Can you understand that half of January already has passed? It feels like it just was new years evening! 😛
I had a fine day today. Me and my boss decided that I am gonna get new job-tasks, because those tasks I had in my work, until now has been to much for my pregnant body. So this feel much better! I'm excited for work tomorrow! Now it doesn't feel like "omg i gonna die at work tomorrow"- feeling. LOL! 😄
Today I was in food store, buying some food. After that I visited my mum, I drank a cup chai tea, my mum ate pizza and we were just talking. 😊 Later we went to her laundry and she was doing some laundry. When we where done she came to me and we ate meatballs and mac n' cheese that my lovely fiancée made for dinner. 😘
This evening I bought new pants online, from H&M.
Next post is going to about my shopping so have your eyes open! ;D

Helsinki airport have opened a pet relif area = toilet for pets. So good and amaxing :D


Our cat Paavo on my mum. :D

My tummy yummy, week 13 + 5 days pregnant <3