A day full of studiyng

I woke up kinda late today, at 11 AM. I sleept really good this night too! I didn't woke up a single time! Woow, this is a record that I haven't woke up in the night 2 days in row as pregnant. 😂 Haha, it's awesome tho. 😜
I ate breakfast-cereals with cinnamon flavor and drank coffeé for breakfast. After that my phone was ringing and I got two home deliveries today too! It was the mattress and the play-mat that I ordered last week from Jollyroom. Honestly I thought that I already got them yesterday but it was just the cot and the chest of drawers. 🤣
After the delivery I studied many hours, until the clock was 5-6 PM something. 🤓 When I was done with my school task I washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. When the kitched was done I went to the food-store and bought food and hygiene things. 😊 
Exacly when I got home from the store my fianceé came home right efter me from his work. 😄 We cooked food together and then we ate and watched Vikings on Netflix. I think we have 8 episodes left of Vikings or something. Accually the end is quite boring... I love the serie, but now at the end.. I don't know... but it's kinda lame. 😒 Well, well, let's see how it ends! 😋 Have you watched Vikings? What do you think about it? 😊
Now I just sit in the sofa with my babe and we are going to bed soon.
Hope you all had a good day! Byeee. /S
A selfie from 4 days ago. 🤳


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