A long day!

Wednesday, 27.5.2020
I woked up in the moring and it was soo warm. Direcly now when I wake up I open up the balcony and sit there out in the shadow for a while haha! Because the sun is always on our bedroom-side in the mornings, so the room is so warm then. πŸ˜ͺ SUMMER IS HERE! πŸ’›
I couldn't eat breakfast direcly because sometimes when it's so warm, it's hard to eat! Or it's like that for me, are you like that also? Leave a comment! πŸ˜‹ So I washed some clothes and fixed little here at home. πŸ˜Š
Finally my hunger came haha, so I made warm cinnamon-pears in the oven and ate it with an oatmeal and fresh raspberries. Really fresh & healthy! Pictures you can see down below. πŸ‘‡
After my meal I vaccum-cleaned the whole apartment & then I talked in the phone a vey long time with one of my bestfriends.πŸ€— Oh yeah, I hang up the clean laundry too and folded some clothes. πŸ˜œ
Then I met my fiancΓ©e after his work and we went to the food-store and bought food plus a make-up blending brush to me. I really needed a new blending brush, it was cheap from the grocery-store but it feels very good! Very cute colors too, hihi. πŸ˜πŸ‘‡
When we came home we made some food that we just could do fast, because we were so hungry and it was kinda late. Meatballs & pasta with salad. 
Yeah, then he cleaned the cat litter-box and cleaned the whole bathroom after a 10 hours, long and hard work-day. YOU ARE THE BEST HONEY!  πŸ˜»
Finally we took it easy and went to bed. πŸ˜Š
THE FREE BABYBAG FROM LIBERO; that I wrote about in my last post I'm going to do a own post about right after this, so be ready! πŸ˜ƒ
Photos from this day:
 Food is art. πŸ’š
Only cinnamon and sliced pears, in to the 200+ C warm oven.πŸ’š

Tummy-yummy. πŸ’š
LOOK AT MY MAN, he sent this picture from work to me.
This man is going to be my baby's daddy.
Like CAN YOU SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL HE IS???????????????😍😭
Our daughter is going to be sooo beautiful. Our finnish little girl. πŸ’“ <333


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