Pregnancy-group, baby-shopping & nausea.
Thursday, 11/6-2020
Oh-my-god-, what a night! 😤 I woke up 4 AM in the night of my idiot to neighbour, that he was FIGHTING with his friend outside on the street? I know that he takes drugs, I mean come on it's so obvious, I can see that. And all his friends too that I have seen. -.- Then his friend was trying to destroy something too? They where screaming and fighting and ohhhh! 😡 I was so near to call the police but I didn't have energy or time for that because my alarm was going to ring at 7 AM. Yeah so I was awake from 4 AM to 7 -.-, then I sleept almost a hours until 8. The I had so much stress!
The pregnancy group meeting should start at 9 AM, so I was like okay I will not go, I am too tierd and angry for this! BUT then I felt like no! My idiot-neighbour is not going to destroy my day! So I did my make-up fast & drank a half cup of coffee. I walked to the meeting (15-20 min), it was soo warm because of the sunny weather. 😵 Then I went to wrong place, and I got 10 min late to the pregnancy-group meeting because of that. I was so sweaty, stressed out, it was so warm, I was tierd and I just wanted to cry. I told them about my night and my morning, and I was like "sorry I just feel like I am going to cry. 😖😫". Haha they were like: "take it easy this is a pregnancy-group so if you wanna cry that is so okay if you do!". Haha but I did'nt cry, but I was really near hahah! 😂 I can not tell you readers what we did there or what we talked about, because that's a rule in the group, it's private. The only thing I can say is that I really needed that and I am looking forward to the next meeting. 😊
After the meeting I went to a secondhand-store that's only selling baby- and children things. 😃 Clothes, toys, furnishing & things like that. It was the first time I was there and ohh it was so fun! 😍 I found the best and cutest mobile ever!!!! I am very,vey happy that I found it!! I have searched for a special one a really long time, and finally I found the one! 😍 When I saw it in the store I was thinking that "It is like new and it's really cute!". Then when I got home I realised that it was moving, it had 3 songs and it has a night lamp too! YOU CAN NOT UNDERSTAND MY HAPPINESS! 😭😍😍 Only for 8 euros! Hihi then I bought cute pants in size 56 too. 😚
When I got hope I was so tierd (like you can understand after 4 hours of sleep. 😴 So I sleept on the sofa for 1-2 hours. After that I was feeling really bad. Nausea, heartburn, my heart was going really fast, I was feeling wierd, dizzy and so on. I ate little and drank water & then it disapeard. But feeling like this sometimes is normal while being pregnant, especially when you haven't sleept good, and it's very warm and when you have walked alot. So yeah rest of the day I was feeling like SHIT accually, and the baby was very wild in my belly. So rest of the day I was just feeling ill on the sofa haha! 🤣
Hope you had a nice thursday guys! 🤗 Byeeee!
Pictures from this day:

I LOVE Disney-clothes and toys! 😍