i started the job 8:25 and ended the day 16:35.
When my jobday was done, I catched the bus on my way home and went to the little food market near our home. I just bought a salmon sallad and little chocolate beacause i didn't had the time to eat lunch today. The i watched a cartoon movie on netflix and sleept on the sofa for 1 h & 15 min. I woke up that my fiancée came home from work. He did some dinner to us and after that I got a massage.My body is hurting sooo much after this job-day. I have so much pain now and the clock is already 23:55. Noiw it's time for us to sleep. It's a new day tomorrow! 😊 Goodnight.
Pictures from this day:

I'm back with my blog again!
Can you realize that it was 5 years ago since I blogged last time? 😮
It's such a long time ago! Now I'm back tho, but this time I am writing in english instead of swedish. I was accually thinking if I should write in both swedish and finnish in my blog, but I felt that it would look messy.
I don't know? What do you think? Blogging in english or in both swedish and finnish? Comment down belong please, your thoughts is making me happy and inpired! 😊
Here is a little biograf about myself:
My name is Sanni, I'm 26 y/o, born in Sweden (Stockholm) but moved too Finland 5 years ago. I currently live in Lahti with my fianccée Tom and our cat Paavo.
We are waiting a baby, It's gonna be our first child & we are really happy to meet her/him. <3
My hobbies are fashion, makeup, cooking/baking, nature/animals, politics, PC-gaming and training.
So in this blog I will be blogging about my hobbies and my personal life. If this sounds fun for you, I hope my blog will entertain you! And yeah.. I am so sorry for my old header and some of the ugly details in my blog for the moment. I promise you that I'm gonna do a makeover on my old blog. Hope you will step by soon again! Bye.😊 //Sanni