Cozy saturday + don't forget my Q/A!

Hiii fellas!

Do not forget my Q/A on sunday night!

I am going to answer all of your questions that you have been asking me these days. You can ask me questions here at my blog by commenting, or at my instagram stories. 😊


You wanna ask me something without showing who you are? That's okay too! And you can do it easily by commenting here at my blog. Just don't write your name! 😉


I haven't got much questions yet.😢 So it would be fun with some more haha. 😜


You can ask all from my pregnancy to my life, from beauty to feelings. What ever you want!😊


Saturday 15.5.2021
Today was a really cozy feeling because of the weather.😊 It was raining, then the sun lighted up, then it rained agian & the sun came up. Like that all the time. I like rainy days, especially when its's spring or summer-time. It may be my favorite weather actually. What's your favorite weather?

Me, Tom and Hedi went for a walk to Heidis becoming daycare. She is beginning the day-care next month! I have mixed feelings about it. She is going to be just 11 months old, but at the same time if I gonna work or go in school (let's se if I get a job on monday, because I have a job-interview) she must go there. Tom is working different days and different times every week, but he is always beginning late (10:00-12:00), so then she don't need to be in the day-care direcly from the morning. Plus that Tom is doing much work in the weekend, and I think that I am not going have to work in the weekends. So Tom is the free from often on some weekdays, so then she can be home too! So in the end, she is not going to be in the day-care 5 days /week. Surley more like 2-4 days /week.

Our little Heidi. <3 She is so sensitive and shy! But she is also stubborn so at the end I feel good about it all, about this care-day. I mean, I must work or go to school. I have too! I'm not rich so I can sit home. Heidi is also going to get many friends! So I am happy for her. Happy for us. 💞

Yeah, like I wrote; I'm going to an job-interview on monday morning. At the hotel were I worked before via my school. About my school. The education-time ended for that vocational training, because I went for my maternity leave so all my classmates are now done. So it ended for me too. At the beginning when I got that information about this I thought oh f*ck! But now I feel great about it. 😄 I have a job-interview on monday at that hotel where I already have worked, and I am almost sure that I'm going to get it. ;) I hope with all my heart! The job is hotel floor supervisor, and I loved to to it!  It's hard, but fun. Working in a hotel is something that suits me very well. 😊 I am hoping that I get the job!

Haha now I told you all about my school and job situation at the same time. 🤣 

Rest of the day:
We took a walk to Heidi's daycare because I wanted to show Tom (me and Heidi have been there outside looking already). It's a playground outside the day-care so I wanted Heidi to play outside but she was sleeping. She was so tierd.

Then we went to the foodstore and after that to Hesburger & bought some burgers. 😋 

Yeah I think it was all about this day. 


Pictures from this day (Only selfies😅😂):


Here comes funny pictures too. xD
I'm normal I know xD


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