Hello fellas!
I started the day with eating breakfast, like always. 😊 Then I took a shower and listened to music. After that I fixed myself and talked to my mother at the phone. She said that she and her friend were on they way to a shopping center (where is many second-hand shops.) So I said okay nice I gonna come there too! 🙂
So I ook a walk to that shopping center and we were looking in many second-hands shops there. (Here in Finland we love second-hand shopping). 🤗 So I bought knitting needles (size 3.5 mm) and a bigger top I can have later in my pregnancy. 🙂 I normally have size XS in tops but now when my belly is getting bigger for everyday I gotta prepare. 😜 So it was a size M top.
After that we went to the post office and I picked up my package, you who had read my blog before knows that i ordered babystuffs from IKEA. I was really suprised how big the baby bathtub is, and how good qualtity it is! So the baby bathtub from IKEA I'm going to rank 5/5 !👌
When we where done there we walked home to me, and just talked about everything, ate food and watched music videos. 😊 A really good friday! So almost direcly when they left I cooked dinner and my fiancée came home after work. So we ate dinner and to dessert we ate Runeberg cake. We have a day here in Finland which is called The Runeberg day, and then we have the tradition to enjoy a Runeberg cake on that day or around that day. 😊 He was a big poet and author in Finland. I love the Runeberg cake! I have never made the cake myself, but someday I will!
Oh yeah, almost forgot! Yesterday I got an meeting with my old work with the new boss there who I never met. So in wednesday I gonna hopefully made a new contract via my school there again. FINALLY!!
Hope you all had a good friday! Bye. 🖐🤗
Photos from today:

Runeberg cakes are made of almonds and arrack or rum. It usually has raspberry jam and around it you can see icing. 😍

Now I must buy garn so I can begin! ^^

I am not used to bye clothes in M size, it feels wierd haha!! But I am sure that this going to be cute with a big belly under it. 😇