Taking out hair-extensions & decolorizing the hair.
Friday 29.05.2020
This day was accually not very intresting. 🤣🤣
Direcly when I woke up I ate cinnamon-cereals for breakfast, then I started... With taking off all my hair-extensions & listening to music. 👂 Everything took the whole day! 😜 I think I started 1:00 PM and I was done very late in the evening.
When aaaall the extensions where out from my head I decolorized my hair. Because I had chocolate-brown hair, and chocolate-brown is very red-brown, then I mean really warm brown. So I gonna went from chocolate brown color to natural light-brown color. Neutral light-brown means that the color is'nt warm-toned, or neither cold-toned. It's just a neutral color. 😊 After I decolorized my hair I took a shower ofc! 😜
Eventually I went to bed. Yep that was my looong hair-related day. 😂
Hope you all had a nice friday!

o here I spent my whole day at my lovely make-up table. 😊 I love my make-up table. 💖 Here I spent much of my time. Someytimes when I study, doing my make-up (ofc), fixing my hair or nails, gaming with my PC, and so on. 🤗 Females! Do you have your own make-up table? Why or why not? If not, do you want it? Comment down below! 😊

Pregnancy-group, ice-cream & a walk in the sun.
THURSDAY, 28.5.2020
I woke up at 8:15 in the morning because my pregnancy-group that I'm in, started 9:00 AM.😊 It's a pregnancy-group that just started in distance via the computer, (because of corona), so it was the first meeting. It was really nice and kind people in the group. 😊 More I can't say because everything that says in the group, stays in the group. So I can't tell yoy nothing. 😕 But rules are rules! 😎 Luckily, next time we gonna have the group IRL because Finland is going to ease up all the stict corona rules. Finally! 😌 I am so tierd of this corona-sh*t. 😩 So it feels really good accually that Finland is going to function much more like normal soon! What do you think? Do you think it's good that countries is beginning to loosen up the corona strictness or not? Leave a comment down below! 👇
I woke up at 8:15 in the morning because my pregnancy-group that I'm in, started 9:00 AM.😊 It's a pregnancy-group that just started in distance via the computer, (because of corona), so it was the first meeting. It was really nice and kind people in the group. 😊 More I can't say because everything that says in the group, stays in the group. So I can't tell yoy nothing. 😕 But rules are rules! 😎 Luckily, next time we gonna have the group IRL because Finland is going to ease up all the stict corona rules. Finally! 😌 I am so tierd of this corona-sh*t. 😩 So it feels really good accually that Finland is going to function much more like normal soon! What do you think? Do you think it's good that countries is beginning to loosen up the corona strictness or not? Leave a comment down below! 👇
After the pregnancy-group I ate breakfast and drank coffeé with Tom, until he left for work. 😚
Then I went out to a store that have a little everything except food. I just bought shower-cream to Tom & dishwashing gloves. They have sooo much flowers and other plants so I walked around there and just watched everything beautiful. 😍 They havel like a little jungle outside the store. 😊 When I was done at the store I went for a walk and then I went home. It was sunny but very windy.
At home I washed the dishes and made some food. Chicken, creamy noodles and asparagus.
I got my hair-extensions home that I ordered 1-2 weeks ago, color #6, 60 cm (light-brown). So niiice! :D So this week I gonna fix my hair! 😉
Later on the evening I went to the grocery-store and bought hair-color. When I got home I ate ice-cream and went to bed. 😊
Pictures from this day:

Ice-cream with mint-flavor. 😍

Free baby-bag from Libero
Here is the free baby-bag from Libero that I got 2 days ago! 😁

A long day!
Wednesday, 27.5.2020
I woked up in the moring and it was soo warm. Direcly now when I wake up I open up the balcony and sit there out in the shadow for a while haha! Because the sun is always on our bedroom-side in the mornings, so the room is so warm then. 😪 SUMMER IS HERE! 💛
I couldn't eat breakfast direcly because sometimes when it's so warm, it's hard to eat! Or it's like that for me, are you like that also? Leave a comment! 😋 So I washed some clothes and fixed little here at home. 😊
Finally my hunger came haha, so I made warm cinnamon-pears in the oven and ate it with an oatmeal and fresh raspberries. Really fresh & healthy! Pictures you can see down below. 👇
After my meal I vaccum-cleaned the whole apartment & then I talked in the phone a vey long time with one of my bestfriends.🤗 Oh yeah, I hang up the clean laundry too and folded some clothes. 😜
Then I met my fiancée after his work and we went to the food-store and bought food plus a make-up blending brush to me. I really needed a new blending brush, it was cheap from the grocery-store but it feels very good! Very cute colors too, hihi. 😍👇
When we came home we made some food that we just could do fast, because we were so hungry and it was kinda late. Meatballs & pasta with salad.
Yeah, then he cleaned the cat litter-box and cleaned the whole bathroom after a 10 hours, long and hard work-day. YOU ARE THE BEST HONEY! 😻
Finally we took it easy and went to bed. 😊
THE FREE BABYBAG FROM LIBERO; that I wrote about in my last post I'm going to do a own post about right after this, so be ready! 😃
Photos from this day:

Food is art. 💚

Only cinnamon and sliced pears, in to the 200+ C warm oven.💚

Tummy-yummy. 💚

LOOK AT MY MAN, he sent this picture from work to me.
This man is going to be my baby's daddy.
Like CAN YOU SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL HE IS???????????????😍😭
Our daughter is going to be sooo beautiful. Our finnish little girl. 💓 <333
💛 Summer is here 💛
Hey, you all! 😁
When I woked up this morning I had so much energy, I sleept very well this night. 😍 Fantastic.
I ate breakfast, (very small pancakes with a chocolate and hazelnut-cream) & coffée. I ALWAYS make my pancakes from scratch by myself, but now I bought these randomly from the store. I have never bought it before because I like to make pancake by myself, but it was still good! 😊
After the breakfast I took a shower and shaved my whole body. It was REALLY hard because of my big belly haha! 😂 After the looong shower I smoothed my whole body with body yogurt from The body shop like always. I love The body shops body yogurt! It's lovely for my skin. 👌 Then I did my make-up and took many selfies hahah..💄🤳😅
I folded some clothes, watered all the plants and fixed little out on the balcony. It has been sooo sunny & warm many days in row now. 😍 Summer is finally here!
When I was done with all that I went outside here in the city to meet up my fianceé after his work. We went to the food-store, and when we came home we ate tuna pasta-salad that we made yesterday. Ofc I ate it with my favorite dressing: Cesar dressing haha! 🤣
After the dinner we have just hanged out and watched tv. Soon it's time for bed! 😊 Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that i got a free baby bag full with babythings from Libero today! I gonna show you tomorrow. 😇
Hope you all sleep well tonight!
All the pictures from today, be ready for MANY selfies 🤣:

Hahah my face is so ugly and funnt here, don't care about it. 😅

Pregnancy week 33

School, planting, studying and cleaning.
Monday 25.5.2020
Heelloou everybody! 🤠
My monday has been going like non-stop! This day started so early and soon it's midnight. I have been doing really much today! 😵
I woked up 7:15 AM, I made coffeé, ate breakfast and was getting ready for my distance-lession. My lession started 8 AM and ended somewhere at 9:45 AM. Our teatcher have us a school-task that we had to do and be done with latest at 1 PM. Because then we had distance-lession again and talked about the task we made and so on. I think the second lession only was 45 minutes long or something. So yeah, I had many hours of school and studying today.
After my school and studying hours, I washed clothes, washed the dishes and cleaed the kitchen too. 😊 Then I hanged the laundry and ate 4 sandwiches. 😜
When I was done with all the cleaning and washing I started to planting salad in the balcony. I also filled all our flowers, plants and trees with more soil, they needed it so bad! 😉 It has been a reallt sunny and nice weather almost the whole day today! It was sunny the whole time when I was fixing with the plants on the balcony. I was out there in the sun, "working" around 2 hours. Exactly when I was done the sun precisly went down behind the building. Perfect timing. 😎
When I was done with all the plants Tom came home from the work and store. We made tuna pasta salad, sooo good! My favourite salad-dressing is cesar-dressing, it accually good for everything! Fish, chicked, pork, beef, veggies, everything! Which dressing is your favorite?
Now the clock is soon 12 AM, (00:00), I don't know if I'm tierd or not? 😂 I have completed very much today! If I can say it, yeah I will say it; I sometimes think that I am a real superwoman. 😇


I woked up sometimes at 10 AM, my finaceé had already left for work. I started the day with just taking it easy, eating breakfast & drinking coffée. Then around 12 PM I began to study, and I studied in 5-6 hours. 🤓When I studied I felt that our baby in my belly had hiccup in 20 minutes! 😄 I felt so wierd, funny but cute at the same time. ^^💞
After that I chilled until Tom was done at his work, so we went to the food-store and bought food and snacks. 😊 When we got home we ate left-overs from saturday and then we both played on our computers. 😝 He played GTA 5 and me: The sims 4. 😇
Lastly we watched an anime serie (One piece) and sleept.

Our Paavo. 💗💗

We tryed out Dumle's new flavor: Smooth strawberry. So good! Tastes just like strawberry milkshake. 😃
Tierd today😴
Good evening! I woked up around 10 AM, and almost direcly my fianceé left for work. He is working so much right now, I am so proud of him. (But I miss him all the time😇) I ate sandwiches for breakfast and drank coffeé while I watched TV.
After that I took a shower. I got sooo tierd after the shower and my baby had very much energy in my belly. She was really wild, so I got really tierd and jsut layed on the bed for 2 hours and watched videos on my phone. I almost fell asleep many times, but I didn't. 😛
When I was done resting I made some food and then my fiancée came home. We ate together, just talked and watched a nature documentary. 💚
Then I have just chilled and studied. I don't know if I gonna play The sims 4 now or not. 🤔 I have been tierd the whole day, but soon it's finally time for the bed.
Goodnight for this time.😴

Over 80% of the pregnancy has already passed. 😍 Only 55 days left! ❣
Sunny day!
Hellouu! Woow, what a good weather it was today! 💛 Really sunny and warm. 😎
I ate sausages for breakfast today. 😅😂 Because I was so hungry when I woked up hahah! They were already done in the refrigerat, redy to be eaten by a pregnant woman so.. 😝 Yeah, enought about the sausages haha! 🤣
I was talking with my friends at the phone pretty much today at the same tíme I were in the balcony, enjoying the sun. 😊 I was enjoying the sun pretty long time! Until it became too warm. 😋 (It was 16+C in the shadow today.)
When it got too hot I went inside, preparing a school task on my computer that I am going to study/complete tomorrow. So it's going to be more easy to start with it tomorrow.😉
After that I blogged & then I talked at the phone even more. 😜 Then I washed the dishes and my fianceé came home and we made dinner. 💖 Chicken, rice, curry-sauce + salad. 🤤
Then we just chilled and played little GTA 5. Our cat began to meowing, meowing and meowing. 🙀 Because he wanted out for a walk so me and Tom went out with Paavo. 😸 We are often out with our cat, and it was the 3:rd time just this week. 😊
After that me and Paavo have been taking it easy on the sofa and Tom is playing GTA 5 on his PC. Now I am going to eat sandwiches as nightsnack and going to bed. Hihi. 😇
Pictures from today:

He is terrorizing my flowers. 😤

Sugar-pees coming up. 💚

After he was done with the terror. 😅
I was accually just chilling almost the whole day! I was really bored so I did my make-up for over 2 hours, hihi it was really fun. Love doing my make-up all in when I got the time for it, and just listen to good music at the same time. 💄
At 6 PM Tom's mom picked me up from home, but first she picked up Tom from his work. Then we went to the food-store and after that home to his parents. 😊 We just hanged out there and Tom was helping with their new freezer.
We came home kinda late so we went to our nearest pizzeria and bought 2 pizzas. Tom bought a salami pan-pizza and I ordered a regular pizza with grounded meat, onion and mushrooms.
I took many, many, many photos this day so be ready! 😜
(Especiually MANY selfies)😅🤣:

Okay be ready for 10000 snapchat-selfies now HAHAH 😂

A day full of studiyng
I woke up kinda late today, at 11 AM. I sleept really good this night too! I didn't woke up a single time! Woow, this is a record that I haven't woke up in the night 2 days in row as pregnant. 😂 Haha, it's awesome tho. 😜
I ate breakfast-cereals with cinnamon flavor and drank coffeé for breakfast. After that my phone was ringing and I got two home deliveries today too! It was the mattress and the play-mat that I ordered last week from Jollyroom. Honestly I thought that I already got them yesterday but it was just the cot and the chest of drawers. 🤣
After the delivery I studied many hours, until the clock was 5-6 PM something. 🤓 When I was done with my school task I washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. When the kitched was done I went to the food-store and bought food and hygiene things. 😊
Exacly when I got home from the store my fianceé came home right efter me from his work. 😄 We cooked food together and then we ate and watched Vikings on Netflix. I think we have 8 episodes left of Vikings or something. Accually the end is quite boring... I love the serie, but now at the end.. I don't know... but it's kinda lame. 😒 Well, well, let's see how it ends! 😋 Have you watched Vikings? What do you think about it? 😊
Now I just sit in the sofa with my babe and we are going to bed soon.
Hope you all had a good day! Byeee. /S

A selfie from 4 days ago. 🤳
Hi guys!! 😊
If you remember how I felt yesterday, yeah.. It was/is the same thing today too! (Nausea, pain in my ribs, heartburn and contractions too) -.-'' 😤 Okay, my night was very good this time! Then I mean really good! 😃 I didn't woke up middle of the night, laying awake 1-3 hours like almost every night. This night I sleept like a baby hihih. 😜 It was soo nice!
So today I woke up 9 AM, ate breakfast and studied.
Around 11-12 o' clock I got a BIG delivery home of baby things. A cot, a mattress for the cot, sheets, a play-mat and a chest of drawers with an changing table on the top of it.
Here is pictures of the new things:

(This is just an inspiration picture, not from my home!)
I bought everything from Jollyroom
I really think that the chest of drawers with a changing table on it is really practical and good looking too! 😊 What do you think? Nice with 2 in 1 furniture for a babyroom or not?
I really think that the chest of drawers with a changing table on it is really practical and good looking too! 😊 What do you think? Nice with 2 in 1 furniture for a babyroom or not?
After I got the delivery I studied some more, until my ribs started to hurt so much that I no longer could'nt study. 😒 So yeah this day has been full of studying, pain but with good food and snacks too. 😍

I LOVE the new crispy Snickers! Have you tried?

My belly is much bigger in the reality than in the picture! 😂 Pregnancy week 32. 💕

Good night fellas! Hope you sleep well! 🤗
Physically bad monday, mentally good.
What a terrible night.. and half of the day too! 😩 Then I mean psysically, not mentally. This is because of my pregnancy. I had so strong nausea half of the night and half of this day too.. I was so near to trow up many times this night but luckily enough it didn't happend. 🤢
I'm in pregnancy week 32 now! The time has passed so fast, and I am accually getting little nervous for the childbirth! 😜 From today it's only 60 days left until our daughter's estimated date of birth. 😍 Just 2 months left!! Hihi oh my gosh, finally. 😊
Today I should have a distance lession (like every monday) at 8:00 AM, but I wrote to my teacher that I felt so badly that I couldn't take part of the lession today. My nausea was just too much, and my heartburn too. Plus that I was so freaking tierd from the bad night. Well, well! What to do? Life is like this when you're pregnant. 😝 This was my first missing distance lession from this whole corona-time so it's okay. My teacher understands me of course! 😊
When my bad nausea disappeard I washed the dishes, and after that I went out here at the city to meet my mom. 💗 We went to the grocery store and bought salads, smoothies & my mom bought some food. Then we went to a little park outside the Lahti historical museum and ate our salads.I ate an mozzarella and pasta salad while my mom ate a tuna-salad & we both drank a banana and coconut smoothie. 😋 It was coolly outside, only 9+C so after 1 and 1/2 hours we went home. 😊
After that at home I have just been eating dinner, washed clothes and now I must fold and hang some laundry. 🤣 Not really a funny monday, but it was very nice to see my lovely mom.💖
How did your week started? Comment freely!

These two selfies are from 2 days ago. :)

I'm back after 3 months long pause!
I have thought about start blogging again many, many, many times during my pause! But these last 3 months has been FULL of moving, fixing in our new home, my pregnancy, work, school, planning & shopping for our comming baby, then suddenly this ******* corona! 😩 Like... What is going on in this world? Okay everybody knows what's going on, but everything is just so wierd with this freaking corona. Can it just disappear sometime, somehow? 😐 I haven't worked since corona came, and I only have been studying from home too from my computer. It's so boring to just sit home 80% of time...
One more reason why I didn't wanted to start blogging right away was because I hated my many years old, ugly blog-header. 😅🤣 I thought that; when I gonna start blogging again, I must do a new, nice blog-header before I start, so you readers (and me hihi) can enjoy the environment here, HEHE! 😋
From this really old header:

To this awesome, modern coral pink header😍 :
What do you think? I am really proud of it! And yes I have made it by myself. 😊 I really like this new, fresh coral pink. 😃

To this awesome, modern coral pink header😍 :

Like I wrote up there.. ☝ It has been sooo much going on these last 3 months, but I am glad to be back with a new, fresh blog-design.
See you later, alligators! 🤗