Super long playing day outside with Heidi & mum
Hiii guys! I hope everything is good with you.ย ๐ Everything is fine with me/us.ย ๐
Tom was working at this saturday So my mum came by, and we went out for a walk. First we went to a store (Rusta) and my mum bought a blanket and something more I don't remember now. ๐
After the shopping we walked to a playground. We were playing with Heidi there for a while, then we walked home to me again. ๐
We all 3 ate together and afterwards we all three felt asleep.ย ๐ My mum slept in our sofa and me & Heidi in the bed for like 1-1,5 hours.ย ๐
When we all woke up, Heidi ate little & my mum drank coffee, I just drank water. Then went out again.ย ๐
We walked to another playground this time, and there it was quite many people. Heidi were swinging, crawling around, I helpt here riding the slide, then she was playing in a little car. When Heidi was sitting in the car it came 3 children more and played with her. 2 of the children was on the roof and a little boy was next to Heidi & laughting. It was so cute.ย ๐ Heidi was like "What's going on? ๐ค"ย ๐
When we had been playing for a while we walked to a greek-store & my mum bought a sause and then she bought olive-oil to us. ๐ Thank you mum! <3
After the greek-store we went to a new second-hand boutique that opened for a while ago. So we wanted to look for clothes to Heidi but we did not find something in her size.
So after theย second-hand boutique we walked to the food-store. Then my mum went home & me n' Heidi too.ย ๐
In the evening me and Heidi just took it easy, we eat and then I was putting Heidi to sleep. Then I just chilled.ย ๐ What a long weekend! With a great weather. <3 Soon the real is summer here.
Pictures from this day:
Paavo is eating my roses.ย ๐ค
This was at the first playground of the day. Her socks is sitting little wierd. xD I did not take pictures from the other playground.
Paavo is having a snack. -.-
Visiting the 4H farmyard + lunch with mum & Heidi
The morning begun like usual with breakfast, diaper changing, playing & breastfeeding Heidi.ย ๐ And yes, ofc with some little cleaning too.ย ๐
My mum came by at the time when me and Heidi were showering. After the shower I did my make-up and prepared everything for out little trip!ย ๐
Me, Heidi and my mum went to a hamburger restaurant (Hesburger) in Sokos, and ate some burgers & milkshake. Heidi drank little milk in her baby-mug and ate corn-puffs.
After Hesburger we walked to our nearest 4h farmyard for watching some animals.๐ I love animals so much, and these kind of places. ๐ Heidi felt asleep EXACTLY outside when we came there. We were only 2 minutes away and then she felt asleep. So she didn't see animals at all.ย ๐ต๐คฃ๐คฃ Hahah little boring but yeah, what to do? She is so little still and she does need her day-sleep.ย ๐
My mum was like: "ohhh why did she felt asleep now?" Hahah.ย ๐ Me & mum got some mum and daughter time, so it was really fun & nice!ย ๐
We walked back towards the city. Mum walked home & me and Heidi walked home too.ย ๐
At home we ate food and played, then we walked to the foodstore and back home again.ย ๐
At the evening I washed up some dishes & made greece-food.๐
How was your friday?
Pictures from this day (MANY pictures):
It's a chinchilla there.ย ๐
Shopping with my mum in Trio, 2021 = the year of rain?
Heeey guys! What's up?ย ๐
I didn't blogged yesterday. Nothing to blog about really. Me & Heidi was at the foodstore yesterday and it rained very, very much the whole day! Is 2021 the year of rain?ย Feels like it!ย ๐ค It's kinda charming thou'.
And yeah, my mum moved back to Lahti FINALLY. ๐ She have lived in Saarijรคrvi for some months to help her mum (my grandmaย ๐). So my mum was here yesterday and had a coffee.๐
About Saarijรคrvi, did you know that Pamela Anderson's relatives came from Saarijรคrvi? It's kinda cool!ย ๐
When Heidi woke up this morning I was SO tierd that I couldn't almost see. I had so much pain in my neck and shoulders that I barely could move. I told Tom that I must sleep, I can't go up, I had so much pain. So he went up with Heidi around 6 AM. I was awake 1-2 hours in the bed then I felt asleep again.ย
Then Tom lay Heidi beside me and she drank some milk & felt asleep too.ย ๐ Our little baby.ย ๐
Tom went to his work and me and Heidi was at home, cleaning Heidi's room.ย ๐ My mum came by and drank some coffee then she went home.ย
Me & Heidi went to a shopping mall (Trio). We picked up 2 packages from H&M that I have ordered. Just 5 pairs of socks to Heidi & 2 shorts to Tom.ย ๐
After that me & Heidi met my mother again at the market-place (Lahden tori). We went back to the shopping mall to a new open store there! (Tokmanni). The store has been in the shopping mall all the time but it was so small, so they moved it to a much bigger local. Wow it was much bigger than I thought!ย ๐
My mum bought a mat to her new apartment and some other stuffs too + some food. I just bought diapers to Heidi and bubble water.ย ๐ค
After our little shopping tour we walked to my mums new apartment. She moved in yesterday and it was so cozy already!ย Finally my mum is back in Lahti <3. Heidi were playing and having fun. She didn't wanna leave haha.ย ๐
When we came back home me & Heidi just eated very much as always haha! Heidi was playing of course & I had time to vacuum cleaning.ย ๐
Now I am watching at hockey (FIN-ITA) with my babe.ย ๐ Finland is winning ofc!ย
See you, byebye.
Pictures from yesterday (wednesday):ย

The mat & floor was little dirty here, good that I had time to vacuum clean today. ;)
Pictures from today:
At my mom's place.ย ๐
Heidi baby playing <3
View from my mum. Look at the lake!ย ๐ The name of the lake is Vesijรคrvi. Now me AND my mum is living in the middle of Lahti City. <3ย
Lastly; a hockey meme!ย ๐
Working day!
Hello friends! Hope everything is fine with you all!ย ๐ Here everything is good, but I'm tierd like always this time. The clock is 10:48 PM! Time to brush my teeth and go n' sleep with my little family.ย ๐ Heidi felt asleep exactly at 7 PM. she was so tierd!
My job-day began at 9 AM at the hotel.ย โฃ Everything went really fine, but in the beginning of the day I was little slow. It takes time to come in in the working mode after a long time not being working. But after 1 hour the rest of the day went good.ย ๐ Haha! It was fun to work.ย ๐ I had only 5 hours work today. So that's not much. It went super fast!ย
Next time I'm going to work will be next week. Now Tom is going to work alot and I'm going to be home with Heidi.ย ๐
When I was at work Tom & Heidi went to a 4H farmyard. It had opening for the year today and I have been waiting for it so long! But I had to work. Me & Heidi will go there this week, maybe tomorrow?ย ๐ค So Tom & Heidi have been seeing Alpackas, dogs, cats, chickens, goats, sheeps, lamas, bunnies & so on. Heidi saw the animals and she: OF COURSE CRIED!ย ๐๐
Like I told you in a post before, Heidi is sooo sensitive. She cryies for everything. To children, to babies, to animals, adults, yeah to everybody, everywhere.ย ๐คฃย Haha our sensitive little Heidi baby. ๐But when some dogs had ran to her there she laughed. Haha! So little fun she had at the end.ย ย ๐
When my work was done I called Tom and he said that he & Heidi was walking from the farmyard homewards. So I walked towards them, & then we went to the foodstore; buying some food.
After that we went home. We have just played here at home, I have been making some food and blogged very much. Watching hockey too ofc! FINLAND - NORWAY! Hihi. Finland won ofc! 5 goals to Finland! Yeeeyy.ย ๐ย
Yeah it was all for today. Now I must go to sleep.
Pictures from today:
At work. ;)
BIG meatballs aยด la Sanniย
Do you wanna recipe of my BIG meatballs? If you do, please comment down below!
Mini familytrip to Hollola + check up at the dentist
Monday 24.5.2021
Hiiii guys!ย ๐ย
Me & Heidi should have her 10 months check-up with her midwife this morning. But I got an message that it became canceled. So Heidi's check-up is going to be the 1 June instead.
Tom was having a meeting in Hollola about his future drivning licence. Yeah Tom is FINALLY going to get a driver's license this year!!ย ๐ค๐ I'm soo glad for him and for us! Finally he will soon start with his driving school.ย ๐
Because mine and Heidi's meeting got canceled I thought that we could join Tom to Hollola.ย ๐ So we took the bus in 35 mins away from Lahti City to Hollola.ย ๐ At that time when Tom was having his meeting; me and Heidi went to the foodstore and then we were at a playground. I wanted to stay there longer, because it was a such a good playground for babies in Heidi's age! But now we know about that place and we are going back there again for sure!ย ๐
We took the bus back to Lahti City, and went to the foodstore again. Then we went home.
At home Heidi felt asleep after a time, and I made some lingonberry porrigde to myself. Do you wanna the recipe? I made it myself.ย ๐ I didn't had time to eat the porrigde direcly because I brushed my teeth and headed over to the dentist!
I got a check up at the dentist, because I just knew that I have a hole in my teeth. And yes I had it too..! 3 holes!!๐ข I have 3-4 babyteeth left!! Isn't it wierd??? xD So I have 1 or was it 2 holes in my baby teeths. Do you understand that I still have 3-4 teeth from when I was an little child?!! It's so wierd. xD But more normal than many knows.ย So next time I must go to the dentist will be in June. Poor poor wallet. ๐
After the dentist I went home and Heidi was still sleeping. She slept when I went and when I came back. Haha.ย ๐ So Tom had it easy.ย ๐
Rest of the day we took it easy at home. At the evening I was studying and doing some important tasks at my working profile.
Hope you had a good monday!
Pictures from this day, be ready, it's MANY pictures!ย ๐
Heidi in the bus <3
Porrigde in the making.
In the waiting-room at the dentist.
Selfie in the waiting-room. xD xD
Testing this for the first time, SO good!!
Let's talk about eurovision & hockey!
Hellooo fellas! How are you? I'm fine!ย ๐
I'm not going to write about this day in detail, because my little family have just been home today.ย ๐
I took all the easter interior design away here at home today! I KNOOW, SO LATE.ย ๐
๐คฃ๐ Haha!!ย Somebody else who had or have their easter things still up? Or is it just me who thinks all the easter-things is so cute; so I wait with taking them down?ย ๐๐ค Oh well, now their gone.ย ๐
Kazakstan won over Finland today at ice-hockey! I must say: WOW! Kazakstan! You are amazing! And what a goalkeeper! Ofc really boring that Finland didn't won, but I have to say that Kazakstan earns to win this time!ย ๐ Do you wanna comment something about the hockey world championship? Please do & comment down below!
Let's talk about eurovision! Did right country win? I think that Italy's song were good, but Finland were better.ย ๐ I'm proud of Finland! 6th place is pretty good! What do you think of the eurovision final?
I don't have more to write about today actually.ย
Tomorrow will be a LOOOOOOONG day! Stay tuned.
/Sanni K.
Shopping: -3 new bodies to Heidi from ABOUT YOU
These 3 bodies I ordered to our little Heidi from ABOUT YOU today. Size 80.
I just love cute clothes for my little baby, and gladly if their cheap. That's a big + for me.ย ๐
These 3 bodies were all at extra sale:

Name it, size 80.

Name it, size 80.
Finland won against USA + shopping for Heidi
Helloo everybody! What's up?๐
Me & Heidi woke up around 7 this morning.ย ๐ We ate some breakfast and then I was reading some books for Heitsu. (Me and Tom calls Heidi for Heitsu & Heitsukka)ย ๐ That's her nicknames haha.ย ๐
I have just being home today, & Tom + Heidi went to the foodstore. It has been raining really, really much today! So much that you barely can't go out, for it's no idea. You know what I mean, right?ย ๐
I have been very, very tierd today! I haven't done nothing today besides taking care of Heidi and doing the dishes. I haven't done more than that. And it's sooo lovely!!ย ๐ Sometimes you just need days like this. No stress, no needs. It's great.ย ๐
My little family have been watching some Ice hockey! Finally the hockey world championships begun yesterday!! Finland had their first match today, vs USA. OFC FINLAND WON!ย ๐ย ๐ Beautiful!
I clicked home 3 bodies for Heidi today. I ordered from ABOUT YOU. I will blog about the bodys in my next post.ย ๐
Now the clock is 9 PM. The eurovision is starting soon, and Finland is in the finals! Go Finland! Which country do you want to win?ย ๐
Pictures from today:
I took this while zooming, that's why it's so blurred.ย ๐
1st day at work & Leo's playland with Heidi
Woow what a long day! We all woke up around 7, (my little family, hihi).ย ๐ย
I did my make-up and hair, and then I gave Heidi some porrigde. I drank some coffee and took some things with me and headed over to my work. Tom were with Heidi at that time.ย ๐
At the work they just gave me some important information, keys, working clothes and a walk-throught.ย ๐ So everything took only around 2 hours.ย
When I were done at my work I walked home. At home after spending some family-time and playing; I gave Heidi some lunch and then I ate lunch myself too.ย ๐ย
A little baby boy tryed toplay with Heidi, but she just began to cry.ย ๐ So she just cryed and cryed and cryed. Haha omg Heidi is SOOO sensitive. Okay she were really tierd!! But she is still pretty sensitive. Our little Heidi baby.ย ๐ Her horoscope suits her personality very well.ย ๐ (Cancer)
I think we were there 1 hour or 1,5 h. Direcly when we came out she felt asleep!ย
We took the bus home and then we have just being home, playing, eating and watching some tv.ย
Now me & Tom is going to eat a late dinner. Happy weekend guys! Byeย ๐
Pictures from today:
Calm & rainy day today.
Hello.ย ๐ด๐ด
What a sleepy feeling over this day today. From morning 'til night. Haha! Heidi have been really tierd the whole day too, not only mummy.ย ๐ย
For real, we haven't been doing much today. Almost nothing. I have been reading much to Heidi today, cleaning, eating. We didn't even went out today! It has just been raining, raining, raining & raining today. So the weather is a big reason so to say.๐๐ด
Heidi was standing alone today at the first time when she got a table like support!! I'M SO PROUD!ย ๐
Then I have been doing some important things on the computer beacuse I got an job. So it's imoportant to send the contract to the agencies and so on.
I took a shower an hour ago. I have my first job-day tomorrow!ย ๐ Wish me luck!
Nighty nighty, now I will brush my teeth and go to sleep, FINALLY!!ย ๐
Pictures from today:
A book from the library that we loaned yesterday.
When the kitchen table where messy today. Now it's clean thou.ย ๐
Lol the picture. xD
A day at the library + work contract is done + playing outside
Hello everybody! I hope you're all good.ย ๐ I'm fine! ๐
Me and Heidi woke up around 6:30 AM, almost like always.ย ๐ I have here porrigde with little home made mango + orange + banana smoothie. After that we played little and then we felt asleep beside daddy Tom.ย ๐ Me & Heidi slept really long actually! 1,5-2 hours something.ย
We all ate together and then Tom left to his work.ย
Me and Heidi went later on the day to the library. We leaved 5 books we borrowed last time & borrowed 5 new books.ย ๐
After the library we walked to the foodstore and then we went to our nearest playground. Heidi were swinging and riding the slide.ย ๐ My little angel.
When we got home we ate some dinner and after a while I brushed Heidi's teeth and put Heidi to sleep.ย
Now in the evening I signed under my work contract that I got online. So now the work is mine for real!!ย ๐๐ Congratz to meeee hihi!
Now I must brush my teeth and go to sleep.
Pictures from today:
We have big plants in out nearest library, do
Playing in the rain
Good evening fellas!ย ๐
Me & Heidi woke up 6:30. We ate breakfast at 07:00 as always, and played in her room after.
When Tom got up at 10:00 I cleaned Paavo's litter box.ย ๐คฃ When Tom left for work me and Heidi was here at home and I was doing some laundry too.ย
Later at the day me & Heidi went to the foodstore and after went to an little playground. It was raining on and off the whole day, so it was really wet outside. But that's not stoping us to play outside.ย ๐ Heidi have rainwear for that.ย ๐ She was swinging and playing little in the sandbox. Her rain-gloves is tooo big for here. They are actually for 1-1 ยฝ old children, and she is 10 months. But it does not matter.ย ๐
When we were playing in the sandbox it began to rain very much, so I ran home with Heidi.ย ๐ Haha Heidi thought it was so fun when it rained and mummy is running like an idiot.ย ๐ She laughted at me haha. ๐๐
Rest of the day we were just home. Eating, playing & reading.ย ๐
Later at the evening I cooked some food.
Oh yeah! I am going to work on friday and saturday. Tom is home with Heidi then. I'm going miss Heidi so much! But this maaam'ma have to work.ย
Goodnight.ย ๐
Pictures from today:
Job interview + I GOT THE JOB!
Monday! 17.5.2021
Heeellooo!! Omg I got a really good monday.ย ๐ First I woke up with Heidi 6:30. Then I changed Heidi's diaper and breastfeeded her like always.ย ๐I was waking Tom up, so he took Heidi so I could take a shower.
After the shower I did my make-up, hair & put my outfit on. (Black bleezer, white tight t-shirt under & black jeans). A elegant and stylish outfit is important when you have an job-interview. ๐
Then I breastfeeded Heidi again and went out to a cafeteria (Sinuhe) in a shopping mall (Trio). I drank a coffee and talked in the phone with my mum and friend, preparing mentally for my job-interview.ย ๐
The job-interview went very well!ย ๐ We were laughing and everything felt so positive and natural! It went so good! I'm really proud over myself.ย ๐
Then I went home. Later at the day me, Tom & Heidi went to the foodstore, and to a playingground but Heidi felt asleep so no playing for her outside today.ย ๐ We went for a walk so she could continue sleeping.
Later at the day I got a phone-call. It was the hotel manager called me: "You got the job". Yaaaaay!!!ย ๐ I'm soooo happy!!! I'm going to begin the job 100% when Heidi is starting her daycare 9th June.ย
The hotel manager asked me to send my infomation and so on to her in E-mail so then I sent her some important infomation at the E-mail.
Yeah soon I'm going to be a hard working mum, I can do it!ย ๐ช
We ended the day with eating together as a family.ย ๐ And then I was putting Heidi to sleep.ย ๐
My monday was PERFECT! I'm so happy! ๐ How were your monday?
Pictures from today:
Chill + cleaning sunday
This sunday was a really soft day!โ
Tom was working and me & Heidi were just home. I was doing our laundry, cleaning and just fixing some things at home. When Tom were done with his job he took Heidi to the foodstore and to a playground. I took the chance to continue with everything in our home.ย ๐
Yeah, nothing special this day! But I took many picures.ย ๐
Pictures from this day:
ย CAOS in the background .๐ฉ But Heidi is sweet as always!ย ๐
Heidi's porridge with home-made bluberry, strawberry and banana smoothie.
Hellooo it's sunday liiive. Just kidding. Hiii, it's time for the Q/A.ย ๐
How many "djungelvrรฅl" Tom gets in his mounth?
This question.ย ๐ย ๐ย ๐ย ๐ย ย Djungelvrรฅl is a swedish, very salty licoroce haha.
We don't know.๐ย ๐ย But when I asked the question to Tom, he said: *Mhhhmm djungelvrรฅl,"ย
What's your favorite fruit?
Coconut, mango & banana. I love berries more than fruit thou!ย ๐
What's your plans for the summer?ย
Hopefully I work, Heidi is beginning her day-care, and we are looking for a new apartment, AGAIN.ย ๐ So I hope we gonna move.ย ๐ Heidi is having her first birtday too.ย ๐ We don't have more plans for now.ย ๐
What's your favorite food?
All japanese, finnish & greece-food.ย ๐ย I love seafood and freshm but tasty food.;)
How can you be so amazing?
YOU are amazing!! <3 The most important thing is to just be yourself and trying to be positive, no matter what.ย That's the key.ย ๐ย
What's your favorite drink?
Water, bubble water, green tea & coffee. Alcohol:ย Beer.
Thank you for all your questions!!ย ๐
Cozy saturday + don't forget my Q/A!
Hiii fellas!
Do not forget my Q/A on sunday night!
I am going to answer all of your questions that you have been asking me these days. You can ask me questions here at my blog by commenting, or at my instagram stories.ย ๐
You wanna ask me something without showing who you are?ย That's okay too! And you can do it easily by commenting here at my blog. Just don't write your name! ๐
I haven't got much questions yet.๐ขย So it would be fun with some more haha.ย ๐
You can ask all from my pregnancy to my life, from beauty to feelings. What ever you want!๐
Saturday 15.5.2021
Today was a really cozy feeling because of the weather.๐ It was raining, then the sun lighted up, then it rained agian & the sun came up. Like that all the time. I like rainy days, especially when its's spring or summer-time. It may be my favorite weather actually. What's your favorite weather?
Me, Tom and Hedi went for a walk to Heidis becoming daycare. She is beginning the day-care next month! I have mixed feelings about it. She is going to be just 11 months old, but at the same time if I gonna work or go in school (let's se if I get a job on monday, because I have a job-interview) she must go there. Tom is working different days and different times every week, but he is always beginning late (10:00-12:00), so then she don't need to be in the day-care direcly from the morning. Plus that Tom is doing much work in the weekend, and I think that I am not going have to work in the weekends. So Tom is the free from often on some weekdays, so then she can be home too! So in the end, she is not going to be in the day-care 5 days /week. Surley more like 2-4 days /week.
Our little Heidi. <3 She is so sensitive and shy! But she is also stubborn so at the end I feel good about it all, about this care-day. I mean, I must work or go to school. I have too! I'm not rich so I can sit home. Heidi is also going to get many friends! So I am happy for her. Happy for us.ย ๐
Yeah, like I wrote; I'm going to an job-interview on monday morning. At the hotel were I worked before via my school. About my school. The education-time ended for that vocational training, because I went for my maternity leave so all my classmates are now done. So it ended for me too. At the beginning when I got that information about this I thought oh f*ck! But now I feel great about it.ย ๐ I have a job-interview on monday at that hotel where I already have worked, and I am almost sure that I'm going to get it. ;) I hope with all my heart! The job is hotel floor supervisor, and I loved to to it!ย It's hard, but fun. Working in a hotel is something that suits me very well.ย ๐ I am hoping that I get the job!
Haha now I told you all about my school and job situation at the same time.ย ๐คฃย
Rest of the day:
We took a walk to Heidi's daycare because I wanted to show Tom (me and Heidi have been there outside looking already). It's a playground outside the day-care so I wanted Heidi to play outside but she was sleeping. She was so tierd.
Then we went to the foodstore and after that to Hesburger & bought some burgers.ย ๐ย
Yeah I think it was all about this day.ย
Pictures from this day (Only selfies๐
Here comes funny pictures too. xD
Paavo is now senior & Heidi 10 moths old!
I woked up 5:30 in the morning like every day the latest days. Okay, I am defintely NOT waking up by myself! It's of course Heidi who is waking me up at 5:30 AM.ย ๐ Our wild little child.ย ๐๐
Our mornings is almost always the same. Change diaper, I am playing with Heidi or then she is playing alone (often with or cat staring at herย ๐) and at the same time I am doings some dishes and cleaning the kitchen a little bit.
Her first breakfast is always breastmilk, then 7:00-8:00 AM Heidi is getting her real breakfast (baby porridge.) After her breakfast I'm breastfeeding Heidi again. She is mummy's little milk baby, what can I say?ย ๐
Tom was at work so me and Heidi went to the foodstore. We bought some cat-food & cat-candy to PAAVO BECAUSE IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY!!ย ๐ญ๐ Then we bought diapers and some food.ย ๐
After the foodstore we went for a walk in 30-40 min. At the same time I talked in the phone with one of my best friends<3 & Heidi FINALLY sleept little. Heidi never wanna sleep at daytime, so when she does I am delighted.ย ๐
I made a cake for Paavo. Haha in the bottom it's special tuna for cat's and the top layer were smokey beef meat. As topping I took a meat-stick (beef-flavor) and some dry catfood as decorating.ย ๐
Paavo is now 7 years!!!! Now he is our senior!! Old little Paavo. ๐ป๐ญ๐ It is so hard to understand that we have had him in 6 years soon. He was only 1 year when we bought him, and now he is 7 years already!ย CONGRATZ OUR LITTLE SENIOR, -TIGER PAAVO.๐๐๐ We love you Paavo and you are our real family-member.
Oh yeah, I forgot! Paavo got his birthday gift earlier this week. A new climbing tree! He got so happy, and he deserves it.ย ๐ His old climbing-tree we gave away for free, and it came to a home with 10 cats! It feels wonderfull!๐ป
This day is more special than this. ๐Our little Heidi is too celebraiting; her 10 months day!ย โฃ๐
Soon she is 1 year old! Our little angel.<3d Just look at her, this little princess we made good. Really good.ย ๐
Very much pictures from this day, so be ready!ย ๐ All this pictures is just from this day.ย
Say welcome to the translate-bottom!
Finally I have fixed an translate-bottom to my blogg!๐ So now you can easily click that language you wanna read my blog in, and voila! It's gonna translate from english to your selected language!ย
Can you see the translate bottom in your phone or computer?
ย Please comment if you do or not! Thank you.ย ๐ย
I'm back after 10 months + new header!
It was so long time ago I was here fellas! ๐How are you everybody? Have you missed me? (Us) ๐
Last time when I blogged I was pregnant, really pregnant haha! My last post I posted was exactly 1 week before Heidi was born.ย ๐ Time flies!
I am going to have a Q/A (Question and answer) this week on my blog! So from today you can ask me questions here at my blog or at my instagram.So just comment here your questions!ย โ In sunday I will answer your questions! ๐
You can ask me all from my pregnancy, about Heidi, about me, about when Heidi was born, yeah what you want!ย ๐
It was so long time ago when I blogged so I feel It can be an good thing to start with an Q/A. :)
I have so much to tell you guys, very much, and I don't know where to start. Haha so you must help me out, pliiiis.
Do you want that I tell you about the day when Heidi was born? Please comment if so.ย ๐
What do you think about my new header? Lilalicious. ;p I'm not super satisfied with it, but i think it's good. Not very good, but good.ย ๐ What do you think? Heidi is cute as usual. Our little angel.ย ๐
I'm not going to write about this day in details like I always do. Beacuse it's so late and I have to go to bed. But..
It was a really sunny day today!ย ๐
Me, Heidi and Tom went to the foodstore and then we walked to a playground. Heidi was swinging and playing in the ground.ย
I gave Heidi an bath today and she loves to bath! She always going crazy and the whole bathroom is always full of water, plus me too because she is spashing all the time. Haha!
Heidi loves to play out in the balcony too. So I took a pot filled with water so she could splash her toys in the water. Haha, she thought it was really funny, until all water came all over the balcony mat and on her.ย ๐Haha she is so cute, my little baby.๐
Here comes some photos from justย today:
Sleep tight, and don't forget to ask questions until sunday! Nighty!