I woked up sometimes at 10 AM, my finaceé had already left for work. I started the day with just taking it easy, eating breakfast & drinking coffée. Then around 12 PM I began to study, and I studied in 5-6 hours. 🤓When I studied I felt that our baby in my belly had hiccup in 20 minutes! 😄 I felt so wierd, funny but cute at the same time. ^^💞
After that I chilled until Tom was done at his work, so we went to the food-store and bought food and snacks. 😊 When we got home we ate left-overs from saturday and then we both played on our computers. 😝 He played GTA 5 and me: The sims 4. 😇
Lastly we watched an anime serie (One piece) and sleept.

Our Paavo. 💗💗

We tryed out Dumle's new flavor: Smooth strawberry. So good! Tastes just like strawberry milkshake. 😃