Shopping from Cubus & H&M
Here is what I bought from H&M and from Cubus last week. What do you think? 😉

Sorry for the moving chaos in the background. 😅

These red sweatpants are from Cubus. I love to buy my sweatpants and sweaters from Cubus!

What I also love to buy from Cubus is underwear! They got the best panties in the world, trust me! They are so comfortable, sexy and a really good quality. And the absolute best thing too is that when you were jeans, leggings or a dress they NOT give
you that ugly lines on your butt like a grandma’! I really recommend these pantries from Cubus!

5x cute socks from Cubus also.

I also bought these mama jeans from H&M. I really like H&M’s mama clothes!

And people say that mama clothes are ugly? I actually do not agree with them! These mama jeans are super good looking! 🙏🏻 Thank u H&M!
Update from the moving chaos 😜
Hello my readers, after a long time! 😊 I’m so sorry! Last week I had so much job because I worked overtime almost everyday. Plus that we are moving on Friday! Our apartment is in moving chaos right now!! 😂 (Look at the pictures down below so you understand)🤪.
I am going to blog this weekend so you can see our new apartment! That I promise! 😁
For you girl’s and women’s! Look at my next post, I shopped some nice clothes!
Sadly I don’t have more to write for now. Because I have so much to do here at home now. But do not forget my post in the weekend about our new apartment! Xoxo /S

This post is an advertisement for Twistshake and contains ad links.
This post is an advertisement for Twistshake and contains ad links.
I got my order from Twistshake for 2 week ago and I am so happy with the products! 😃 I can't wait to see our future baby eat with these cute little things later this year. 😍
At this time Twistshake got 70% at many of their mix-kits, also the "The best start"- kit which one I got. This kit is just 47 euro, and look how much I got!
(See pictures down below) 😊
You can choose the colot of the product of everything by yourself, and the right product for your babys age! For an example the baby cups; there is for 4+ months, 8+ months and for 12+ months.
I choosed for 4+ months of course because my baby is still in my tummy. 😋
This is the same with all the products in the kits! 😊
Buy your perfect, individual kit for your baby or kid here!
Pictures of my order:

Here you can see refillable squeeze bags that you can fill with smoothie, juice, milkshake, milk or something else. The good things about these bags is that they are reusable, can be washed in the dishmachine, put in the freezer plus that they are REALLY cute. I love the designs! 😍
Long time, no see! ;)
Hello fellas! Last time I blogged now were 6 days ago! I knooow, bad by me! 😜 To be honest, I have almost just worked my ass off these days. (Thursday, Friday, Mondag & today, Tuesday). It is a very physically demanding work, so I been really tierd the last time. Even the whole weekend! But that's how life is while you'r an pregnant, hard-working woman! 😉 HEHE! So I don't have so much to blog about the last days. I gonna give you an little summary of the days with pics instead. ;)
Today, (tuesday)
I woke up 08:00 in the morning. I was soo tierd that my eyes was pinching, and my body was hurting so much (from the job plus the pregnancy). I worked from 9:00-15:00 today and after that me and my mum was eating Japanese buffét.😍
After the buffét we were looking in Sokos (a mall with all the expensive brands) just for fun. I am just saying OH.. MY .. GOD.. Guess new collection of bags and belts. Like OMG. I love Guess, and I was dying inside when I saw them. I WANT THEM ALL! 😭 But I can't have nothing of them haha!! All the extra money is now going to our baby and to our new home, of course. Plus that I need new mama jeans,1 pair is not enought. 😂
When we were done with the window-shopping we took the bus home. 😊 At home I have just chilled and we gave out cat a bath plus shower. Haha! Because he is loosing much of his winter coat now, so every spring and autumm he needs a shower because of that. 😊
Here is some pictures for you from 13/2 - 18/2 (many selfies LOL) 🤣

From my job.

Also from my job, my job mate did this, not me. Beautiful, right? 😍

Nice hotelroom toilet, ritght? 😉

Candy at the work in Valentine's day. 😍

When I came home my finacée had made this at valentine's. 😻 (Look at out beautiful Paavo hihi)

Without filter!

Without filter, just good lightning.

Without filter, just good lightning.

Without filter!

With filter. 😊

With filter. 😊

With filter. 😊
Do you think it is a big different with my selfies with & without filter? Personally I do not think it is a different at all. What do you think? And which photos are the best? Please comment your opinion, and be honest! 😊

Paavo's spa-time. 😂

Today from the restaurant.
Job meeting, planning & a small piece of stress
This day I really had a school day, but I didn't go to school because of pregnancy symptoms whole night! I had nausea almost whole night and I was very close to trow up many times but I didn't. 🤢 Plus that I had headach!. Yeah, so that's why I didn't
go to school on monday because of my not so funny night. 😒 I hate to miss school days but, sometimes the pregnancy just take over so what to do? That's life, you know! 😅 I was sooo tierd this monday because of this night... So I was just
home, tierd, really tierd, laying on the sofa the whole day. Really fun day! Not! 😅🤣
One little funnt thing about this monday thou was that my fiancée bought a new toy to our cat. Plus cat tooth paste and cat-schampoo. 😍
Pictures from monday:

He was really crazy, so sorry for the bad pics. LOL. 😂

Our cat's tooth-brush is so cute. 😝

All the products are from Musti ja Mirri here in Finland. 😊
I woked up in the morning and immediately I tooked a long shower. After that I made my make-up and ate 2 sandwiches. When I was done I catched the bus to the city of Lahti. 😊
In the city I met my mother and her friend. First we were at he bank and did some important things. It was the 112 day in the mall, so the mall was full of police, emergency-staff and amulance-staff and manyfrom the Finnish military.
They had a first aid education there too for everybody and we watched it. 👏 But we missed the police dogs show. 😢 I really wanted to see that show but hopefully I get the chance some other time in life. ^^
We were att many stores at the mall & I bought some things. (Look at hte pictures down below).
When we were done at the store we took a long walk to Laune (it's 15 min from there we all 3 live). So we were att he supermarket there at Laune at I bought some food and then we walked home.
At home me and my fiancée made teriyaki (a Japanese dish). If you want me to write the recipe please comment this post just with "RECIPE", I promise I gonna post it! (I don't follow any recipes, I go after myself) haha! 😉
After the food I just ate some nuts as snacks and chilled. 😋
Pictures from tuesday:

For me & babe on Valentines day. <3

Hmm, what am I going to do with these? 🤔 Tips??

Hi , did you miss me?? Hahaha just kidding. I have just wrote this post 1 & ½ hour and I am just getting dopey and wierd. 😝
I woke up early in the morning, fixing my make-up, didn't had time to eat breakfast and went away to have a meeting with my teacher and my job I had/and now have again via my school. Like I wrote earlier here in my blog; I had a job-practice contract at a Hotel via my school in 6 weeks. Then I had school 2 weeks and after that the plan was to made a new contract again there via my school again, but this time with payment. The thing was just that my boss at the hotel ended her work there. So it came a new boss there, and it has just took 3 weeks i think to get a meeting there. BUT FINALLY!! I start to work at the hotel again tomorrow. Yeeey! 🙌
After the job-meeting I catched the bus on my way home, and ate some leftovers from yesterday. Quickly I fell asleep. Hahah life as pregnant omg. I am not old okay!? Just pregnant! 😂😂
My mother came over here and woke me up and I invided her for coffee and buns & me and my fiancée ate some food. Now I have blogged about this post for soon 2 hours! So if somebody read EVERYTHING at this post, it would be really fun to know! 😁 So if you read all this, pelase comment or/and like this post throught pressing the big heart under this post. (Only for you who read my blog via the phone). Thank u! 💖
And oh yeah, I named the title to "a small piece of stress". I have just very, very much upcoming this month and next month. So I just feel little bit of stressed. But don't worry! I am really, really happy! 😍😁
Picture from today (wednesday):

My belly is BIG now! 😵 Pregnancy week 18 (17 weeks + 5 days)
Animals, long walks & studying
My weekend
Me & my fiancée woke up and ate breakfast, and after that we had sauna-time in 1 hour (from 14:00:15:00). 😊 What is more harmonic than a suana? Like for real. 😇
Me & my fiancée woke up and ate breakfast, and after that we had sauna-time in 1 hour (from 14:00:15:00). 😊 What is more harmonic than a suana? Like for real. 😇
After that we just had a really relaxing day. I was soo tierd the whole day so I was almost in the sofa all of the time and washed towels. (I wash towels and clothes seperated) Haha! So yeah, not a special day really. 🙂
I woke up in the morning and ate breakfast, did my makeup and took the bus to a little ranch near the town.
I met my mother and her friend so we went to the ranch together. It was full of children and baby carriages everywhere! So it was a free day there today, and it was full with parents and kids. So cute finnish kids everywhere. 😍 We saw alpaccas, llamas, horses, rabbits, sheeps and more animals there. So cute! I love animals. 💚
When we were done at the ranch we walked 20 min to a café and a second-hand (in the place) and buyed coffee. I accually bought a coffe and it was the first cup I could drink in many months as pregnant. It was soo many weeks ago, last time when I drank coffée. I think it is because my mum has a "coffee- aura", and everytime I just see her I think of coffée haha! 😂 I ate a jam bun too. 😊
When the coffee break was over we looked at the second-hand things. I bought a question-parlour game. In the game it is questions about history, sports, culture, geography and so on. I have always wanted a parlour game like that, because I had a game like that when I was young in Sweden. I love games, it's fun to play sometimes when you have guests, in the christmas and like that. 😌
After that I walked home and my fiancée made omelette and exotic smoothie to me. 😍So cute!
In the evening I studied and chilled.✍
Hope you had a good weekend, bye! 👋
Photos from today (sunday):

Hello fellas!
I started the day with eating breakfast, like always. 😊 Then I took a shower and listened to music. After that I fixed myself and talked to my mother at the phone. She said that she and her friend were on they way to a shopping center (where is many second-hand shops.) So I said okay nice I gonna come there too! 🙂
So I ook a walk to that shopping center and we were looking in many second-hands shops there. (Here in Finland we love second-hand shopping). 🤗 So I bought knitting needles (size 3.5 mm) and a bigger top I can have later in my pregnancy. 🙂 I normally have size XS in tops but now when my belly is getting bigger for everyday I gotta prepare. 😜 So it was a size M top.
After that we went to the post office and I picked up my package, you who had read my blog before knows that i ordered babystuffs from IKEA. I was really suprised how big the baby bathtub is, and how good qualtity it is! So the baby bathtub from IKEA I'm going to rank 5/5 !👌
When we where done there we walked home to me, and just talked about everything, ate food and watched music videos. 😊 A really good friday! So almost direcly when they left I cooked dinner and my fiancée came home after work. So we ate dinner and to dessert we ate Runeberg cake. We have a day here in Finland which is called The Runeberg day, and then we have the tradition to enjoy a Runeberg cake on that day or around that day. 😊 He was a big poet and author in Finland. I love the Runeberg cake! I have never made the cake myself, but someday I will!
Oh yeah, almost forgot! Yesterday I got an meeting with my old work with the new boss there who I never met. So in wednesday I gonna hopefully made a new contract via my school there again. FINALLY!!
Hope you all had a good friday! Bye. 🖐🤗
Photos from today:

Runeberg cakes are made of almonds and arrack or rum. It usually has raspberry jam and around it you can see icing. 😍

Now I must buy garn so I can begin! ^^

I am not used to bye clothes in M size, it feels wierd haha!! But I am sure that this going to be cute with a big belly under it. 😇
The beauty and the beast
Thursday 6/2
I don't know why I put the title "Beauty and the beast." 🤣 But my life right now and myself feels like that to be honest haha! I just feel like an ugly beast but at the same time my life is so beautiful, and I try to feel beautiful too but I just feel that I look like a beast. 😂 I don't know, it's wierd to describe. 😝 I want to do so much too but my pregnancy is making me so tierd at the moment so it's kinda hard. I don't even going to blog about my yesterday because I didn't do a shit to be honest HEHE. So we skip that. 😉
Today I woke up late, (like everyday lately when I didn't have school and job). I ate a late breakfast, 3 sandwiches, 1 apple & 1 mango plus orange-juice.
After that I just chilled, and then I cleaned the kitchen and fixed the dishes.
In the evening me & my fiancée ate dinner and we watched the documentary about Lil peep. Many people do not know that I love his music and in my eyes he was a legend, and a legend never dies. 💘 I wish that he still would live, but heaven takes the best people first. 😞</3
I got a face serum today! I haven't got a serum in many years so I thought it was time for that. 😁 My skin is now little dry because of the winter.
I got LUMENEs Dew Quenching Aqua Serum. Price: 26 euro.
It's 100% vegan and made in Finland. Finland has the worlds cleanest water just to start with, and only that is very important for me in a face product. I love Lumenes products!
Product details from Lumenes own website:
'Infuse your skin with intense moisture for a healthy, youthful look. Like a pool of pure active concentrated hydration, each droplet of serum contains a daily dose of Pure Arctic Spring Water enriched with replenishing Organic Nordic Birch Sap, moisture retaining Nordic Algae and potent Hyaluronic Acid. Arctic Dew intensely hydrates the deepest surface layers of the epidermis and smoothes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, for plump, bouncy and dewy-looking skin
I am going to do a review about the serum this weekend! So stay tuned! 😉


So true!!

I ate this BIG meringue today ^^
Summary the last week and the last days. :)
Summary of last week, (week 5 2020)
and the last 2 days!
and the last 2 days!
Hello readers! Long time, no see!
Last week I just had a school day and all the other days I didn't had work. This is just because my contract there ended. (It was a work-practice contract together with my school). The thing is that we should do a new work-contract with the job and my school again, but this time with payment! But the boss at the workplace gor replaced by a new last week. So now it i's a new manager there so things had been taking much time now. The good thing is that today (4/2) my old boss wrote that she is going to say that the new boss is going to contact me. Goood! Everything is going to be alright, I hope! 😉 Stay positive Sanni!
Last week I just had a school day and all the other days I didn't had work. This is just because my contract there ended. (It was a work-practice contract together with my school). The thing is that we should do a new work-contract with the job and my school again, but this time with payment! But the boss at the workplace gor replaced by a new last week. So now it i's a new manager there so things had been taking much time now. The good thing is that today (4/2) my old boss wrote that she is going to say that the new boss is going to contact me. Goood! Everything is going to be alright, I hope! 😉 Stay positive Sanni!
Last friday I was at the mom-clinic. 😃 I heard our baby's heartbeats. 💗 Everything sounded good. I got the results from my blood-test too, and everything was PERFECT! 😍 She said that I got the blood type A+, interesting! ;p
Btw, the last few days.. Omg sooo tierd I have been! I'm 100% sure that it's because my pregnancy. Haha.
Yes, we got us a new home, so this month we gonna move! :D This apartmant where we are living in now is only something 56-58 square meters (2 rooms, kitchen, bathroom + balcony.) Our new apartment is 71 square meters with 3 rooms, kitchen, bathroom + balcony.
Yes, we got us a new home, so this month we gonna move! :D This apartmant where we are living in now is only something 56-58 square meters (2 rooms, kitchen, bathroom + balcony.) Our new apartment is 71 square meters with 3 rooms, kitchen, bathroom + balcony.
Our new living room is going to be bigger, our bedroom too! Plus that our baby is going to get her/his own room! 😍 It is in the middle of the city. Accually I am not a "city-girl", but here in little Lahti, It feels great! 😊
So you readers is going to see MUCH in my blog this year! Soon our new home, furishing and designing our new apartment, much baby shopping, and of course, my big tummy at the end and finally, OUR BABY!😍 Fantastic, right? Plus what do I do really much as pregnant, ofc much good food as always! ;)
Yesterday I had school-day, it was really fun and interesting! But I was so tierd, like all these last days. ZzZ.
Today I cleaned 1-1.5 h in our balcony. :) It was really, really nice weather today! So sunny and beutiful. Perfect day for cleaning the balcony.
P.S. Do you readers wish something special you want me to tell? Write about? Do you have some special ideas? Thoughts? Questions? Comment down below are you kind! Thanks and good night. 😘
Pictures from 29/1 - 4/2:

I love wasabi snacks!

...and ryebread burgers.🤤

Our prince. 💋

This food was soo good! Greek inspired food.

This korean face-mask with avocado was soo good for my dry, winter-skin! From It's skin. My skin is much better yet!

I went to sauna in saturday. What is better than a sauna??

Lastly, a funny pic of Paavo. 😂