Wednesday 22/1-2020
Hello!!!! Is it meee you looking fooor? 🎶
Haha just kidding! 🤣 Good evening! Me and my fiancée woke up at the same time, 7:30 in the morning. We ate breakfast together and watched the news on the tv. ☺️ Then we both went from our home at the same time, he too his job, and me
too mine. ^^
I had job from 9:00 until I had a meeting in my school at 13:30 with one of my teachers. It was a really good planning meeting and I drank a very good cup of tea there and talked with one of my classmates before the meeting. 😁
When the meeting was over I went back too my job and work until 15:30.
After that I went too the food store in the city and then straight home.
At home I just had an relaxing time and then my man came home. 😊
🥦I made the BEST smooth broccoli soup for the 2nd time in my life. I promise you it’s the best broccoli soup ever! I gonna put MY broccoli soup recipe here at the blog TOMORROW, so have your eyes opend!! It’s gonna be a own
recipe post about the soup with good details, photos & tips. 🥦 😉
Yes that was all about my Wednesday for this time, friends! "See ya" tomorrow! Goodnight. 😴
