Much pain but still going strong! 😅
I woke up early, like almost every day. 😛 I been having much pain today in my back, tailbone, my hips, ribs, stomach, yeah my whole upper body in principle. 😅😪 I am sick of this feeling to be so disabled. It's is not long until the delivery though. I want the time to go faster!! 😝
Today me & Tom made burger for lunch. After the lunch I sleept 1 hour like almost every day as pregnant. 😂 I feel liek a grandma, for real haha.. When I woke up, again for the day I bought 3 cute pyjamas from H&M, (online). 3 pyjamas for only 20 euro! Very cute too. 😊
Later we went to my favorite store Rusta. They have so much fun things! We bought fluffy, white, small ball lamps to the baby-room and other stuffs too. Hahaha that sounded so perverse! 😂 But yeah, the lamps is so cute, they are going to be on the wall above our baby's cot. 😍
At the evening we ate dinner and then I organized all my earrings. I trowed some away which was in bad condition and now I can find the pairs without problem hihi. So now I just need organize my rings, necklaces and so on.
I ordered a second play-mat for our babygirl today too. Because that one we have was really, really small ?! It is good for taking to room to room, but this new, big, !normal! playmat is going to be just in the livingroom all the time. 😊 I ordered it from Jollyroom.
Rest of the day I have just being in the sofa with pain as usual. 😅

I am alive, hehe!
Hiiii fellas! Yes, I'm alive haha! 😂 I didn't blog for about 1 week because I felt not so alive to be honest. 😅 The pregnancy-tierdness took over my body completely! I was sleeping almost all the time in many days at row. At nights, and 1-2 times at the day too. Only women's who have been pregnant knows exactly what I am talking about! But now that little sleepy-head period is over, again. 😇 I have now been feeling "normal" for 2-3 days. Finally not a zombie haha! 😵
Today I woke up early, ate breakfast and I have accually been talking at the phone very, very much today. 😋 Then I went to Trio here in the city, (it is a shopping mall).
I was looking at clothes, baby-clothes as usual and at interior design stuffs too. 😊 OMG, it is so many good-looking clothes everywhere now! The I mean for women and children, and sooo much beautiful interior design too. Then I mean really much hihi! But... I can't buy clothes to myself now when I am so big, and the baby is still coming soon. So it just feel so worthless to buy clothes that I can wear 1-2 times, then no more hahaha. 😅 I would be an idiot if I bought clothes to myself at this stage of the pregnancy. I mean she is estimated NEXT WEEK!!! 😱😁💖 The time just flies by so fast!
Okay, what did I bought you may wonder? 🤑 I bought:
-A cute yellow body to my babygirl from Lindex.
-Blending & concealer brush from H&M, (my concealer brush has gone really bad lately, It's 5 years old thou🤣)
-A beautiful bracelet from H&M!
-Sunglasses from H&M.
(Look at the pictures down below😊)
After the shopping I went to the foodstore and bought some food, and then I got home, washed some clothes, & folded some towels. Yeah, after that I just ate food and have been taking it easy, blogging. 😊
Hope you all feel good this monday, ciao!
Pictures from today:

Pictures from yesterday, (only selfies) 🤣:

Week 39, (38 + 2)