Doctor-visit (is she on her way?) & baby-shopping.

I woke up very early, made some coffeé and took a long shower. 😊 After that Tom made some breakfast for me (avocado-sandwiches 😍) and then I did my makeup. 
My Doctor visit was at 1 PM in Lahti City Hospital. The urine-test, my bloodpresure and everything with my baby was perfect! Our baby is now around 2700 gram big. 😍 The Doctor was also feeling at my cervcial os, and it is OPEN 1,5 cm! 😁 So the Doctor said that: "Yes something has been going on and something is happening in there. So when you think it's ready it's time to call the hospital. It can be near now.". She said that after they have been there "down", feeling, it can start some pains. I was smiling and the Doctor too, then we where like byee, *smiling at each other* haha. 😄
..And yes she had right! I got soo much pain in my whole belly and I couldn't barely walk! I walked in slow-motion to the nearest shopping mall. Sitting in a cafeteria, drinking a cold Cola. When I rested there for a while I went in to Life & buyed pregnancy vitamins because my was ending. Then I bought D-vitamin drops with probiotic-bacterias for my baby-girl. 
After buying some vitamins I went in to H&M and bought some baby-clothes. I also bought a red diadem to myself in Glitter. I LOVE diadems nowadays haha! I don't know why but I am just a diadem freak now a days! 😂 
Then I bought a ice-coffeé and a cream cheese bagel in Espresso House. I sat there for very long, sending snapchats and talked in the phone. Like a real pregnant, coffeé-drinking becoming mama. 🤣
When I was done in the mall I came home, was just chilling! Later at the evening me and Tom went out and bought food. (He bought kebab and me; a Pizza).
Even more later we went to the food-store, just buying snacks. 🤣 Then we just took it easy and I was online-shopping for out baby. I just bought cover/protection to the baby-bed and a changing mat. 😉 Then we went to bed. 💖
Pictures from this day:
 Did you know that I have been working in Life, in Stockholm? 😊

Bright red is very in now! 😍
No I'm not this pale, it's just a snapchart filter! (But I wish I were, it's so beautiful!)
These pants are MUCH more pink IRL! I think our lamp is too bright for the camera to handle haha!
These baby-clothes is a matching-set! 

Postat av: Linnea

Längtar så mycket tills bebis kommer!! Så bra att du fokuserar på dig själv också gumman att du gör saker som du tycker om och slappnar av.

2020-06-29 @ 21:02:16
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