This post is an advertisement for Twistshake and contains ad links.

This post is an advertisement for Twistshake and contains ad links.
I got my order from Twistshake for 2 week ago and I am so happy with the products! 😃 I can't wait to see our future baby eat with these cute little things later this year. 😍
At this time Twistshake got 70% at many of their mix-kits, also the "The best start"- kit which one I got. This kit is just 47 euro, and look how much I got!
(See pictures down below) 😊
You can choose the colot of the product of everything by yourself, and the right product for your babys age! For an example the baby cups; there is for 4+ months,  8+ months and for 12+ months. 
I choosed for 4+ months of course because my baby is still in my tummy. 😋
This is the same with all the products in the kits! 😊
Buy your perfect, individual kit for your baby or kid here!
Pictures of my order:
 Here you can see refillable squeeze bags that you can fill with smoothie, juice, milkshake, milk or something else. The good things about these bags is that they are reusable, can be washed in the dishmachine, put in the freezer plus that they are REALLY cute. I love the designs! 😍
Mini cup for 4+ months in the color mint-green
Suction mat + plate. If the baby wanna throw the bowl away she/he can't because it's stacked in the mat. So good, right?! 😁
 Love the colors!


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