Calm & rainy day today.
Hello. 😴😴
What a sleepy feeling over this day today. From morning 'til night. Haha! Heidi have been really tierd the whole day too, not only mummy. 😜
For real, we haven't been doing much today. Almost nothing. I have been reading much to Heidi today, cleaning, eating. We didn't even went out today! It has just been raining, raining, raining & raining today. So the weather is a big reason so to say.😝😴
Heidi was standing alone today at the first time when she got a table like support!! I'M SO PROUD! 😍
Then I have been doing some important things on the computer beacuse I got an job. So it's imoportant to send the contract to the agencies and so on.
I took a shower an hour ago. I have my first job-day tomorrow! 😍 Wish me luck!
Nighty nighty, now I will brush my teeth and go to sleep, FINALLY!! 😘
Pictures from today:

A book from the library that we loaned yesterday.

When the kitchen table where messy today. Now it's clean thou. 😍

Lol the picture. xD
