I'm back after 3 months long pause!
I have thought about start blogging again many, many, many times during my pause! But these last 3 months has been FULL of moving, fixing in our new home, my pregnancy, work, school, planning & shopping for our comming baby, then suddenly this ******* corona! 😩 Like... What is going on in this world? Okay everybody knows what's going on, but everything is just so wierd with this freaking corona. Can it just disappear sometime, somehow? 😐 I haven't worked since corona came, and I only have been studying from home too from my computer. It's so boring to just sit home 80% of time...
One more reason why I didn't wanted to start blogging right away was because I hated my many years old, ugly blog-header. 😅🤣 I thought that; when I gonna start blogging again, I must do a new, nice blog-header before I start, so you readers (and me hihi) can enjoy the environment here, HEHE! 😋
From this really old header:

To this awesome, modern coral pink header😍 :
What do you think? I am really proud of it! And yes I have made it by myself. 😊 I really like this new, fresh coral pink. 😃

To this awesome, modern coral pink header😍 :

Like I wrote up there.. ☝ It has been sooo much going on these last 3 months, but I am glad to be back with a new, fresh blog-design.
See you later, alligators! 🤗