I'm back after 10 months + new header!
It was so long time ago I was here fellas! 😍How are you everybody? Have you missed me? (Us) 😜
Last time when I blogged I was pregnant, really pregnant haha! My last post I posted was exactly 1 week before Heidi was born. 😍 Time flies!
I am going to have a Q/A (Question and answer) this week on my blog! So from today you can ask me questions here at my blog or at my instagram.So just comment here your questions! ✌ In sunday I will answer your questions! 😉
You can ask me all from my pregnancy, about Heidi, about me, about when Heidi was born, yeah what you want! 💖
It was so long time ago when I blogged so I feel It can be an good thing to start with an Q/A. :)
I have so much to tell you guys, very much, and I don't know where to start. Haha so you must help me out, pliiiis.
Do you want that I tell you about the day when Heidi was born? Please comment if so. 😊
What do you think about my new header? Lilalicious. ;p I'm not super satisfied with it, but i think it's good. Not very good, but good. 😂 What do you think? Heidi is cute as usual. Our little angel. 😇
I'm not going to write about this day in details like I always do. Beacuse it's so late and I have to go to bed. But..
It was a really sunny day today! 💛
Me, Heidi and Tom went to the foodstore and then we walked to a playground. Heidi was swinging and playing in the ground.
I gave Heidi an bath today and she loves to bath! She always going crazy and the whole bathroom is always full of water, plus me too because she is spashing all the time. Haha!
Heidi loves to play out in the balcony too. So I took a pot filled with water so she could splash her toys in the water. Haha, she thought it was really funny, until all water came all over the balcony mat and on her. 😌Haha she is so cute, my little baby.💋
Here comes some photos from just today:
Sleep tight, and don't forget to ask questions until sunday! Nighty!

My family <3 <3 <3