Mini familytrip to Hollola + check up at the dentist
Monday 24.5.2021
Hiiii guys! 😚
Me & Heidi should have her 10 months check-up with her midwife this morning. But I got an message that it became canceled. So Heidi's check-up is going to be the 1 June instead.
Tom was having a meeting in Hollola about his future drivning licence. Yeah Tom is FINALLY going to get a driver's license this year!! 🤗👌 I'm soo glad for him and for us! Finally he will soon start with his driving school. 😊
Because mine and Heidi's meeting got canceled I thought that we could join Tom to Hollola. 😜 So we took the bus in 35 mins away from Lahti City to Hollola. 😊 At that time when Tom was having his meeting; me and Heidi went to the foodstore and then we were at a playground. I wanted to stay there longer, because it was a such a good playground for babies in Heidi's age! But now we know about that place and we are going back there again for sure! 😍
We took the bus back to Lahti City, and went to the foodstore again. Then we went home.
At home Heidi felt asleep after a time, and I made some lingonberry porrigde to myself. Do you wanna the recipe? I made it myself. 😊 I didn't had time to eat the porrigde direcly because I brushed my teeth and headed over to the dentist!
I got a check up at the dentist, because I just knew that I have a hole in my teeth. And yes I had it too..! 3 holes!!😢 I have 3-4 babyteeth left!! Isn't it wierd??? xD So I have 1 or was it 2 holes in my baby teeths. Do you understand that I still have 3-4 teeth from when I was an little child?!! It's so wierd. xD But more normal than many knows. So next time I must go to the dentist will be in June. Poor poor wallet. 😑
After the dentist I went home and Heidi was still sleeping. She slept when I went and when I came back. Haha. 😊 So Tom had it easy. 😉
Rest of the day we took it easy at home. At the evening I was studying and doing some important tasks at my working profile.
Hope you had a good monday!
Pictures from this day, be ready, it's MANY pictures! 😂

Heidi in the bus <3

Porrigde in the making.

In the waiting-room at the dentist.

Selfie in the waiting-room. xD xD

Testing this for the first time, SO good!!

Me & babe <3

At the bus. ;)
