Shopping, work and buffet.
I didn't blog about my friday yesterday because; yeah read my last post you gonna see what happened) 🤣. So I gonna write about friday today! :)
My friday was good! 😊 I woke up sometimes around 7:50. My breakfast was strayberry yoghurt with kakao & strawberry granola. It's so indescribable good! 😋
My job started at 9:00, half of the day I cleaned stay-over rooms and rest of the half day I sorted out some things in the stock. So it was a very nice workday, I must say! Everything went very nicely. 😌
After my job I went shopping in the city. (my job is in the centre of the city). I bought a pair of earrings. I gonna do a post about the earrings direcly after this post.  😃 When I was done shopping I went too Konnitchiwa to eat Japanese buffet, second time this week.😇 Like I wrote in a post 2 days ago, Konnitchiwa is my absolutely favorite restaurant so you readers is going to see about that alot. Hehe! ^^ It is easy for me to just go and eat direcly after my work because my job is really physically demanding plus that I am pregnant. So yeah, you understand! :)
Lastly, I catched the bus on my way home and almost direcly when I got home I falled asleep on the sofa 2 hours. It was soo needful and nice haha! Then we ate dinner, me and my fiancée and chilled.Â
How was your friday? Hope you all gonna have a nice weekend!Â
Photos from this friday:

Japanese icecream cake and fruits.Â

I collected all the broked electronics in the hotel.

Me and my tummy yummy with the job clothes on. ;p

Sushi & miso soup. <3