Tuesday & wednesday

Hello there my lovely readers! 🤗
These days I was just at home, fixing at home, cleaning, just went to the food-store, making food & only relaxing! Nothing special accually. 😌 Oh yeah Tom made a foot-bath for me PLUS that he polished my feets! (Because I can't do it on my own anymore due of my pregnancy). Thank you honey, you are the best!
It has got so clear for me now that I am at the end of the pregnancy now. My body is hurting here and there, often heartburn or feeling that I must throw-up, the baby is like a ninja in there, and her head is down; ready for the world haha! My feets are swollen and my hands too. I can not walk so long, it's just hard to walk to the store... I am tierd all the time.. And honestly I am getting tierd of being pregnant now too. So tierd of the pain, illness and my big, swullen body. 😕 I just wanna time to run by so I can deliver our little babygirl! 💞 On friday pregnancy-week 36 is starting, It is so near now!! I am little nervous to be honest, (ofc!). But soon she is in my arms. 😍
On tuesday Tom built her feeding-chair that my mum bought. 😍 It's sooo cute! Thanks mum! Like I wrote in a post before, I know that she is going to begin with tasting food when she is 4 months old. So she is not going to use it before that, but it's good to have the chair ready because the time will go fast (I think 😉). Isn't It cuuuute? 😍
Chicken, potatoes & salad.


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