Work & sushi
Hello fellas! 😊 I’m blogging from my cellphone for the first time, so I hope this post will be good! 😉
I woked up 07:30 this morning. I was little tired but a breakfast always helps. My breakfast was just 2 rye breads with butter & cheese. I fixed my self and catched the bus to the job. Today was the best job day so far in this hotel.
I got whole new job tasks, so first time my body aren’t in a lot of pain after a work day. Thank god! 😜 I started the job 9:00 and the day ended 15:40. 😊
After work I went to a Japanese restaurant; Konnitchiwa (my favorite restaurant here in Lahti). Ofc I just ate sushi buffet like always there. 🥰
When I were done in the town I went to the post-office to send away my fiancées DNA-Test from MyHeritage. It’s gonna be sooo exciting to see his result after sometimes after 2-8 weeks. I have made a DNA test to for 1 & 1/5 year ago and it
just took 3 weeks until I got my results. 😁 Omg it’s so exiting to know EXACTLY what our baby’s dna is gonna be then when we both know ours. ^^
And after that I took the bus again, but home. I am soooo tierd now, it feels like I’m gonna fall asleep quickly. What a long day. Tomorrow is Friday! What will you do this weekend? 😋
Photos from today:
