Playing in the rain
Good evening fellas! 😘
Me & Heidi woke up 6:30. We ate breakfast at 07:00 as always, and played in her room after.
When Tom got up at 10:00 I cleaned Paavo's litter box. 🤣 When Tom left for work me and Heidi was here at home and I was doing some laundry too.
Later at the day me & Heidi went to the foodstore and after went to an little playground. It was raining on and off the whole day, so it was really wet outside. But that's not stoping us to play outside. 😉 Heidi have rainwear for that. 😊 She was swinging and playing little in the sandbox. Her rain-gloves is tooo big for here. They are actually for 1-1 ½ old children, and she is 10 months. But it does not matter. 😃
When we were playing in the sandbox it began to rain very much, so I ran home with Heidi. 😂 Haha Heidi thought it was so fun when it rained and mummy is running like an idiot. 😂 She laughted at me haha. 😍😂
Rest of the day we were just home. Eating, playing & reading. 😋
Later at the evening I cooked some food.
Oh yeah! I am going to work on friday and saturday. Tom is home with Heidi then. I'm going miss Heidi so much! But this maaam'ma have to work.
Goodnight. 💜
Pictures from today:
