Sick this whole week 😭
Hello my readers! I have been sick this whole week. Then I mean all these days, besides in Wednesday when I were in school and at the work. Then I felt well, but directly the day after I got sick again.. These days have been terrible..
I don’t even wanna write about this horror week, bodily. So I skip. But today I feel better, but absolutely not well yet. Me and my fiancée are gonna go and sauna soon. It’s gonna be this week’s most finest moment haha.
The doctor sad that If I still feel terrible at Monday I must go back too the Doctor. So I hope not because I have an important school day on Monday!
I gonna put the broccoli- soup recipe like I promised you either tomorrow or today. 😊🥦 Plus one more recipe made by me, like an sorry because you have waited, hihi! ;) Which is a Japanese and Finnish inspired salad. 🥗
Now I must pack some towels, shampoo etc too the sauna. See yah! 👋🏻 OH yeah now I remember 1 thing, I web-shopped too our coming baby yesterday. Not much, just little! It’a gonna be a post about that to this weekend. See you!! ☺️👋🏻

It’s our cats name-day today. Hahah this photo is from today, I woke him up and took this photo. 😂❤️Paavo. 🐈