Trying to survive this summer-heat in the last stage of pregnancy!
Sorry I haven't blogged in 1 week now! 😕
That's because the last days has been too warm for me! 😰Then I mean so warm that I for real has been thinking 1000 times that I am not going to survive hahaha. 😅
What have I done the last days?
Well.. NOTHING.. Just trying to survive! 🤣
My feets and hands are swollen, It's hard to put on my shoes, it hurts when I walk with my shoes..
My ribs are killing me, it feels like my ribs are going to break, litterally...
Almost my whole body is hurting accually!
I couldn't even go to the pregnancy-group yesterday because the nights are to warm for me so it's hard to sleep. Or then I am feeling ill, having heartburn or pain somewhere. 😑 Yeah..I think you understand what I' going throught now. LOL. This last stage of pregnancy in this hot summer heat is NOT funny.. 😪 I just want this to be over, the delivery can absolutely NOT be worse than this, suffering everyday now.
Today it is exactly 10 % left of my pregnancy. GOD GIVE ME STRENGHT! 🙏
