Tuesday 4/1-2020
What a night, what a morning and what a day... 🤢
My night was awful, like a nightmare! I had headache from hell. I don't know when I falled asleep this night, but it was very late. But still..
I got up today in the morning, really alert and i went to the kitchen to make some breakfeast. All of sudden I almost trowed up in the kitchen, so i ran fast too the toilet and throwed up. After that I had a really bad headache and I felt really unwell. So I wrote to my boss that: "Sorry but i just trowed up and I have headache and I don't feel good". So I stayed home. 😞
F*ck! I really, really wanted to go too the job today because I had so much energy in the morning. After I trowed up, all that energy was going from 100 to 0. 😕 So I sleept some some more and woke up sometimes at 12 in the day.
My babe did some "breakfast" for me because he was off from the job today. 😍 Yeah accually I haven't done a shit today. Really nothing, because all day I had nause. I can becrave this day with one day: sofa!
I took a shower today and had a facemask, next post is going to be a rewiev about the facemask! ;)
Look at the food me and my fianceé made today! Omg! What do you think? 😉
