Long time, no see! ;)
Hello fellas! Last time I blogged now were 6 days ago! I knooow, bad by me! 😜 To be honest, I have almost just worked my ass off these days. (Thursday, Friday, Mondag & today, Tuesday). It is a very physically demanding work, so I been really tierd the last time. Even the whole weekend! But that's how life is while you'r an pregnant, hard-working woman! 😉 HEHE! So I don't have so much to blog about the last days. I gonna give you an little summary of the days with pics instead. ;)
Today, (tuesday)
I woke up 08:00 in the morning. I was soo tierd that my eyes was pinching, and my body was hurting so much (from the job plus the pregnancy). I worked from 9:00-15:00 today and after that me and my mum was eating Japanese buffét.😍
After the buffét we were looking in Sokos (a mall with all the expensive brands) just for fun. I am just saying OH.. MY .. GOD.. Guess new collection of bags and belts. Like OMG. I love Guess, and I was dying inside when I saw them. I WANT THEM ALL! 😭 But I can't have nothing of them haha!! All the extra money is now going to our baby and to our new home, of course. Plus that I need new mama jeans,1 pair is not enought. 😂
When we were done with the window-shopping we took the bus home. 😊 At home I have just chilled and we gave out cat a bath plus shower. Haha! Because he is loosing much of his winter coat now, so every spring and autumm he needs a shower because of that. 😊
Here is some pictures for you from 13/2 - 18/2 (many selfies LOL) 🤣

From my job.

Also from my job, my job mate did this, not me. Beautiful, right? 😍

Nice hotelroom toilet, ritght? 😉

Candy at the work in Valentine's day. 😍

When I came home my finacée had made this at valentine's. 😻 (Look at out beautiful Paavo hihi)

Without filter!

Without filter, just good lightning.

Without filter, just good lightning.

Without filter!

With filter. 😊

With filter. 😊

With filter. 😊
Do you think it is a big different with my selfies with & without filter? Personally I do not think it is a different at all. What do you think? And which photos are the best? Please comment your opinion, and be honest! 😊

Paavo's spa-time. 😂

Today from the restaurant.